The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 491: , Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming sang together

Chapter 491, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming sang together

 “Making money is nothing!”

 “Who wants to make peace with him and make money?”

The two of them rolled their eyes at the same time, not wanting to see each other.

The county magistrate saw that they couldn't get along, so he looked at the master and asked the master to observe more secretly.

Jing Shirong knew what they were looking at and said harshly to the county magistrate, "Why don't you lead the way!"

The county magistrate had a hypocritical face and said, "Hey, please come this way."

Jing Shirong followed him to the third floor. He looked around on the third floor. He had a wide view and could see the top of the mountain at a glance.

 But the entrance to the mountain mine is not very clear.

The county magistrate smiled mischievously and walked over to him and asked, "Sir, the environment here is good, otherwise you will live here?"

Jing Shirong saw that his old eyes were cloudy and he had a crooked demeanor, so naturally it was impossible for him to do what he wanted.

Although the environment here is good, it is far away from the mountains, and you can't see everything happening on the mountains carefully.

If all the ore from the mountain was transported, he wouldn't even know.

But the thatched huts on the mountains are definitely not inhabitable.

Jing Shirong stared at the county magistrate coldly and reached out to him directly, "Go and send someone to push down the thatched hut on the mountain and build a wooden house again. I will prepare all the quilts, charcoal and fire for me."

Just as the county magistrate was about to open his mouth to refuse, Jing Shirong said, "If you build a new wooden house, I won't care about enriching your own pockets. If you don't build it, just wait."

This arrogant attitude made the county magistrate unhappy, but it was true that he was enriching himself, so he backed down.

“Yes, I’ll let someone do it now.”

Jing Shirong had a condescending look on his face, "Go right away. Otherwise, I will let everyone come and live with you. I don't care if you bump into someone by then."


The county magistrate was so angry that he secretly wondered why this brat was so difficult to take care of.

 As expected, the rich young master from the capital is arrogant, so what's the big deal?

 But he could only say politely, "Okay, my official will ask someone to prepare the materials to build the house now."

Jing Shirong whistled to the mountain and asked those people to come down and transport materials with the county magistrate's people.

At this time, Qi Yuanming came out with a bunch of grapes, spitting out the seeds while eating them, and acted like a fool.

He looked at Jing Shirong with a ruffian expression and said nonchalantly, "How is it, Mr. Jing, the environment here is good, isn't it?"

Jing Shirong glanced at him with contempt, "What is this? It's not enough room for my servants to live."

This arrogant tone made Qi Yuanming spit out a mouthful of grape seeds angrily, "Yes, yes, your family is rich, and you are the best."

He turned around and rolled his eyes, complaining to the county magistrate, "What's the big deal?"

Seeing that they couldn't get along, the county magistrate touched his goatee and came over to start a fight like an old fox, "Okay, okay, you two adults, stop arguing."

"In this way, Mr. Qi will live in the attic and can observe the situation on the mountain at any time."

“Sir Jing, if you want to live on the mountain, you can make do with a thatched hut first. Wooden huts have started to be built in the past few days. Please feel sorry for yourself first. If you feel cold, you can come down later.”

Jing Shirong snorted, his handsome face was cold and arrogant, "If I catch a cold by then, you will be the only one to ask me."

After saying that, he said "drive~" and rode up the mountain.

Qi Yuanming said "Bah~" from behind his horse's butt, "What the hell!"

Deliberately made for the county magistrate to see.

The county magistrate glanced at him, then looked at Jing Shirong who was riding away, then came over and whispered to Qi Yuanming, "Are you and Mr. Jing not easy to deal with?"

Qi Yuanming pretended to be "inconsistent" and said, "Don't talk nonsense. How could we not deal with it? We are fine. Don't talk nonsense."

After saying that, he rolled his eyes and went back to drink with the beautiful maid.

The county magistrate touched his goatee and said to the master, "I guess these two people really don't want to deal with each other, otherwise they wouldn't be so noisy."

Besides, "A rich young man insists on living in a dilapidated thatched house, probably because he is eager to express himself." The county magistrate guessed, "This Lord Jing is probably new to the job and wants to express himself."

“As for Mr. Qi, he is probably an old man. Judging from how lazy he is and how poor he looks, it’s probably because his family has no money.”

 Master thinks so too.

“The information we sent to inquire about Mr. Qi also said that Mr. Qi is greedy and lustful, and Mr. Jing, I have never heard of his reputation before. I think it is the first thing that makes the new official take office.”

The county magistrate thought for a while and nodded while stroking his goatee, "It would be to our advantage if we don't deal with these two people."

"Go and send someone to keep an eye on these two people. Don't let them find out anything."

 He has arranged everything at the jade mine, and he must not let those two people discover the problem, otherwise no one will survive.

 Master understood, "I'll go right away."

After Jing Shirong went up the mountain, he knew someone was following him secretly.

He was used to being followed, so he pretended not to see her and continued riding up the mountain.

 The subordinates on the mountain have already started building thatched houses.

 They go out with Jing Shirong all year round and have strong survival skills in the wild.

However, the rainy season here is frequent and the wind is strong, so it is not suitable for long-term living.

Jing Shirong also discovered this. After thinking about it, he could only search nearby to see if there were any previous houses.

He went to search behind the mountain and found that there were old houses left by the previous mountain residents.

The house is still made of stone and looks very solid.

However, the house is not big, and so many people will definitely not be able to live in it. We can only build a few wooden houses next to the stone house.

Jing Shirong first led people to clean up the stone house. Sister Ying and Xiao Zi dressed in men's clothes and came down to help.

 The master and servant quickly cleaned up the house and laid out quilts and curtains.

 The house that was originally deserted suddenly became warm.

Jing Shirong found a few hiding places where the secret guards could stay, and asked the secret guards to hide there.

 He went outside to build a wooden house with those people.

 In the evening, the county magistrate sent someone up and asked, "Master Jing, we have prepared a banquet. Can you go down and have a drink?"

Jing Shirong agreed and took a few of his men down with him.

Qi Yuanming was already having a good time and drinking hot food at the reception banquet, and he called it an image of not doing his job properly.

When Jing Shirong came down, there were two beautiful women sitting in his arms.

“Hey, Mr. Jing is here? Do you need me to give you a seat?”

Jing Shirong rolled her eyes at him and was too lazy to pay attention to him. She snorted disdainfully and sat down directly on the county magistrate's seat.

The county magistrate felt unhappy when he saw him sitting directly on his seat, but he didn't say anything.

 Instead, he winked at the maid and said, "Go and pour some wine for Mr. Jing."

As soon as the maid saw how handsome Jing Shirong was, she immediately walked over like a nymphomaniac and poured wine for Jing Shirong with a shy face.

"Sir, let's drink." The little hand also handed the wine over to feed him.

Jing Shirong, however, had a cold face and asked the maid, "Step back."


The maid didn't expect him to be so unkind, and felt a little aggrieved when watching the county magistrate.

The county magistrate saw Jing Shirong being so dishonest and secretly thought that this noble young master was really arrogant and arrogant.

  But with a smile on his face, he asked the maid, "Step back. I have never seen any beauties like this, Master Jing."

The maid cried and left with a cry.

 (End of this chapter)

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