The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 481: , Sister Yang’s rebellious period

Chapter 481, Sister Yang’s rebellious period

 Finally, Liang Jin said, "Okay, let's make dumplings first. We'll talk about it later after eating."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Okay, let's make the dumplings first."

So the family stopped talking and continued making dumplings.

 After a while, the dumplings were all ready.

Putting hot water into the pot, Wu cooked three large pots of mutton dumplings and used the remaining dumplings to fry.

 Fry in hot oil until golden and crispy.

Jing Shirong and Liang Jin took the dumplings out, and the family sat down to eat the dumplings together.

Sister Ying helped them prepare the dipping sauce, each serving a small plate.

Mrs. Wu mixed some more cold dishes.

 Let everyone eat together to relieve the tiredness.

 At the dinner table, the whole family was very happy.

Especially Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang, who enthusiastically asked Sister Ying and Jing Shirong to say, "Eat it while it's hot."

Sister Ying hummed happily, picked up the mutton dumplings, dipped them in the sauce and took a bite, "Hmm~~" It still tasted familiar.

Seeing that she liked it, Mrs. Wu lovingly gave her a fried dumpling, "Try to see if it's crispy. You like fried dumplings the best."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Mom, I remember it."

Mrs. Wu scolded her, "How can I forget?"

 “By the way, when are you leaving?”

Jing Shirong replied, "After one night, we will set off tomorrow."

Mrs. Wu nodded. Although it was a pity, it was not a pity. After all, it was good that they came here specially.

“Then I’ll go and pack some solid food for you, so you can take it with you on the way tomorrow.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "That's fine, I'm sorry to bother you."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Silly boy, why are you so polite to me?"

 After saying that, he stood up and went to collect the dry food.

When Sister Yang saw Mr. Wu going to the kitchen, she whispered to Liang Jin, "Dad, you really don't want me to go on a long trip with Brother Sen?"

“Can’t we just go out and try?”

 She thinks that her ability to survive is not bad, and there should be no problem in traveling far away. Why can't she be allowed to try it?

Liang Jin coughed, looked outside the door, and whispered, "You don't know who has the final say in our family? Your mother doesn't let you go, so what if you go a few years later? It's not like you can't go here. study."

Sister Yang curled her lips and poked Brother Sen with her arm, asking him to say something.

 Sen Ge'er picked up the bowl and said very wisely, "I can't speak to my mother."

Both of them were afraid of the tigress at home, so Sister Yang could only snort in frustration, pick up the bowl and eat the dumplings angrily.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why don't you go to the jade mine with us? There should be a lot of herbal medicine resources there."

Sister Yang's eyes lit up, "Really? Is it okay?"

Sister Ying looked at Jing Shirong and asked him his opinion, "Is it convenient? Sir?"

Jing Shirong thought for a while and nodded, "Okay. Let her squeeze into the same carriage as you."

Liang Jin objected, "No. Your sister and brother-in-law are on errands for the emperor. Don't go and cause trouble."

Sister Yang was unconvinced, "How can I make trouble? I'm not a child anymore."

 Besides, she can also cure diseases and save people.

Liang Jin was not sure, "You have become more and more rebellious recently. As your sister said, rebellious period!"

Mrs. Wu came in and heard this, and nodded in agreement, "Yes. This kid is very rebellious now. He tries to do everything against me, and he almost makes me angry."

Sister Yang stuck out her tongue and said, "I don't have it."

She just couldn't control her emotions occasionally, so she yelled at her parents, and she regretted it afterwards.

 This is what adolescent children are like.

  Sometimes speaking is faster than the brain, and unpleasant words are said out loud without thinking clearly.

 When I recalled my parents’ sad expressions afterwards, I immediately regretted it.

 But the words of apology were hard to come out no matter what, it was very awkward. Sister Ying understands very well, "Children are all like this." Otherwise, there would be no such thing as adolescence.

Wu didn’t really blame Sister Yang, she just felt angry and her head buzzed from time to time.

 Fortunately, Sister Yang would behave well for a while after her rebellion, as if she was apologizing in this way, otherwise Mrs. Wu would be really angry to death.

As he was saying this, Qi Yuanming settled down his team and came over.

 “Ajing? Where are you?”

Mrs. Wu hurriedly walked out to greet him, "Brother Ming, here."

Qi Yuanming hadn’t seen Mrs. Wu for a long time, so he was very excited to see her now.

 “Aunt Wu~”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Come in and sit down, the dumplings are still warm."

Qi Yuanming scratched his head happily, "Aunt Wu's cooking is the best I've ever tasted, so I'm not welcome?"

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Silly boy, why are you so polite? Come in and eat."

After saying that, he hurriedly brought him bowls and chopsticks, and filled him with a large bowl of dumplings.

Qi Yuanming saw that their whole family was there and greeted them with a smile.

“Old Mrs. Liang, long time no see~ you are still so beautiful.”

Mrs. Liang laughed and said, "Boy, your mouth is still so sweet. Sit down and eat."

Qi Yuanming laughed and said hello to Liang Jin again, "Uncle Liang, I haven't seen you here, but you are still so energetic."

Liang Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he also poured him a glass of wine.

 “Drink something?”

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "No, I have to go on a journey tomorrow, so I won't drink."

 Lest you become more and more addicted to drinking and won’t be able to get up tomorrow.

Hearing this, Liang Jin stopped trying and said, "Okay, then you can eat the dumplings."

Qi Yuanming made a sound, picked up the bowl and started eating dumplings.

While eating, I suddenly remembered that Sister Yang and Brother Sen were also there, so I quickly put down my bowl to say hello to them.

“Hey, is this Sister Yang? Is she so big?”

I saw this little girl last year and she was still short. Has she grown so tall this year?

Sister Yang snorted and raised her chin, "That's right. I've grown a lot taller this year."

 And she wasn't short last year either, it's just that she wasn't as tall as this stupid tall guy and that's why she looked short.

Sister Yang glanced at Qi Yuanming up and down, feeling that this big stupid guy was still the same as before. He was very stupid and could only giggle and eat stupidly. He was very stupid.

Qi Yuanming saw her looking directly at him with her big eyes, not knowing why, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" He wiped his mouth with his big hand.

Te opened it up and took a look, "No, isn't it quite clean?"

Sister Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She waved her hand and told him, "No, you can eat what you have."

Qi Yuanming was also honest and said oh and continued eating.

 After waiting for a while, Xiao Zi also came back. She was chatting with the maids in the backyard with her old acquaintances, not even bothering to eat.

 Kang Geer also came back with Mei Xianer at that time.

Now the dim sum shop owned by Wu Shipan is basically left to Mei Xianer to take care of it.

What Wu means is that Mei Xianer will marry Kang Geer sooner or later, so it would be a good idea to give Mei Xianer the dim sum shop as a betrothal gift.

Kang Geer will take the Chunwei exam again next year. If he becomes a Jinshi by then, he can go to the Lu family to propose marriage.

   Mrs. Wu had long hoped that he and Mei Xian'er would have a happy ending.

 “Mom, we are back.”

 Kang Geer and Mei Xianer walked in together, with shy expressions on their faces.

Mei Xian'er usually doesn't go into Liang's house with Kang Ge'er, for fear of being gossiped about by the evil-minded mother-in-law.

 Just today I learned that Sister Ying was back, so I rushed over to see Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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