Chapter 493: Two people fighting

Sister Ying found it interesting and asked him, "Can you two still act? Who will be the bad guy this time?"

Jing Shirong pointed at himself and said, "Me. I sing blackface."

 Previously in Jiangnan, he played a gentle and harmless scholar.

Come here this time, he plays the role of a noble young master, no matter how he plays it, he looks like him.

Sister Ying glanced at him up and down and said with a smile, "It does look similar."

This guy has a fierce expression when he's not smiling.

Especially after getting tanned during this period, my unsmiling face looks even colder.

Jing Shirong asked from the underworld, "It didn't scare you, did it?"

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "That's a pretty idea, but you still want to scare me?"

Jing Shirong lowered his head and pulled her over for a kiss, "My wife still loves me the most."

 The couple chatted and laughed and sat down to eat roast chicken together.

 The other half of the roast goose was given to Xiao Zi.

 After dinner, Jing Shirong went out that night to inspect the topography of the mountain.

Qi Yuanming waited until dawn before going out to investigate.

There was nothing he could do, there were people staring at him all night, and he couldn't get out until all those people fell asleep.

When it was almost dawn, those who were watching him secretly relaxed their vigilance, and he went to the county magistrate's house full of sleep and full of energy.

Perhaps it’s because it’s broad daylight, and everyone feels that dawn is the safest, and they are less defensive.

Qi Yuanming went directly to the county magistrate's house and searched around his house, but found nothing.

 Finally, the target was locked on the bed, and he walked over lightly.

Good guy, you wouldn’t know it until you look closer. Only when you look closer do you realize that this old guy is accompanied by four beauties on the bed. He is really a naughty old man.

Qi Yuanming looked down upon him and walked over to find something.

 But there were so many people on the bed that I couldn’t find anything at all, so I had to leave first and come back later.

Jing Shirong also looked around the mountain and found that there were men with fierce faces watching at the entrance and exit of the mine.

Those people looked like they were in the same group as the miners.

This group of people transported the ore out in two groups.

One group went to another mountain, and the other group went to the deep mountains and old forests.

Those with a lot of jade will be sent to the deep mountains and old forests.

Those who have few jade stones will go to a mountain top and knock off the jade stones to use as messengers.

Jing Shirong saw it very seriously and guessed that the county magistrate must be cooperating with someone to secretly sell the jade to others in order to line his own pockets and make money on both sides.

While he was using the money from the court to build a yard for himself, he was also digging the emperor's ore and selling it to others. He was very greedy.

 This matter will definitely be reported to the authorities.

 In order for the letter to arrive smoothly, both pigeons and eagles were uploaded together.

However, Fei Ge was just trying to deceive others, and the content he wrote was all about reporting Qi Yuanming.

The county magistrate had Feige intercepted. After reading the content of the letter, he found that it was really a complaint against Qi Yuanming, so he immediately sent the letter to Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming looked at it for a long time before throwing it to the master, "What do you mean? You can read it to me. It's very polite."

He pretended not to understand, and said to his master, "I am just a military general, how can I understand this? Tell me, what did that brat say in the letter?"

Looking at his reckless look, the master knew that he must not be very illiterate, so he deliberately exaggerated the content of the letter and sow discord.

 “This is what Master Jing wrote in the letter, and he wrote about it.”

Qi Yuanming was impatient and said, "Speak quickly, I will be annoyed."

Master Jing sighed and then said, "Master Jing reported back to His Majesty that you are not doing your job properly and have nothing to do, which makes you useless. He also asked Your Majesty to call you back to Beijing as soon as possible so that you don't get in the way here."

Master said while observing Qi Yuanming's expression.

Qi Yuanming also made a good expression and slapped the table angrily, "What! He really dares to sue me? I'm looking for his death."

 After saying that, he angrily picked up the sword and went to settle the score with Jing Shirong. Jing Shirong was going down the mountain to buy food.

When Qi Yuanming rushed over, he asked him on horseback, "Master Jing, what do you mean? A grown man is still reporting like a bitch? Are you a man?"

Jing Shirong had a cold look on his face, "What I said are all facts. If you have the ability, go and argue with His Majesty. Why are you so crazy with me?"


 “I’ve really tolerated you for a long time.”

 Having said that, he picked up the big knife and slashed at him.

Jing Shirong went over to receive the attack and began to hit him aggressively.

 After that, he pretended to be incompetent in martial arts and looked like a strong and wealthy young man.

Qi Yuanming saw that he was pretending to be weak and wasted, so he beat him several times, as if to avenge his personal revenge.

  A big knife was placed on his neck, "Tell me, do you still dare to report me?"

Jing Shirong glared at him, "I am happy to do so. If you can, just kill me."

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "Do you think I'm stupid? Killing an official of the imperial court is not a small crime. Do you want to harm me? Dreaming!"

Jing Shirong pretended to be humiliated, and the rich young master looked angry, "Then what do you want?"

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Call me big brother and I will let you go."

Jing Shirong refused to lower his head, "You are dreaming!"

The two of them were in a stalemate.

The master and the county magistrate watched for a long time, and when they saw that the situation was getting serious, they pretended to come out to persuade them.

"Okay, okay, sir, stop arguing. The people are watching."

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked around and saw that a group of people had gathered around them.

The two of them snorted coldly before stopping.

Qi Yuanming even showed off proudly, "Okay, you noble young master is not good at martial arts, and I am not as knowledgeable as you, so go ahead and buy your stuff, bitch."

Jing Shirong glared at him and went to the street with a stinking look on his face.

Someone in the dark also observed this scene and asked the county magistrate, "Are the two really at odds with each other?"

The county magistrate stroked his goatee and said, "Yes, the two of them have different auras. A rich young man and a poor country man, they are not from the same place."

He also looks down on poor people like Qi Yuanming.

But at the same time, he also knew that it was difficult to win over a wealthy young master like Jing Shirong, so he had to win over Qi Yuanming first.

The mysterious man in the curtain hat said, "Watch them, don't let them find out that we are stealing cloud ore."

The county magistrate said, "This official understands, so don't worry."

Jing Shirong looked back and saw the county magistrate talking to a man wearing a hat. He winked at the secret guard and told him to follow the man wearing a hat.

Sister Ying also came out in the carriage.

They came down the mountain to buy food today, so as to avoid the inconvenience of going down the mountain to buy food when it rains.

The town is still some distance away from the mountain, and Jing Shirong rides ahead to explore the way.

 After arriving in the town, the streets were quite lively.

 You have to cross a big river to go out here, but you can also go out from the mountain.

 The people on the street sell food grown at home, so they don’t have to worry about food and clothing.

Jing Shirong bought several bags of rice, as well as flour, corn flour, and sweet potato flour.

Sister Ying went to pick out a lot of peppers and local vegetable seeds.

 I bought a lot of Chinese cabbage alone and prepared to make kimchi for eating.

 There are also several bags of local winter food. There must be no shortage of meat.

After loading her things, she got into the carriage and went back.

 (End of this chapter)

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