The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 495: , discovered the Beiyi people

Chapter 495: Discovering the Beiyi people

 “What do you think, sir?”

The county magistrate observed Qi Yuanming's expression as he spoke.

Qi Yuanming was struggling and hesitating, but at the same time he wanted to agree.

This kind of sentiment is exactly what the county magistrate wants.

 He ​​stroked his goatee and waited quietly for Qi Yuanming's statement.

Qi Yuanming acted for a while and then said, "Otherwise, why don't you take me to test the waters first? If it's not safe, I will have to withdraw."

Although the county magistrate looked down on his fear of death, he didn't press too hard. He just said, "Okay, I'll take you over tomorrow to have a look. Then you will know the benefits of joining us."

Qi Yuanming also wanted to see where their gang transported the jade mine, and nodded in agreement.

 “That’s okay, I’ll go and have a look with you tomorrow.”

“But don’t let him know about the person named Jing.”

“That guy is arrogant and rigid. Once he finds out, we won’t even think about it.”

The county magistrate naturally knew, "Don't worry, Mr. Jing won't know about it. We can do this ourselves."

 “If Master Jing accidentally finds out, then.”

 He gestured to his neck with his hand, intending to kill and silence him.

But Qi Yuanming said, "The Jing family has a strong background and is connected to the emperor. It's best not to touch him, otherwise it will alarm the higher-ups and cause us more trouble."

The county magistrate does not know much about the affairs of the capital city. After all, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.

 The information he knew was all investigated by others.

 But the information found was intentionally released by the emperor, so he naturally did not understand the truth.

At this moment, Qi Yuanming said that Jing Shirong had a strong background, so he was naturally a little wary and did not dare to kill him, otherwise it would attract the attention of the capital and make him more troublesome.

 So they could only hide this matter from Jing Shirong.

Qi Yuanming asked him, "Go and get ready. Go and have a look tomorrow, so as not to have a long night and have too many dreams."

The county magistrate sighed and went to do it.

He first went to Bei Yizi to ask for instructions. After they agreed, he came back to report to Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming handed the news to Jing Shirong. After Jing Shirong knew it, he asked him to be careful.

 If there is any danger, blow the flute and call for help.

 He also has to send someone to sneak into Beiyizi in order to know the other party's movements.

Sister Ying saw that he went out early and came back late every day, so she didn't ask him. She just stayed in the stone room to help observe the situation at the entrance of the jade mine.

Jing Shirong and the team went to the mountains and mines these days. She and Xiao Zi pretended to be women from the mountains, and mingled with the women delivering food to the workers.

She and Xiao Zi took a closer look, and the more they looked at the faces of those people, the more certain they were that they were Bei Yizi.

Especially when these people speak, they have a weird tone.

 Although they will not speak in front of other people, there are always times when they are not careful.

For example, Xiao Zi pretended to accidentally spill soup on the other person, and the other person was burned and cursed.

The curse is in Beiyi dialect.

Although Sister Ying has never heard of Beiyi dialect, it is obviously different from the local dialect, and the accent is obvious when she hears it.

Jing Shirong came back in the evening and saw her wandering to the entrance of the mountain mine, and even talked about her.

“Don’t take such risks in the future. What do you want me to do if I’m discovered later?”

“It’s too late to save you, and I can’t save you. My heart is broken. How can you reassure me like this?”

His words were gentle, without the slightest hint of scolding her. Instead, he had a worried look on his face, making Sister Ying feel guilty.

 “I just want to help you.”

Jing Shirong knew that she meant well, but he also said to her, "Whenever I need you to help me, I will call you. When I don't call you, just stay in the stone room obediently."

 “If you’re bored, just go down the mountain and play with other little girls, and just pay attention to your disguise.”

Sister Ying hummed, hugged him and leaned in his arms, "I know. I'll collect some poison when I get down from the mountain tomorrow, just in case you need it." Jing Shirong kissed her forehead lovingly, "Okay, then just pick a little at a time. Don't let anyone see the flaws."

Sister Ying nodded obediently, "I saved it."

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong continued to go to the mountain mine and keep an eye on it.

He is now entering the mountain mine openly, looking here and there.

Those Beiyi people were very impatient when they saw him gesticulating, but they could not criticize him.

After all, I don’t understand the language, so the secret was revealed immediately after I spoke.

Even though they have more people than Jing Shirong and others, they will inevitably be discovered if they really fight.

 It is better to do less than to do more. Out of sight is out of sight.

Jing Shirong went to the mountain mine to investigate carefully, and found that the inside was getting emptier and hollower, but he didn't see much jade ore.

 He remembered that the emperor said that there was a whole piece of jade embedded in it, which was priceless.

 But he looked around and couldn't find it. He didn't know where it was specifically, or it might have been poached.

Finally, he checked the books and followed the direction to find where the jade was.

 But there will be movement when digging for jade, and if it is discovered, it will be snatched away.

Instead of spending all the effort to dig it out and still have it snatched away, it is better to ask Beiyizi to dig it out.

 When the time comes, see where they transport the jade, and you will know where their den of thieves is.

Jing Shirong then went out and commanded the Beiyizi who were dressed as workers, "You guys, come in with me. I found a large jade inside. It is of high quality and is worth a fortune at a glance. Be careful when you dig it."

 When several Beiyizi heard this, their eyes lit up.

 I immediately followed him in excitedly.

As soon as they saw the location pointed by Jing Shirong, they were really excited and immediately called more people to dig closer.

Jing Shirong looked at it and ordered, "Be careful and play it completely. If you knock off a corner, the loss will be great."

 When Beiyizi heard that there was a loss, he hurriedly dug more carefully.

In the past few months, they have dug so much ore, mostly stones, that it took several days to dig out jade.

When you encounter a piece like this today, with a rare color and texture, of course you have to be careful.

They called everyone together, put aside what they were doing, and came over to dig this piece.

Jing Shirong watched from the side and took the opportunity to let two secret guards sneak in to help dig.

However, after digging for an entire afternoon, I only dug a small corner.

 Continue on the second day and dig out the best piece for several days.

It wasn't until ten days of digging that half of the large jade stone was dug out.

These Beiyi people were impatient and felt that the speed was too slow, so they winked at each other and went back to call more people to help dig, otherwise they would have to dig until the end of the year of the monkey.

Jing Shirong watched them go back to call for help and followed them all the way there.

 After following for two days, I saw that their den of thieves was at the foot of a mountain deep in the mountains and old forests.

 He counted about fifty people. And everyone is tall and powerful.

 When I got closer, I heard these people communicating in Beiyi dialect.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went to Beiyi. I have also heard the Beiyi dialect.

At that time, the third princess took him and the other soldiers there in disguise, just to show them what the Beiyi people looked like and how they talked.

Only in this way can they more accurately find the undercover Beiyi agents hiding in the military camp.

Jing Shirong confirmed their number and continued walking along the road, wanting to see which way they came here.

 (End of this chapter)

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