Chapter 489, Go to the Jade Mine

Sister Ying opened her eyes in a daze and called out, "Mom?"

Jing Shirong touched her head lovingly and said in a gentle voice, "Mom is outside. We are leaving. You go and say goodbye to them."

When Sister Ying heard that she was leaving, she woke up in surprise, "Are you leaving? Then I'll get up and tell my mother."

 Having said that, I got out of bed in a hurry, without even putting on my shoes, for fear of not being able to make it in time.

Jing Shirong grabbed her and said, "Come back and put on your shoes."

 He carried her back, put her on a chair, squatted down and put on her shoes and socks.

“How old are you, and you’re still so frizzy? How can you go out without shoes in the winter?” You’ll have a stomachache if you catch a cold.

Sister Ying rubbed her eyes and smiled guiltily, "Isn't that why I was still dreaming?"

 She had never woken up so early before, and the sun hadn't even come out yet.

Jing Shirong squatted down and put on her shoes and socks, put on a cloak and a warm scarf, and then took her out together.

The morning in early winter is particularly cool and the wind is biting.

As soon as I stepped out of the warm room, I was blown away by a gust of cool breeze.

 “Oh my god, it’s so cold.”

Jing Shirong pulled her hat back and said, "The wind in the south is like an awl, which makes people's bones hurt. You'd better sleep before the sun comes up."

Sister Ying also thought, "I couldn't ask for more, haha."

 She likes to sleep in the most, especially in winter.

Seeing them coming over chatting and laughing, Mr. Wu felt more satisfied than anything else.

 As long as Brother Rong treats Sister Ying well, she will feel at ease no matter how far they go.


As soon as Sister Ying came in, she immediately threw herself into Mrs. Wu's arms, acting like a cat.

“Mom~~ we are leaving. Take good care of yourself at home and don’t worry too much.”

Mrs. Wu touched her messy hair lovingly, "I know, we are doing well at home, and the whole family will take care of each other, so don't worry."

“You, on the other hand, are already a wife, and you are still so lazy. Brother Rong has become starved and thin because of you.”

Sister Ying felt guilty and ashamed, "No, isn't it quite strong?"

Mrs. Wu whispered in her ear, "He is so good to you, so you should pay more attention to him. You can't always let others pay, but you also have to repay others, do you understand?"

Sister Ying nodded solemnly, "I understand, and I will love him well."

 Wu Shi smiled and tidied her chicken head again.

  "You should study something to eat when you go. Don't just make do with it. If you eat it badly, the gain will outweigh the loss."

“I brought you some vegetable seeds, so you can plant them yourself when you get there.”

“But I’m afraid it’s hard to germinate in the winter, so you should go to the local area to buy more food and store it. Anyway, don’t go hungry.”

Mrs. Wu's worried look moved Sister Ying to hug her, "Mother~"

 It’s great to be her mother’s child, and she will be loved by others throughout her life.

Mrs. Wu also touched her head affectionately and said, "Okay, drink the soy milk and then set off. You can eat the meat buns on the way."

"Well, I understand. You are all well at home. If you have anything to do, write to me."

 Wu Shi nodded, "Okay, we will write to you regularly."

 The mother and daughter had a chat, and Mrs. Liang and Liang Jin also came over to say a few words.

 Liang Jin, “Pay attention to safety on the road.”

Mrs. Liang said, "Hurry up and have a child."

 Sister Ying…

“I know, you are almost chanting it like a curse.”

Sister Yang also came and said, "Mom, can I go with eldest sister?"

Wu Shi pulled her back and said, "You have a beautiful idea."

Sister Yang snorted and got angry.

Sister Ying finished drinking the soy milk and got on the carriage.

The family came out to see them off, and she opened the car curtain and waved to them.

 “Mom, dad, grandma, I’m leaving.”

Mrs. Liang said in a loud voice, "I know, remember to have a baby as soon as possible." Sister Ying:...

 Can't live without this curse.

Jing Shirong even laughed.

 “Grandma is still really interesting.”

Sister Ying was ashamed, "It's interesting, just like Monk Tang reciting sutras."

Qi Yuanming will organize his team now and come over to join them.

 “Ajing, here.”

 After the three people gathered together, they started walking on the mountain road.

Murong Yun pointed out a shortcut to Jing Shirong.

As long as you climb a few mountains and cross a river, you can reach your destination.

However, climbing the mountain is quite tiring. Fortunately, they have horses to ride.

But the horse will also get tired, so you have to stop and go along the way to let the horse rest.

There are many wild fruits on the mountain and many wild flowers.

In the evening, a group of people were warming themselves by the fire on the top of the mountain. Jing Shirong picked a bunch of wild flowers for Sister Ying. They were fragrant.

Bring it to her in the carriage and say, "No, this flower is very fragrant. Put it in the carriage for incense."

Seeing how romantic he was, Sister Ying hugged the flowers, smelled them, and then kissed him, "Thank you, sir~"

Jing Shirong's ears were slightly red, "No, just rest. We will continue on our way in a while."

 Looking serious on the face, I feel quite happy in my heart.

 After the horses have eaten and drank enough, they continue on their way.

 After walking for more than a month, we finally arrived at the river.

  The group of people got on the boat together and sat down to rest so that they could catch their breath.

 After arriving at the jade mining town, Qi Yuanming first went to the Yamen, and then asked someone to take them up the mountain.

When the county magistrate saw them coming, he intended to be perfunctory and said, "You and your group have come all the way here, why don't you rest for a few days before going up the mountain? It's very deserted on the mountain in this weather."

 After that, he specially asked a beautiful maid to serve them.

When Qi Yuanming saw this posture, he didn't understand anything.

"Okay, I'll rest here for a few days and let my men go to the mountain first, so that the palace won't be able to explain."

The county magistrate saw that he was so polite and immediately smiled and said, "Okay, okay, then come with me, and I will take you to the side room to rest."

Jing Shirong waited for a while and saw that Qi Yuanming didn't come out, so he asked someone to call him.

   But the people who came were actually yamen servants.

The yamen servant looked careless and looked down on people, and shouted at them.

"You want to go up the mountain, right? Come with me."

After saying that, he looked at Jing Shirong's **** horse and said greedily, "Your horse is okay, let me ride it?"

Jing Shirong smiled dangerously with his dark eyes, "Riding? It's not impossible, but my horse was picked up halfway, and it's hard to find for wild training. If I accidentally kick someone to death, I won't pay compensation."

After listening to his words, the little black horse raised its hooves in cooperation, stood up, and let out a menacing "hush~", which frightened the yamen servant and backed away.

 “Bah, you are an inhumane beast.”

He was afraid of returning, but he also blamed the horse for being ignorant and speaking rudely.

The little black horse didn't like him. With two "Uuuu~" sounds, the horse's hoof stretched out and almost kicked the yamen servant in the face.

 The frightened yamen servant screamed, "Help!"

Jing Shirong was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, so he calmly asked the little black horse to retreat.

 Then he pretended to say, "Look, didn't I just remind you out of kindness? Beasts are inhumane."

He actually gave the words back to him.

"You." The yamen servant was furious, but he didn't dare to make any mistakes, so he had to lead them up the mountain angrily.

“There is the entrance in front, go up by yourself, I am very busy.”

 After saying that, he went straight down the mountain.

Jing Shirong looked at the entrance to the mountain. There were footprints and carriage prints all the way, which showed that there must be a lot of carriages and people coming to the mountain every day.

 (End of this chapter)

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