Chapter 496: Working together

 He moved lightly and kept walking through the trees.

 After searching for a long time, I saw a small beach at the foot of the mountain.

 No wonder the wind here is always very strong, it turns out that this place is close to the sea.

The terrain here is a bit complicated, with mountains, seas, and large rivers, which are different from the places they have traveled in the past.

Especially in the sea at the foot of the mountain, the sea wind is howling, and there are two large boats on the beach.

One boat is used to seat people, and the other is probably used to transport jade ore.

Bei Yizi was guarding the ship transporting the jade mine. Jing Shirong took advantage of the loud sea breeze and went over to check it out from the side.

 Happily, all the jade stones on the ship are still there. When the time comes, it will be much more convenient to stop the whole ship.

Jing Shirong looked over from the sea and estimated that this place was still a little far away from Beiyi, otherwise Beiyizi wouldn't have put the jade on the boat.

Thinking that it is still a long way from here to Beiyi, they should think of loading all the jade at once, and then transporting people and jade back together to save traveling back and forth.

 After all, there are risks on the sea. Big winds, waves and whirlpools may capsize the boat.

However, Bei Yizi was obviously brave, otherwise he would not have been able to reach this point by boat.

At this time, all the Northern Yizi went into the mountain mines to dig out the big jade stone. Jing Shirong took advantage of this and asked the secret guards to ambush them.

They brought two groups of people over this time, one group went up the mountain with them openly, and the other group took a small path to go around, so that others could not see it.

At this moment, the secret guards came over, and Jing Shirong asked them to hide in batches on the boat and in the trees.

 At that time, these Beiyizi will be captured in one fell swoop, and the jade will not be transported out.

The other end.

Qi Yuanming also followed the county magistrate into the mountains.

The county magistrate first took him to the mountain mine to look at jade. When he saw the Northern Yizi suddenly gathered together, they were curious to see it.

 “Why are you all here?”

 Aren’t you usually knocking stones in the deep mountains and forests?

 Why are so many people coming up today?

Bei Yizi saw him coming and wanted to hide such a big jade secretly, so he didn't want him to see it.

He told the county magistrate to stay away with a fierce mouth.

Other Beiyizi also gathered around, blocked the way of the county magistrate, and said something to ask the county magistrate to leave.

The county magistrate saw that they were so arrogant and rude, and wanted to say that they were arrogant, but he also remembered that they were all tall and powerful.

  You will definitely not be able to beat them, so you can only swallow your anger and stand aside.

Qi Yuanming saw it seriously and came over to stir up trouble, "These people are so arrogant, they don't treat you as a human being at all."

The county magistrate was also very angry and whispered, "Smelly Beiyizi!"

Had it not been for money, he would not have served these unreasonable and unreasonable masters.

Qi Yuanming took the opportunity to ask, "These people are so difficult to serve, how much can we earn by following them?"

Of course, the county magistrate would not tell him how much he could earn. He only gave him some objective figures. He pointed his fingers and said, "This is roughly the number."

Qi Yuanming guessed, "Five hundred taels?"

The county magistrate shook his head and continued to open his palms to make gestures.

Qi Yuanming's eyes lit up, "Five thousand taels?"

The county magistrate continued to shake his head, "It's fifty thousand taels."

Qi Yuanming opened his mouth wide, "Fifty thousand taels? Fifty thousand taels for me alone, or fifty thousand taels for us together?"

 In this small mountain town, a man with fifty thousand taels would be a rich man.

The county magistrate said proudly, "These jade stones are of good quality. If we sell them all, it won't be a problem for each of us to earn fifty thousand taels."

Qi Yuanming immediately looked "greedy" and asked, "If I sell more, I can make more money?" The county magistrate nodded, "That's natural."

He looked at Qi Yuanming's greedy look and despised him in his heart, "What a poor man! Fifty thousand eyes are about to fall off. It's so shabby."

 But he pretended to be generous, "When all the jade is sold, are you still afraid that you won't have the money to build a big yard?"

“When you are rich, you will have a luminous cup of grape wine and a little beauty serving you, and the taste will be better than that of a god.”

Qi Yuanming followed with a look of yearning.

 “Sure, I’ll do as you said.”

“But those people in front seem to be digging a bigger jade stone. They don’t let us see it, don’t they want to keep it for themselves?”

The county magistrate immediately looked over and saw a corner of the big jade stone.

 Good guy, such a big piece of jade can be compared with a stone.

No wonder the group of Beiyi people didn't let him go over to see it. It turned out that they wanted to embezzle it for themselves.

The county magistrate naturally doesn’t want them to keep it for themselves.

Such a big piece of jade can make a lot of money, and he wants a share of the pie.

However, it was difficult to deal with the northern barbarians in front of him, so he could only take Qi Yuanming out and find a solution together.

 The two of them returned to the foot of the mountain and went to the study to mutter.

The county magistrate said melancholy, "Your Excellency also saw it just now. That piece of jade is of the best quality and is so big. If it is dug out, it will be expensive."

"It's a pity that those Beiyi people are difficult to deal with. What do you think of this matter?"

He is a county magistrate and has little military strength, so he is naturally not his opponent.

The reason why we cooperated with Bei Yizi in the first place was because he didn't have enough troops and he was also greedy, so he cooperated with others.

 But Beiyizi was obviously not a gentleman enough. He swallowed the big ones every time and only gave him some scraps.

Had he not secretly built money from the court into his own backyard and was discovered by Bei Yizi, he might not have cooperated with these people.

 But once he cooperated, he reaped the benefits and naturally couldn’t let it go.

Qi Yuanming thought for a while, "Did they bring many people? If not, we can still have a fight."

“If there are many of them and their martial arts are high, I will not be able to defeat them.”

The county magistrate didn't expect him to be so useless, and he couldn't directly dislike him, so he just told him in a low voice, "There are about fifty or so of those people. They are all good at martial arts, at least they have great physical strength."

 Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to dig holes in the mountains every day without stopping, which shows that my physical strength is very good.

Qi Yuanming knew that those Beiyi people were tall and powerful without having to guess.

He just wanted to find out how many of these people there were and where they wanted to sell the goods.

He suggested to the county magistrate, "If you give them the jade, they will smoke it. We don't even have change, so why not sell it ourselves? Wouldn't we make more money by selling it ourselves?"

But the county magistrate said, "They have boats that can transport jade out, and they know how to travel by sea. We don't have big ships here, and we don't know how to travel by sea, so naturally we can't transport jade out."

 Otherwise, he would have wanted to sell the jade and earn it himself.

After Qi Yuanming understood the information, he said, "Let's observe the situation first."

"If they want to smuggle that big jade away to sell it, we will follow them secretly to see how much they sell, and then we will find a way to **** it back."

The county magistrate was dubious, "Is this possible?"

 How easy is it to get the money back?

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "Let's rob it secretly. We can't rob one hundred thousand, but fifty thousand is fine."

The county magistrate looked at his expression and guessed that he must have done this kind of sneaky things on weekdays. He didn't know whether to be amused or to despise him.

But it’s important to make money first, he nodded in agreement, “Then it will be up to you.”

Qi Yuanming waved his hand and said, "Tell them when the time comes and I will **** them out to sea to prevent the duck with its mouth from flying away."

 (End of this chapter)

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