The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 490: , Jing Shirong sings a black face

Chapter 490, Jing Shirong plays a bad role

Jing Shirong led people into the mountains. Once up the mountain, the road became difficult to walk.

It may have rained heavily a few days ago, and the mountain road was very slippery, and the carriage slipped backwards when going up.

 Moreover, the roads are full of potholes and the road condition is very poor.

Seeing the carriage rocking back and forth, Jing Shirong couldn't help but frown and asked someone to check where the money allocated by the emperor for road construction had gone.

Evidently the emperor told him that he had allocated money to build mountain roads to prevent them from being destroyed and turned into potholes.

 But the road in front of us has almost no flat ground and is full of pits. It can be seen that the money was not used to build the road at all.

The secret guard went to convey the news to Qi Yuanming. After Qi Yuanming found out, he stayed with the county magistrate to check the evidence.

Jing Shirong first led people up the mountain. When they arrived at the entrance of the jade mine, they saw a group of workers transporting the ore out in a steady stream.

Most of those ores are stones, with only a little bit of jade in them.

The workers have to transport the stone out, and then have someone specialize in digging out the jade.

Jing Shirong took a look around on horseback and found that the workers transporting stones all looked fierce and did not look like the villagers down the mountain.

 When they entered the village, they had seen the villagers at the foot of the mountain. They were all relatively simple-looking.

This group of people are the only ones with more striking looks. Although they look dark, their sharp eyes cannot satisfy anyone.

Jing Shirong was troubled but kept his composure and asked someone to go to the house on the mountain to take a look first.

The secret guard went to see the house and came back to report, "Sir, there are all thatched houses over there. There are no wooden houses or stone houses at all. They probably won't survive the winter."

The thatched house gets wet when it rains and leaks.

It has been raining heavily in the past few days, and the thatched house has been leaking for a long time. Not only people, but also horses cannot live in it.

Jing Shirong went to check it out personally, and the more he looked at it, the angrier he became.

The emperor clearly ordered the county magistrate here to build a stone house on the mountain, but the county magistrate actually dared to disobey it and enrich himself.

They will have to live here for a long time. In the middle of winter, they cannot live in a leaky thatched house.

Jing Shirong asked people to take a good look at Sister Ying and went down the mountain first.

 He went to the county government office in a furious manner without taking anyone with him.

The yamen servant outside the door saw him riding straight in and wanted to stop him, but Jing Shirong reined in the horse's rope. The little black horse immediately let out a "whisper", raised its hoofs, and was about to step on the man.

Several government officials were frightened and rushed in to report.

The county magistrate is entertaining Qi Yuanming in the backyard at this time. He has a luminous cup of grape wine and the waiter is considerate.

"Sir! It's not good, there's a man on a big horse coming outside the door. He's very fierce. Go and have a look."

As soon as Qi Yuanming heard that Jing Shirong was coming, he knew that he was here to play bad guy. He immediately clicked his tongue impatiently and said, "Isn't it him? It's really annoying."

As soon as the county magistrate heard that he knew him, he immediately asked, "Who is it? Do you know him?"

Qi Yuanming pretended to be angry and said, "Who else could it be? The one who came with me is a young master from aristocratic family. Your Majesty is willing to let him come out to practice this time. Who knew that he has such a crazy temper and thinks he is like the boss? Look at I'm very angry."

He pretended that he couldn't get along with Jing Shirong, and he did it deliberately to show the county magistrate.

The county magistrate did not expect that they came together and had a disagreement. He was very happy immediately and said with a smile on his face, "Sir, don't be angry. You can't get angry with a young man like that. You drink and I'll go over and take a look."

Qi Yuanming waved his hands like an uncle, "Go ahead, remember not to confront that guy head-on. After all, his status is much higher than yours."

Seeing that he cared about him, the county magistrate nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, I understand."

 But after walking out of this door, he looked behind him suspiciously and said to his master, "Do you think these two people really don't get along? Or are they deliberately trying to deceive me?"

The master stroked his goatee and thought, "I'm not sure about this." After all, there were many people in the court, and it was normal for them to be divided into gangs.

Moreover, the young man in the courtyard has a cold face, looks proud and arrogant, and is completely different from Mr. Qi inside.

 The two of them are drunk and lustful, and the other is condescending. It seems that they are not in the same group.

The county magistrate went out to test the water first and came to the courtyard to find Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong saw that he was staring at her with evil eyes and his handsome face was indifferent, so he asked, "Guan Gu, how brave are you to embezzle the money allocated by His Majesty?"

The county magistrate was not afraid of him. He smiled softly and asked, "What do you mean by this, my lord? Why can't I understand this?" The mountains are high here and the emperor is far away. He doesn't believe that the other party can really spread the news.

Even if the news spreads and he refuses to admit it, can they still arrest people casually?

Jing Shirong sneered and waved his whip directly at him, "You still dare to quibble?"

"Before leaving, Your Majesty said that we would allocate funds to build stone houses. But you actually dare to use thatched houses as inferior ones? This is deceiving the emperor, and you should be beheaded in public!"

 He deliberately said something so unforgiving, just to make the county magistrate think that he was a rich young man who couldn't bear hardships.

Sure enough, when the county magistrate heard about this, he quickly said, "You are talking about building a stone house? You really misunderstood the official."

“The stone house has been built and it’s in the backyard. If you don’t believe me, take a look.”

 After saying that, he pointed to a high-rise building in the backyard, which looked very luxurious.

Jing Shirong laughed angrily.

I thought to myself that the county magistrate was really thick-skinned.

He actually used the emperor’s money to build a house for himself? Is it so luxurious?

 Presumably he also used the money for road construction to build houses.

The county magistrate was also quietly observing Jing Shirong's expression. Seeing that he looked contemptuous and spurned, he pretended not to see him and smiled.

“The stone house was built not long ago and is specially reserved for adults to live in. I will take you there in a moment?”

Jing Shirong chuckled and started to act serious, "Your Majesty is talking about building a house on the mountain, not your backyard!"

Pretending not to understand what he meant, the county magistrate pretended to be dumbfounded and said, "It's the same thing if you live up there. This side is also a mountain. Let's go. I'll take you over there to have a rest. We'll start work after you've rested?"

Jing Shirong snorted coldly and did not bother with him, "Go and take a look first."

Seeing that he was willing to go, the county magistrate led him to the three-story building in the backyard with a smile.

As soon as you enter, you will see a dazzling array of high-end hangings on both sides.

Jing Shirong looked up and down and roughly knew how much his suit cost.

Qi Yuanming saw the right moment, came over at the right time, and said to Jing Shirong, "Master Jing, come here for a drink?"

Jing Shirong glanced at him with a "cold face" and refused intuitively.

 “I’m going to see the stone house, you’d better mind yourself.”

Qi Yuanming was very polite and cooperated with the performance, "Hey, why are you pretending to be cold? It's just a few filthy rich people in your family. What's the big deal?"

Jing Shirong's acting skills retorted, "It's better than you, a poor guy."

 “You! Who do you think is poor?”

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the county magistrate pretended to come over to persuade them.

 “Hey, you two, stop arguing. Being harmonious makes you rich, and being kind makes you rich.”

 (End of this chapter)

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