The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 494: , the county magistrate cooperates with Qi Yuanming

Chapter 494, The county magistrate cooperates with Qi Yuanming

After returning to the mountain, Jing Shirong asked people to carry the grain into the house and put it in stone jars for storage.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi left to clean up.

As soon as we packed up the food, it began to rain heavily.

 Then the rain started to fall.

Jing Shirong frowned. He didn't expect the weather here to be so changeable.

The sky was clear just a moment ago, but now it is covered with dark clouds, and it rains whenever it says it will rain.

 Fortunately, this stone house does not leak from the rain.

 The firewood and food inside will not get wet.

But rain also has its benefits.

 Because the rain is heavy, it can confuse people's vision.

Jing Shirong winked with the secret guard. Let them sneak into the mountains and mines while the heavy rain is pouring.

There are people guarding the mountain mine, obviously preventing Jing Shirong’s people from sneaking in.

 But there are always lazy people down there.

The rain was falling so hard and the wind was so cold. The guard felt cold, so he went to get some wine to warm himself up.

The secret guard took advantage of this moment to sneak into the mountain mine.

 Inspect the situation inside.

Jing Shirong is being watched by someone, so he won’t go out for the time being.

 He was making dumplings with Sister Ying in the stone room.

The stone house has been renovated by Jing Shirong. It is basically impossible to see the inside from the outside. Unless you force your way in, people outside cannot monitor every move inside.

Sister Ying looked out the window and saw a shadow moving. She was making dumplings while chatting with Jing Shirong.

"Who did the county magistrate sell the jade mine to? Who is so brave? Dare to challenge the emperor?"

Jing Shirong had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

"This matter needs to be confirmed before I can be sure. I have to go to the mountain mine tomorrow to see how much jade is left in it."

The emperor also wanted to use these jade stones in exchange for high prices to fatten up his troops.

 If all the jade was stolen, he would still have to recover the jade.

Sister Ying explained to him while making dumplings, "The deeper you go into a mountain mine, the less oxygen there is. You have to go in and out quickly. You also need to prevent falling rocks and react faster."

Jing Shirong imitated her dumpling-making gestures, pressed the wrappers on the dumplings, and said, "Okay, I know."

Sister Ying gave him a mini shovel and a black translucent gauze scarf.

“The light inside the cave must be very dark. Remember to get used to it when you go in and out, so as not to hurt your eyes.”

Jing Shirong didn’t expect that she knew a lot, so he smiled and asked her, “How do you know this?”

Sister Ying raised her lips proudly, "I just study in books."

When Jing Shirong said he wanted to come to the jade mine, Sister Ying went to look for books on the mountain, which always contained useful knowledge.

 She studied in advance and naturally understood.

Jing Shirong nodded approvingly, "My wife is so smart."

Sister Ying was very proud, "That's right."

 Eat dumpling soup with steamed buns at night.

Jing Shirong also brought up a little native dog from the bottom of the mountain. Whenever there was any movement, the little native dog could hear it and kept barking.

 When the rain stopped and the weather turned cloudy, Jing Shirong went out with his bamboo hat.

Sister Ying also disguised herself as a woman with Xiao Zinan and went down the mountain from the path.

 The news on the mountain was closed, and no news could be heard. Sister Ying was going to go down the mountain to talk to the woman.

She and Xiao Zi went down the mountain first, and then went to a tailor shop to buy two clothes worn by local village women. They also wore a headscarf, which was tightly wrapped, and their walking posture changed to a rough one, and they suddenly blended into the crowd. The two of them walked on the street and bought something on the way.

As I was walking and looking, I saw a group of women gathering around a corner and chatting.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi looked at each other and walked over immediately.

 The two of them hid in the crowd and listened to the women's gossip.

Woman A, "Hey, have you heard? That old greedy man has recently transported a lot of jade ore out, and I don't know how much he has made. Seeing as his house is getting bigger and bigger, he must have made a lot of money secretly."

Woman B, "If you don't say that he has no conscience. He doesn't take any of us out of his own money, but just keeps it in his own pocket. I really wish the people from the court would come and arrest him."

Woman A, "That's right. When you get rich, you don't know how to bring the people together and you will make money by yourself. You are a wicked person."

Sister Ying did not expect that these people knew that the county magistrate was secretly selling jade mines.

It seems that the people don't have a hard time dealing with the county magistrate.

She mingled in the crowd and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, where did that old greedy man sell all his jade mines? How much did he make every time?"

Because there were many women around, the other women heard the question and did not doubt it, so they spoke in a low voice.

“It seems that the people who bought it are not from our village. They are very tall and fierce-looking, so I dare not approach them. But I am sure that those people are not from our village.”

"Yes. I've seen it once. They walked from the back mountain. I don't know if they were transported to the other side."

Sister Ying frowned, "The other side?"

 She remembered the signs on the sheepskin map that Jing Shirong showed her. The other side of the mountain here seemed to be a neighboring country.

If the county magistrate sells things to neighboring countries, it will be a serious crime.

But that neighboring country seems to be quite small and doesn't like war, otherwise the emperor wouldn't just send Jing Shirong over.

 But if it is not sold to the small neighboring country on the other side, then who is it sold to?

Some women were also curious, "Could it be that those people are from the neighboring country on the other side of the mountain?"

“But they don’t look alike. I’ve seen those people from neighboring countries. They are similar in length to us and not tall. Unlike these ore transporters, they are tall and fierce, and they don’t look easy to mess with.”

 Other women said so.

When Sister Ying heard this, she became more and more confused.

If the county magistrate did not sell the ore to neighboring countries, then to whom did he sell it?

After she finished shopping, she went up the mountain and told Jing Shirong about the matter when he came back.

Jing Shirong guessed that those tall and fierce-looking people might be people from Beiyizi.

Bei Yi have always been the most restless, and the emperor was wary of those impulsive Bei Yi people. Unexpectedly, they had already reached out here.

Jing Shirong sent a letter back to the emperor and sent people to follow the Beiyi people closely to see where they wanted to transport the ore.

Qi Yuanming is also dealing with the county magistrate.

He has been eating, drinking and having fun these past few days, showing off his delicious food and laziness to the fullest.

The county magistrate thought it was a good time, so he asked him to talk and test his tone.

Qi Yuanming pretended to be arrogant and said, "Master, the risk of this matter is not small. If you are discovered, you will lose your head."

If he agreed all at once, the county magistrate would still be suspicious.

Seeing that he was scared, I believed him a little bit and even asked him provocatively, "Isn't Mr. Qi scared?"

“Is it possible that you are more timid than Mr. Jing?”

When Qi Yuanming heard this, he immediately slapped the table, "Fart! Will I be more timid than him?"

He looked outside with a guilty conscience and said to the county magistrate, "Can you promise that this matter will not be discovered? I still have a family."

Seeing that he was afraid of death, the county magistrate touched his goatee and told him with certainty, "You won't be discovered. I have been working as a junior official for more than half a year, so things are safe."

“As long as you join, I won’t say you will get promoted and make a fortune, but you will definitely get a lot of beautiful women with money.”

 (End of this chapter)

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