Chapter 482, All-round player

As soon as she came in, she saw Sister Ying, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and she immediately trotted in happily.

 “Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying was also very happy to see Mei Xian'er. She stood up with a smile and hugged her.

 “Xiao Xianxian, long time no see.”

Looking Mei Xian'er up and down, she praised her, "Our fairy is getting more and more beautiful, and she has already surpassed me."

Mei Xian'er has the appearance of a fairy. She used to have a cold temperament and was particularly unworldly.

Now he has a human touch, his temperament is softer, and he is no longer so cold and difficult to approach.

The more Sister Ying looked at her, the more she liked her. She asked her, "Have you eaten? Let's eat dumplings together? We made a lot of dumplings today."

Mei Xian'er hesitated, but still agreed, "Okay."

Normally, she would never come to Liang's house with Kang Geer, let alone stay for dinner.

Because there are always a few loud-mouthed women nearby who are watching everyone's every move every day. As soon as they see some movement, they will start talking nonsense.

 Kang Geer is still studying. Mei Xianer doesn't want him to be gossiped about, so she usually keeps a distance from Kang Geer.

 Fortunately, Kang Geer is good at martial arts. He always climbs over the wall to find her so that no one can see her.

The two of them came in together in the evening. Mei Xianer was quite shy, as if she were entering the house like a young daughter-in-law.

The more Sister Ying looked at her, the more she became interested in her. She took her little hand and sat down to chat with her.

Kang Geer went to serve Mei Xianer with dumplings and dipping sauce.

Mrs. Wu couldn't stand it anymore and said to him, "Didn't you see your eldest sister and eldest brother-in-law coming? You don't even know how to say hello first?"

 Kang Geer chuckled, "I was about to open my mouth, but you beat me to it."

Sister Ying also glared at him, "I see you have immortal eyes in both of your eyes, so where can you find me and your brother-in-law?"

Kang Geer laughed heartlessly and said, "Look what eldest sister said, who said I don't miss you? When I go to the capital next year, I'm going to go to the Jing family to find you."

 He has even prepared the gifts he wants to bring to Sister Ying.

Sister Ying didn't believe it, "You still want to choose a gift for me? Take it out and show it to me. What good thing is it?"

Kang Geer scratched his head, feeling shy and said, "No, there are so many people here, I'll see you later."

Sister Ying deliberately teased him, "I don't. I want to see it now. Go and get it for me."

Kang Geer had no choice but to lower his head and beg for mercy in her ear, "Don't take it now. I will give it to you later when I go to the capital."

 Since it was a surprise, how could it be given so quickly?

Moreover, he can’t cash out this surprise now. He will have to wait until he wins the top prize before he can cash it out.

Mrs. Wu knew Kang Geer best and revealed Kang Geer's background. He told Sister Ying, "I think he probably wants to buy a yard next to your house after he finishes the top exam and move there to be your neighbor." ”

 In this way, Sister Ying will also have a family member in the capital.

Sister Ying was a little touched, "This guy is really thoughtful."

Although she usually went out with Jing Shirong and was not in the capital very often, she accepted this offer.

Sister Ying asked Kang Geer, "How have you been studying lately? Your brother-in-law happens to be here. If you don't understand something, you can ask him right away."

When Brother Kang heard this, he quickly asked Jing Shirong, "Brother-in-law, have you ever passed the first prize?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. I passed the exam."

He passed the civil and military examinations when he was a teenager.

However, the emperor wanted to train him at that time, so he asked him to keep a low profile and secretly assigned him tasks.

 So many people don’t know that he is the number one scholar in civil and military affairs. Only the military ministers in the court know.

When Kang Geer heard that he was actually the top scholar in civil and military affairs, he was immediately excited and said, "Then I'll get the book."

It just so happened that he still had a few difficult problems that he didn’t quite understand, and with the civil and military champion here, he could just learn some lessons.

Qi Yuanming saw that Jing Shirong had such a halo, and immediately said, "I was also the number one scholar in martial arts back then, and I was re-elected. Do any of you want to ask me for advice?"

Sister Yang burst out laughing, secretly thinking that this silly guy is still so childish.

But Brother Sen looked at Qi Yuanming very seriously and asked, "Brother Qi is the top scholar in martial arts?" Qi Yuanming saw someone asking and said happily, "Yes, I am. Do you want to compete with me?"

 Seng Geer was eager to compete with the masters, so he immediately stood up and gestured, "Please."

Qi Yuanming groaned and finished the last bite of the dumpling, "Not bad, you are very courageous. Let me practice with you."

 After saying that, he and Seng Geer left the house and went to the yard to row.

Qi Yuanming did not hold a sword, but gestured with Brother Sen with one hand.

Sister Yang loves to watch the excitement, so she immediately chased her out to watch.

Sister Ying ran out to watch after she was full.

 Brother Sen saw that Qi Yuanming didn't hold a weapon, so he naturally didn't hold one either and fought with him with his bare hands.

 The two of them tested the waters at first, but later saw that the other party was really strong, so they immediately became serious.

 The two figures hit each other from the ground to the roof and then to the trees, the bang bang bang bang became more and more heated.

Qi Yuanming didn't exert his full strength, but he also noticed that Brother Sen was very talented.

 “You are a good boy.”

 Seng Geer is modest, “The ancient teachings are good.”

Qi Yuanming was exchanging blows with him and said, "It's ancient, but you have to be talented to learn it."

“But have you reached a bottleneck in your next few moves? Why can’t you get better?”

Brother Sen nodded, "Yes, it's been a month and I still can't get through."

 Qi Yuanming helped him try it out, figured out some tricks, and immediately used Sen's moves to beat Sen.

 Seng Ge'er didn't know why, but he caught it quickly.

This was the first time that he was beaten by his own moves, and he was always at a disadvantage. This shows that Qi Yuanming's martial arts talent is extremely high.

Jing Shirong was also watching from below.

Sister Ying asked Jing Shirong, "Brother Rong, do you think Brother Qi can help Brother Sen break through the bottleneck?"

Jing Shirong looked at it for a while and nodded affirmatively, "Qi Yuanming is really good in martial arts except for his empty pockets."

 Hence, it is said that people’s talents are both long and short.

Some people are very stupid, but they are very strong in martial arts.

Some people are very smart but weak in martial arts.

Sister Ying laughed, "What about you? You are good at martial arts and can also read. What are your shortcomings?"

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, as proud as an old fox, "Father, I am an all-around player."

 Some people are destined to be ordinary, and some people are destined to come out of books with advantages all over them.

Although Jing Shirong is narcissistic, he does not deny that he is indeed an all-rounder.

He is good-looking, has good martial arts skills, and can read well. He is indeed a man who came out of books.

Qi Yuanming was so disgusted on the rooftop that he complained directly, "I think you are about the same, you are still such a stinker at your age."

Jing Shirong shrugged nonchalantly, "If you have the ability, you can also take the exam to become a top scholar. If you pass the exam, I will recognize you as my eldest brother."

 Qi Yuanming, "You." Bullying him for not knowing how to read, right?

Angry, he hit Brother Seng several times.

 Sen Ge'er was caught off guard by how fast he hit him, and he almost didn't react.

 Fortunately, he reacted quickly and immediately used his own tricks to defeat Qi Yuanming's tricks.

 If two people use the same trick, it depends on who understands it faster.

 Brother Sen still didn't understand it at first. It wasn't until he was hit twice by Qi Yuanming that he slowly understood the tricks.

 (End of this chapter)

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