The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 480: , Sister Yang wants to travel far away

Chapter 480, Sister Yang wants to travel far away

Sister Yang knew that her mother would not agree if she heard that she was going to travel far away. She sighed helplessly and looked at Liang Jin.


 Give Liang Jin a wink and ask him to help with a few words.

Normally Liang Jin would help her, but when it came to the safety of his daughter, Liang Jin also united with the Wu family.

"Your mother is right. It is indeed not safe for a girl like you to travel far away. I don't agree with this either."

They were able to agree to Sister Yang's public appearance and go to the medicine hall to treat people, which was considered as breaking the secular rules for her.

If other parents heard that their daughter was out in public, interacting with men and women all day long, let alone practicing medicine, they would not let her go out even if they were beaten to death.

 Only Wu and Liang Jin were more open-minded and doted on their children, so they reluctantly agreed.

  But a hundred of them disagreed with letting Sister Yang go on a long journey.

Mrs. Wu said melancholy, "You've seen so much treating people on the street, why do you have to go so far away?"

Jiangnan is still very big. With so many patients, it will be quite busy. Why go so far?

Sister Yang said, "Doctors have to keep learning in order to accumulate experience."

If you didn’t go out, you wouldn’t know there are so many patients with difficult and complicated diseases out there.

I don’t even know which small island or deep mountain forest the precious medicinal herbs are on.

 She has to go out to see more herbs. Otherwise, if you stay here every day, although your medical skills can improve, the limitations will still be small.

 Wu still felt it was inappropriate.

"If you were in your thirties or forties, I wouldn't care about you, but you are only a teenager and your martial arts skills are not good. I am afraid that if you do something bad on the road, your father and I will regret it for the rest of our lives. How can you bear it?"

 The four children were all their darlings, and they would feel distressed if any one of them fell or was touched.

Sister Yang was worried. She pursed her lips and said helplessly, "Isn't there a master following me? The master is very skilled in martial arts. With him following me, what should I be afraid of?"

Mrs. Wu took over and said, "Your master is an alcoholic. He can't sleep without a drink. Every time I go over to see you, he is drunk to death."

How can she protect her daughter like this?

 Sister Yang snorted. "Master him"

It seems that I can’t do without wine every day.

 And you can sleep anytime and anywhere, regardless of the east, west or north. You can even sleep directly while lying on the road.

Mrs. Wu glared at Sister Yang and said, "Look, you yourself know that your master is unreliable. How dare you travel far away with me?"

What if, on their way there, Gutou finished drinking and stumbled off to sleep somewhere, but Sister Yang couldn't find her no matter how hard she looked for her?

Sister Yang explained, "Well, my master is usually unreliable, but he is still very reliable at critical moments. And I am not a child anymore. I can handle daily necessities, food, housing, and transportation by myself. I can also do Qinggong, and I can also use poison and silver needles. You don’t have to worry too much about me.”

Mrs. Wu still disagreed, "You should treat people in Jiangnan for a few years first, and wait until you are older in a few years."

Mrs. Wu wanted to wait until Sister Yang was older, hoping that she would get tired of seeing patients and not want to travel far away.

 Otherwise, the mother would be worried when her son traveled thousands of miles, let alone her daughter, who would be worried to death and wish she could go with her.

Sister Yang had no choice but to ask Sister Ying for help.

 “Sister, please help me~”

Sister Ying can understand Sister Yang’s mood.

 The little girl has a dream and she definitely wants to realize it.

However, it is reasonable for her parents to worry about her.

 She was in a dilemma and didn’t know who to help.


Sister Yang took Sister Ying's arm and shook her, acting like a baby.

"Please help me talk to mother~" Sister Ying raised her head to look at Mrs. Wu, but she saw Mrs. Wu snorted and refused directly, "I don't agree with this matter, and it doesn't matter what you say."

 Helping, Sister Ying had no choice but to look at Liang Jin.


Liang Jin coughed and said, "I will listen to your mother."

 In the end, Sister Ying and Sister Yang had no choice but to look at Mrs. Liang.

 Old Mrs. Liang waved her hands, "I, I, I, I make dumplings."

 How can she make the decision when her son and daughter-in-law don’t agree?

Don't make Mrs. Wu angry, just don't talk to her, she will die of frustration.

Seeing that no one in the family agreed, Sister Yang could only look at Jing Shi Rong.


Jing Shirong thought for a while and put his opinions together, "Why don't you ask Brother Sen if he wants to go together?"

 Sen Ge'er has great martial arts skills. With his protection, Yang Jie'er will be much safer on the road.

Moreover, he was able to compete with different masters in martial arts along the way, and both siblings learned a lot at the same time.

Sister Yang's eyes lit up, "Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

It happened that Brother Sen came back at this time. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw the whole family looking at him.

 Seng Geer was startled, "You??" Why are you all looking at him?

Sister Yang smiled, ran to him, and asked him, "Brother Sen, master and I are going to Yaowang Island, can you come with us? I heard that there are many masters on Yaowang Island."

"If you go there, you will definitely be able to compete with many masters in martial arts. How about it? Do you want to go?"

When Brother Sen heard this, he thought about it and thought it was okay, so he agreed, "Okay. Let's go together then."

It just so happens that he has now reached the bottleneck period of martial arts training, and he is waiting for the master's moves to fully understand it.

I heard that there are many weird masters on Yaowang Island, so it would be good to go and see them.

Mrs. Wu didn't expect him to agree so readily, and said with a headache, "You kid, why did you agree so easily?"

They were about to stop Sister Yang from leaving, but this brat, if you say something like this, wouldn’t Sister Yang have to leave again?

 Brother Sen was stared at in confusion by his mother, and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Mrs. Wu scolded him, "Your third sister is fooling around, why are you also fooling around?"

"You are only a few years old, and you want to go to Yaowang Island with others. Do you want your family to worry to death?"

She also took Mrs. Liang as an example, "Your grandmother is already very old. If something happens to you two on Yaowang Island, how should you call her?"

Mrs. Liang was stunned for a moment when she was nodded, but she quickly reacted and nodded in cooperation with Mrs. Wu.

He also said, "That's right. I'm already old and my eyesight is dim. I don't know how many years I have left to live. You'd better stay at home and stay with me. Alas."

  The acting is quite similar, but she doesn’t look like she has the energy to live for a few years.

In particular, Mrs. Liang loves beauty. Although she is a grandmother's age, she dresses in a dazzling way every day when she goes out, competing with a group of old ladies.

Today she is also wearing clothes that look youthful, and she has perfume on her face, and she is not in very good spirits.

You still have the nerve to say that you don’t have a few years to live?

Sister Yang and Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh.

Mrs. Liang glanced at her gorgeous clothes, coughed, and said with a guilty conscience, "What? I'm just reflecting on my past. I want to wear more beautiful clothes while I'm alive. You guys are happy to see it, aren't you?"

  Wu covered his face and couldn’t even see it. He was just a pig teammate.

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 (End of this chapter)

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