Chapter 483, Seng Geer’s Worship

Jing Shirong was watching from below, feeling that Brother Sen was too slow to understand, so he tapped his toes to the ground, jumped to the roof, and joined in their fight.

 Sen Geer unexpectedly joined Jing Shirong, using his same tricks, and was immediately aroused to be competitive.

"watch out!"

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It depends on your ability."

He and Qi Yuanming both used Brother Sen's tricks to beat Brother Sen, and they even hurt Brother Sen. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and fought them for real.

Qi Yuanming laughed, as if he was bullying a child, "Does it hurt? If you admit defeat and call me big brother, we won't beat you."

 Seng Ge'er is also in adolescence, how could he give up easily and start fighting with them again immediately.

Jing Shirong looked at his moves for a while and knew where he was wrong. He immediately hit his back acupuncture point with a backhand. Brother Sen was so frightened that he used his inner strength to block it.

 When he burst out his inner strength, he finally realized, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

 He just said that every time he used this move, he didn't have the strength. It turned out that the internal force was not channeled to the right place.

 Now that I have used my internal strength for a while, it seems that both the Ren and Du meridians have been opened. The more you fight, the easier it becomes.

 Brother Sen was happy, and his handsome little face looked up to Jing Shirong, "Brother-in-law, can you give me some more tricks?"

Jing Shirong was as generous as an elder, "Okay."

 Having said that, he raised his sword and went over to teach him something more practical.

Qi Yuanming watched with great interest, and finally added that he and Jing Shirong would fight Brother Sen together.

 Brother Sen took Jing Shirong's sword on his left and Qi Yuanming's broadsword on his right. The blow was hard yet enjoyable.

 In the end, Jing Shirong saw that he was tired, so he immediately stopped and asked him, "Take a rest and drink some water."

 Although Brother Sen still wanted to fight, it was still difficult for him to deal with two masters together.

 Normally, he practices very well in Gugu.

But this is the first time that he has fought against such a strong martial arts master as Jing Shirong, Qi Yuanming.

Seeing that they were sweating on their foreheads, Mrs. Wu hurriedly brought hot tea for them to drink.

 “Sit down and drink some tea first, then play again later.”

Brother Sen was very excited and took the initiative to pour tea for Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong.

“Brother-in-law drinks tea, brother Qi drinks tea.”

Seeing his sudden enthusiasm, Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Okay, okay, let's drink tea."

It only takes one move to conquer the young man's admiration. Seeing how enthusiastic Brother Sen is now, he pours tea and wine for them, and then looks straight at the swords and heels of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming. Big knife.

 “Brother-in-law? Can I see your sword?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay. Take it."

 Normally, a master's sword would not be shown to others casually.

Sister Ying sometimes wants to see it, but Jing Shirong doesn’t give it to her, for fear that she will get it.

Today he handed over the sword without any precautions, showing his trust in the Wu family.

 Brother Sen held his sharp sword carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became, "Brother-in-law, is this sword made of black iron?"

You must know that a sword made of black iron can cut iron like clay, and the blade is deadly.

And black iron is hard to find, and only a few masters can get a dagger.

Like Jing Shirong’s, it looks thin, not very long, but it’s really sharp. It is also extremely heavy and feels heavy in your hand.

Sister Ying also came over and weighed it, "Oh, it's quite heavy."

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand to hold it for her, and did not allow her to draw the sword. "Be careful of cutting your hand."

 It was only when he got used to it that he could become one with the sword. But Sister Ying, who has never been used before, can easily cut the skin with the sword tip, and even the blood vessels will be cut, which is particularly dangerous. Naturally, Jing Shirong didn't dare to let her play.

Sister Ying was stopped by him, pouted, and snorted, "What?"

“You can’t even take a look at it?”

Jing Shirong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he carried her over and sat on his lap. He leaned his chin on her shoulder and murmured, "This sword is heavy. I'm afraid you'll be tired. If you like it, can I give you a dagger if you have a chance?"

Sister Ying shook her head, not really wanting it.

"No need. Just have you here. What dagger do you want? It's very heavy."

Jing Shirong also knew that Xuan Tie was heavy, so he suggested, "How about I find you someone who can take advantage of me? How about a whip?"

 The whip is light and easy to carry. It also hurts a lot when whipping someone, and it can also be used as a life-saving rope at critical moments.

Sister Ying snorted, "It seems, it's not impossible."

 But it always feels like it’s not quite suitable for her.

  After all, she is so gentle and gentle, she does not seem to be suitable for wearing braids.

Jing Shirong turned his head and snickered, thinking to himself, Madam, when you are a tigress, let alone a whip, a broadsword is suitable.

Of course I dare not say this, lest I sleep on the ground at night.

Mrs. Wu came over and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight? I will ask my servants to prepare the food later."

Sister Ying asked Jing Shirong, "What do you want to eat?"

Jing Shirong looked at Qi Yuanming. "You are a guest, please have some."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Yes, Brother Ming, just tell me what you want to eat. Whatever we have at home will be cooked for you."

Qi Yuanming glared at Jing Shirong, "Who said I was a guest? Isn't your home my home? Isn't it enough for me to accept Aunt Wu as my godmother?"

 Why exclude him?

Mrs. Wu couldn't help laughing and said with a smile, "Yes, yes. You are also a child of our family. What Brother Rong just said is wrong. I will ask Sister Ying to teach him a lesson for you."

Sister Ying nodded in agreement, "Yes. I will deal with him tonight and make him stay out like this."

Qi Yuanming was very happy and proud to see both of them helping him.

Seeing how stupid he was, Sister Yang couldn't help but shake her head.

I thought to myself that this stupid guy is still so easy to deceive. Just a few words of coaxing can make her happy and helpless. She has grown so tall and strong in vain.

She covered her mouth and snickered, making Qi Yuanming look confused.

 “Little girl, why are you laughing?”

Sister Yang glared at him, "I want you to take care of it!"

After hearing this, Mr. Wu immediately scolded her, "Why are you talking to your brother Qi? He's neither big nor small."

Qi Yuanming nodded, very childishly, "That's right. Not big or small."

 Sister Yang.

Well, she was too lazy to get along with this stupid guy.

Mrs. Wu looked at what other ingredients there were at home and saw that there was no meat left, so she asked Qi Yuanming, "Brother Ming, do you like to eat sauce elbows? Sweet and sour pork loin?"

Qi Yuanming loves to eat meat the most, especially the sauced pork elbow cooked by Wu's. He nodded with greed, "I can do it. You can do whatever is convenient for you."

Although I love to eat, I don’t want to cause trouble to others.

Mrs. Wu said kindly, "Okay, then I'll get some pork and cook some more hot dishes for you to eat in the evening."

 The children all said yes obediently and went to help one after another.

Sister Ying, Sister Yang and Mei Xianer went to help pick up vegetable leaves, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went to chop ribs, and Liang Jin and Brother Sen went to dig for wine.

Kang Geer was asked to chop firewood.

Old Mrs. Liang looked on from the side and saw that the whole family was enjoying themselves, her old face was very satisfied.

Sister Ying was picking up vegetable leaves while chatting with Mei Xianer.

 Ask her, "How is Xianxian's situation lately? I heard you say in your letter that the dim sum shop is becoming more and more stable and it already has a group of regular customers."

“Are you still researching new flavors of snacks now?”

Mei Xianer nodded and replied to her while choosing vegetables and leaves, "Yes. The business is not a big success, but there are many repeat customers, so I am very satisfied."

 (End of this chapter)

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