Chapter 488, love depends on feeling

Qi Yuanming said "Huh?" "Is one meal enough for you?"

Although he is greedy, he will not be greedy for things belonging to little girls.

 Just return the meat bun.

Miss Wang shyly waved her hand and handed the meat bun back again, "You can eat it, one is enough for me, don't waste it."

Qi Yuanming saw that she really didn't want to eat, so he ate the meat bun.

 Sister Yang saw this scene when she came over for breakfast.

Qi Yuanming was eating the meat buns stupidly, holding the hot soy milk in his left hand, and drank it happily.

 Miss Wang looked at him eating with a shy look.

 The two of them were sitting facing each other, and the scene was actually a bit warm.

Miss Wang’s appearance is the kind that is very suitable for living at home.

Qi Yuanming looks very much like the head of the family, and the two seem to be inexplicably matched.

Mrs. Wu came over and whispered to Sister Xiaoyang, "I think Brother Ming and Miss Wang are quite compatible as a couple. I wonder if Brother Ming has fallen in love with Miss Wang? Why don't you go and ask for help?"

Sister Yang was ashamed, "Why should I ask? I don't want it."

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "As a little kid, ask me what's going on?"

"Only if you ask, Brother Ming won't be embarrassed. If I ask, he will think I want to introduce him."

Sister Yang was speechless, "You just want to introduce him. Why are you pretending~"

Wu Shi hit her in the head and said, "I can't say it clearly during my introduction. If Brother Ming disagrees, Miss Wang will be embarrassed."

"Besides, you are younger than them, so go and ask as an excuse. If Brother Ming doesn't like it, just ignore it. We are not embarrassed by each other, isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Sister Yang shrugged and said helplessly, "I know, I'll just ask."

 Having said that, he walked in with his feet up.

 “No, don’t ask inside.”

Mrs. Wu saw how reckless she was and wanted to hold her back, but she had already walked in, so she had to watch secretly from the side.

As soon as Sister Yang came in, she saw Miss Wang still looking at Qi Yuanming with a shy face.

She coughed and asked Qi Yuanming, "Big man, are you full?"

Qi Yuanming finished the last bite of the meat buns and said, "You're done eating. What's the matter? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "No, I'll just chat with you."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Okay, you can chat."

Sister Yang glanced at Mrs. Wu and coughed, "What about that? Brother Qi is already weak, but is there a girl he likes?"

Qi Yuanming saw that her little face was serious, as if she were an adult asking about a marriage, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why are you asking this?"

“You don’t want to introduce it to me, do you?”

 Generally, people who ask him how old he is are basically asked to introduce girls to him, and he is used to it.

Sister Yang smiled, glanced at Miss Wang with an unclear meaning, and asked Qi Yuanming, "What kind of girl does Brother Qi like?"

Qi Yuanming thought about it and replied, "Well, I don't know what I want. It depends on how I feel."

 He has no plans for his future wife, as long as he sees one he likes, it should be fine.

Sister Yang and Miss Wang looked at each other, "How do you feel?"

 “Aren’t you going to pick on appearance, family background or something?”

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "Those things that are not important and that I like, my mother will basically not object to."

 His family has given up on saving him. As long as he is willing to marry a wife, they don't care about anything.

Sister Yang asked him jokingly, "Then what kind of feeling do you want? Please describe it to us."

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and couldn't describe it. "I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, it just depends on the feeling."

Sister Yang leaned over and asked him in a low voice, "What do you think of Sister Wang? Do you feel that way about her?" Qi Yuanming glanced at Miss Wang secretly, then shook his head and answered Sister Yang in a low voice.

 “It doesn’t feel like anything, just like a passing guest.”

If he was interested in someone, he would have taken the initiative to come over and have a chat, and he would not bother eating meat buns.

These words were neither big nor small. Miss Wang couldn't hear clearly, but she knew what he meant. She could only sigh and said, "I'll go back after I've finished eating."

 After saying that, he stood up and went out.

Mrs. Wu sighed as she watched from outside the door, saying in her heart that Qi Yuanming was enthusiastic, and it was true.

 But it’s really a bit too much.

Such a nice girl, I was stunned to ask him to persuade her to leave.

Sister Yang also found it funny. She waited until Miss Wang walked away before chatting with Qi Yuanming.

“Actually, Sister Wang is a very nice person. She can provide for the family and knows how to behave appropriately. She is also a filial girl. If you and her get married in the future, she will definitely be very good to you and your family.”

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and said helplessly, "But the key is that I like her."

 He has no feelings for that girl, let alone the urge to marry her, so naturally he doesn't like her.

Seeing how straightforward he was, Sister Yang smiled and said, "Okay, forget it if you don't like it. You can't force fate anyway."

Mrs. Wu came in to give them pancakes to eat. Seeing that Sister Yang had finished asking questions, she gave her a bunch of candied haws as a reward. "Give."

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Thank you, mother."

Mrs. Wu snorted, "You're welcome. Since you're the only one in the house who can eat sour food, I'll give it to you."

Just now, Sister Yang helped to ask clearly, so Miss Wang doesn't have to be embarrassed, and Qi Yuanming doesn't have to be embarrassed either. It's a lot easier.

lest the elders ask, Miss Wang will still be embarrassed, and she will be embarrassed by then.

Qi Yuanming didn't know what they meant. After finishing the meat buns, he went out and whistled, calling the accompanying team to start setting off.

The people he brought were all in Yipinzhai and had been up all morning. When they heard the sound of the flute, they all went downstairs and started to line up.

Sister Ying talked late last night and is still asleep now.

Jing Shirong got up, washed up, and came to the main room to eat.

Mrs. Wu served him soy milk, meat buns, and peeled fruit.

 Qi Yuanming, who had nothing on his side.

“Ajing, I envy you again for having such a wonderful mother-in-law’s family.”

 He really wants a mother-in-law who loves his son-in-law so much.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, "Then go find him."

The angry Qi Yuanming wanted to beat him.

The whole family got up one after another. After breakfast, Jing Shirong went to call Sister Ying.

Sister Ying talked with her mother until late at night before going to bed last night. It was still dark, so she naturally couldn't get up.

Mrs. Wu knew that she felt too much, so she didn't call her.

Jing Shirong asked Jing Shirong, "I'll let her sleep directly in the carriage. There's no need to wake her up. You're already tired from the long journey."

Although Jing Shirong also wanted Sister Ying to sleep a little longer, today was the day to say goodbye to her family. He was afraid that Sister Ying would be angry with him for not waking her up, so he naturally wanted to wake her up.

 He went to the house, picked up Sister Ying, and dressed her.

I have become proficient in how to put on clothes, but my hair is still crooked this way and that way, and there is no image at all.

But someone is so beautiful that even if his hair is like a chicken coop, he is still beautiful and fragrant, which makes people jealous.

Jing Shirong helped Sister Ying braid her hair, wiped her face with cold water, and then woke her up.

 “Sister Ying?”

 “Sister Ying?”

 (End of this chapter)

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