Chapter 497: Going to sea with Beiyizi

The county magistrate saw Qi Yuanming's cunning look, and became more and more certain that this man was more greedy for money than he was.

 If this is the case, it will be easier to handle.

At first, it was not yet over for him to betray the imperial court alone.

Now that someone is going into the water together, he is more bold.

 He said to Qi Yuanming, "Okay, I'll tell these people later, and then you can go with their boat."

“But sir, what if these people attack you on the way?”

 Don't forget that Qi Yuanming was killed by then and the imperial court came down to check.

Then he will be found out about lining his own pockets. It'll be over then.

Qi Yuanming also guessed that those Beiyizi would definitely attack him on the way, so he said, "How about we bring a few more people on board?"

The county magistrate hesitated, "I'm afraid those people won't agree."

Qi Yuanming said ruffly, "What are you afraid of? If you don't agree, just sneak in. We can't let them make money while leaving their lives."

The county magistrate asked him, "Do you have any way to get in?"

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "Then you have to cooperate. When the jade is sold, you will be six and I will be four."

The county magistrate thought it was feasible and agreed.

 This head.

After Jing Shirong arranged the people, he went to the mountain to talk to Sister Ying.

"I may have to go to sea in the next few days, and I will take you down the mountain later."

“During this period, you can sneak into the farmyard at the foot of the mountain and bring a few secret guards with you.”

When Sister Ying heard that she was going to sea, she quickly asked, "Can you swim?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. I can swim well, and so can everyone else. It will be fine, don't worry."

Sister Ying knows that he is powerful, but she is also worried, "Then how long will it take for you to come back to me?"

Jing Shirong made an estimate and said, "Not sure."

It is not yet clear how big the sea is, nor how many days it will take to sail.

 He had no way of knowing how many days it would take for him to come back.

Sister Ying stood on tiptoes, hugged his neck, her dark eyes filled with water, and looked at him with a worried look, "Then you have to come back safely. Don't let anything happen."

Jing Shirong kissed her eyebrows equally lovingly and said in a gentle tone, "Yes. You can stay at the farmyard without any worries and wait for me to pick you up."

“If I can’t come back, the secret guards will take you back to Beijing.”

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Sister Ying's eyes became wet, "You are not allowed to say this, I don't want to hear it. I just want my husband to come back to me safely, and I don't want the secret guards to take me back."

Jing Shirong saw her eyes full of tears and felt heartbroken for a moment. He hugged her and coaxed her, "Okay, okay, I said the wrong thing. I take it back. I will definitely come back to you. I won't cry anymore."

Sister Ying sniffed, "Then we made an agreement and we can't forget it."

Jing Shirong lowered his head and kissed her tears away.

 He felt full of love and said, "Yes. Go pack it up and I'll take you down the mountain."


 The two of them packed up their things and went down the mountain overnight.

Jing Shirong found a farmhouse for her in advance. There were many large and small courtyards sitting next to her, which was very lively.

Sister Ying pretended to be a village woman and moved in with Xiao Zi.

Jing Shirong arranged for them and went back to the mountain.

Qi Yuanming also sneaked into the boat with his people and joined Jing Shirong.

Now they only need to wait for the jade to be completely dug out, and then they can set off with the ship.

 When the time comes, follow the boat and see what these Beiyizi are planning.

 If they want to start a war, they can prepare in advance. If they just want to grab the money from selling the jade, they will get it back when the time comes.

After Qi Yuanming got on the ship, he went to the stern to meet Jing Shirong.

With the sound of the waves, he asked in a low voice, "Sister Ying, have you made all the arrangements?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "It's been arranged. The date of our return from this trip is uncertain. After selling the jade, we have to come back here to finish it off. I'll pick her up then."

They didn’t expect to go to sea during this trip, so they had to adapt accordingly.

Qi Yuanming said, "Your Majesty and the third princess have sent letters. If the Beiyizi suddenly sends troops, we are not afraid."

Jing Shirong nodded, "I know, just be careful now. You go back first."


 The two separated again.

Jing Shirong continues to be in the dark, while Qi Yuanming is in the light.

The reason why Beiyizi agreed to let him board the ship was mainly because he wanted to take him back and ask the court about the situation.

 In addition, they felt that the government servants brought by Qi Yuanming were all weaklings, so they did not trust him.

 But in fact, those yamen servants had long been replaced by Qi Yuanming's own people.

But they acted very similar, disguising themselves as weaklings who could be knocked down in a few or two blows, to confuse Beiyizi's eyes.

Over at the mountain mine, someone disguised himself as Jing Shirong and deceived the county magistrate there.

Sister Ying is not idle in the farmyard. From time to time, she and Xiao Zi go to pick some herbs, dry them in the yard, and then grind them into powder for later use.

 A few days later, the completed piece of jade was finally dug out. The Beiyi people were very happy to see that the quality was so good.

He spoke Beiyi dialect, which means "I'm rich now. Such a big piece of jade can be sold for a lot of money."

They have not been able to farm well in recent years and have been short of food, forcing them to go out and buy food.

 But buying food requires a lot of money, so they thought of going out to make some money.

Originally, they relied on stealing and looting, but they were afraid that the robbery would be resisted by others, which would lead to a big commotion.

I want to rely on physical strength to make money, but I feel it is too slow. In the end, I can only take one step at a time.

Until they were at sea one time, they accidentally heard that there was a jade mountain nearby. There were a lot of jade in it, and if you dig it out, you could sell it for a lot of money.

 When they came here, they saw someone mining on the mountain.

They estimated the number of yamen servants and felt that they could easily defeat those yamen servants.

 In addition, the mountains here are high and the emperor is far away, so they couldn't even rob them by force, so they went to capture the county magistrate and cooperate with them.

The county magistrate is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Coupled with greed for money and enriching his own pockets behind the back of the court, he could only end up colluding with them.

The Beiyi people tasted the benefits the first time they transported jade to be sold, so they worked harder and harder to mine.

Until today when they dug this big piece of land, they knew they didn’t have to worry about food.

They transported the jade to the boat and packed it as if it were precious. Then in Beiyi dialect, they said, "Let's set off!"

Jing Shirong listened to their conversation in the dark and realized that they wanted to transport the jade to Persia and sell it to the Persians, who would then transport it to other places for sale.

They followed them all the way by boat. It was not until they were negotiating the price that Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming realized that these Beiyizi were also stupid and not good at mathematics at all.

   You can’t understand someone who is making random calculations, and you can only yell something randomly, which means you want more.

The Persians were also thieves and were unwilling to give more at first. Later, when the Beiyizi became angry, the businessman pretended to agree, "Okay, okay, then give me more."

"Your piece of jade must be of good quality, otherwise I won't give you more."

Bei Yizi didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and since both languages ​​had accents, communication was difficult, so he wanted to pay the money and leave as soon as possible.

Qi Yuanming came out to stop it at this time.

"Wait a moment!"

 (End of this chapter)

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