Chapter 492: Coordinated acting

Facing the maid's cry, Jing Shirong pretended not to notice it and continued to sit there aloof, drinking and eating meat.

Qi Yuanming was also busy drinking and eating meat, for fear that after this meal he would run out of meat for the next meal.

The county magistrate observed them both and saw that they both only ate meat, but one was polite and the other was gobbling up food. It was immediately obvious whether they had money or not.

 That Mr. Qi is really like a starving dog reincarnated, only choosing meat to eat. I also drink a lot of wine.

But the aloof Master Jing ate slowly, and stopped moving his chopsticks when he was full. The table was also clean, which showed the upbringing of a young master from an aristocratic family.

Looking at Mr. Qi again, the table is in a mess, his hands are oily, and he doesn't forget to take advantage of the beautiful maid. No matter what, he is a gangster in the market.

The master also looked at it carefully, lowered his head and asked in the ear of the county magistrate, "These two are so different from each other, which makes it easier to handle."

The county magistrate nodded, "Yes. When the time comes, it will be easier for us to separate these two people so that we can do things secretly."

Master nodded, "You can give Mr. Qi some eye drops to make the two of them less and less able to deal with each other. When the time comes, we can bring Mr. Qi over and things will be easier to handle."

The county magistrate nodded, "Yes, I think so too, so you can go ahead and do it first."

The master nodded, went over to Qi Yuanming and said, "Master Qi, there will be an opera singer to join in the fun later, would you like some opera?"

Qi Yuanming's mouth was full of oil after eating, and his eyes lit up, "Singing lady? Are you beautiful?"

The master looked at him like an old hooligan and said with a smile, "Beautiful. Even though we are in the mountains, there are pretty girls everywhere. I'm sure you will be able to feast your eyes on them."

“However, Mr. Jing, I wonder if he agrees with the opera lady coming to join in the fun.”

 Of course Qi Yuanming understands that he is sowing discord.

He snorted disdainfully and said arrogantly, "If he refuses, just go and call. I have the final say on this matter!"

When the master saw that he was better than him, he felt happy and went over to Jing Shirong to talk.

“Master Jing, Master Qi said that it’s not interesting to just eat. We’re going to call in some opera ladies to add to the fun. Do you think so?”

Jing Shirong glanced in the direction of Qi Yuanming with a cold look, and when he saw Qi Yuanming winking at him, he immediately joined in the chorus with a black face.

"That's outrageous! We are here to run an errand, so we are not allowed to call you a singer!"

 When the master saw that he really refused, he secretly started to stir up trouble.

"But, Master Qi said that he has the final say on this matter, and the younger one is also in a dilemma."

Jing Shirong slapped the table and said, "Why should he have the final say! My official rank is as high as his, why should I let him! I don't agree with this!"

When the master saw that the two people were fighting again, he pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Then, let me go over and talk to Mr. Qi?"

Jing Shirong snorted coldly, "Go and tell him that we are here to do business, not to have a good time. If he doesn't listen, I will report it to the emperor."

Master said "Alas" and went to Qi Yuanming's place to deliver the message.

 But when it came to Qi Yuanming's side, the words changed several meanings.

He told Qi Yuanming, "Master Qi, Master Jing vetoed your decision. He also said that if you don't listen to him, you will report it to the emperor. If you want to punish your crime, you say this"

Qi Yuanming was angry when he heard this.


 “Who the **** is he? He dares to make a snitch!”

“Humph, it’s true that the young masters from aristocratic families are all arrogant, yet I won’t listen to him and call the opera lady over.”

His voice was loud. Jing Shirong heard it and stood up to confront him.

"No shouting! You can only listen to the officer on this matter."

Qi Yuanming also slapped the table, "Fart! Why should I listen to you? I won't!"

 The two of them confronted each other fiercely, neither giving way to the other. The master and the county magistrate looked at each other and instead of trying to persuade them, they only added fuel to the other's anger.

Master said to Qi Yuanming, "Sir, please calm down. Mr. Jing is the son of a noble family. How can we afford to offend him? Otherwise, forget it."

Qi Yuanming slapped the table, "What the hell! How many times have I tolerated him all the way here, and I won't let you go this time. Otherwise, where will my face be from now on!"

The county magistrate also said to Jing Shirong, "Master Jing, I think Master Qi's temper is not very good. He is always against you. Why don't you forget it? Otherwise he will cause trouble again later."

Jing Shirong also refused to give in, "What the hell! He doesn't do his job properly, why can he still be justified? I must report this to the emperor!"

After saying that, he angrily told his men, "Pack your things and get up the mountain immediately. I never want to see that bumpkin again!"

The men said "yes", quickly packed up all the food on the table, took away it, and then rode up the mountain.

Jing Shirong also mounted his horse, said "drive~" and walked away in a defiant manner.

Qi Yuanming saw him leaving and cursed angrily, "Why are you so arrogant! Don't eat the food here if you can."

 “There’s no need to pretend to be noble, it’s just like drinking wine and eating meat, cut it.”

The master and the county magistrate saw that he didn't want to see Jing Shirong, so they continued to sow discord.

“Master Jing said he wanted to report to His Majesty, what should we do now?”

Qi Yuanming smiled like a gangster and said, "What can I do? Intercept the letter."

 The way he said it was clear and clear, it was obviously not the first time he had done this.

The county magistrate and the master looked at each other and felt that Qi Yuanming was easier to bribe, so they planned to observe Qi Yuanming for a few more days. If they confirmed that Qi Yuanming was fine, they would secretly cooperate with him.

This is not the first time Qi Yuanming has done this kind of thing. Practice makes perfect. He is just waiting for this corrupt official to come to discuss cooperation with him.

Jing Shirong went up the mountain with food, let his men eat and drink, feed the horses, and prepare to go down the mountain to buy some food in the town tomorrow.

Sister Ying is baking steamed buns in the house.

Jing Shirong smelled the aroma of steamed buns when he came in.

 Tell her, "Don't eat that, I'll bring you something delicious."

Sister Ying saw him coming back and greeted him with a smile, "What delicious food did you bring?"

Jing Shirong took out a roast chicken, half a roast goose, a bunch of grapes, and two oranges from his sleeves, and like magic, he pulled out a lot of delicious food.

Xiao Zi was dumbfounded, "My uncle is so awesome."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "So many?"

Jing Shirong said, "Break off a chicken drumstick for her. "I got it from the county magistrate and eat it while it's hot." "

"Go to bed early after eating. I will take you down the mountain tomorrow and bring some food up. Then the food will be stored in this house. You can take good care of the food."

Sister Ying hummed, "I understand."

She asked, "What's going on down the mountain? Why didn't Brother Qi come up?"

Jing Shirong whispered to her, "Qi Yuanming is investigating a case at the foot of the mountain, and we will act separately. When you meet him, don't say hello to him."

Sister Ying seems to understand a little bit.

 “You two act separately, and you should cooperate inside and outside?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. One of us sings the red face, and the other sings the bad face."

The two of them are working on a case outside, and when they need to deceive corrupt officials, they have to perform together.

Either he plays a gentle and harmless businessman, or Qi Yuanming plays a robber and bandit. The two always switch roles and work together seamlessly.

 (End of this chapter)

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