The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 498: , buying and selling bargaining

Chapter 498: Negotiating prices

Qi Yuanming really can’t stand it.

“How dare you sell it for such a small amount of money?”

Even if he has never done business, he still knows a little about market prices after having been with Jing Shirong for so long.

This Persian businessman is just trying to trick these Northern idiots.

 Such a large piece of jade, one hundred thousand taels is not too much.

  Not to mention that the jade is so complete, and we can add a little more to it.

Persian businessman did not expect Cheng Yaojin to show up halfway, and was very unhappy, "Who are you?"

 He speaks the local dialect and obviously comes here often to buy and sell things.

Qi Yuanming, a tall man, walked over. He was taller and stronger than the Persian merchant, and said aggressively, "I am with them, and the price you gave is too low. We will not sell it for less than 150,000 taels!"

The Persian businessman opened his mouth in pain, "What? Fifteen thousand taels? You have a big appetite. The most you can get is 70,000 taels. The most I can give you is another two thousand taels for running errands. No more."

 He also has to make some profit in the middle price, otherwise the trip will be in vain.

Qi Yuanming knew he wanted to make money, but he didn’t want to make that much.

He said to the Persian businessman, "You will definitely make money if you make money, but it's not your way of making money. If you sell us 150,000 yuan, you can sell it twice as much when you go out. Don't try to fool us."

 Other Northern Yizi saw that Qi Yuanming could help them increase the price, so they naturally let him come quietly.

Persian businessmen have been making money from the IQ tax of these northern barbarians from the beginning. Who would have thought that this time someone would come into the way and they would immediately feel unhappy.

“Anyway, I’ll give you 80,000 yuan at most. If you raise the price, I won’t sell it.”

"But I would like to advise you kindly. Among the merchants nearby, I have the highest purchase price. There is no store like mine after passing through my village."

  It means that if you don't sell him, you can only sell it to others at a low price, and you will suffer even more losses when the time comes.

Jing Shirong handed over to Qi Yuanming when he came out, so he naturally felt confident.

He was not afraid. He snorted, "If you don't want to sell it, you won't sell it. You're not the only one collecting jade. Why don't we go elsewhere?"

“But you also have to think clearly. This piece of jade is of such good color and smooth texture that it will be very difficult to come across it if you miss it.”


Persian businessman did not expect that he was not stupid and understood the value of this piece of jade.

He thought about it for a while, but he didn't want to miss it, so he gritted his teeth and discussed with him, "I will give you up to 120,000 yuan. It really can't be more. I also want to earn some traveling expenses."

Qi Yuanming pretended to be embarrassed, "We don't have enough points for the key 120,000 yuan. How about you add more? I'll give it to you next time if there's something good?"

Persian businessman calculated quickly in his mind, knowing that there was still profit to be made, but he did not want to agree so easily, so he continued to grind with Qi Yuanming.

"Otherwise, I will secretly give you two thousand, and you will earn the two thousand yourself, and you will decide how to divide the rest. What do you think of this?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "Otherwise, if you give me 30,000 yuan, you can still sell them 120,000 yuan in name. What do you think?"

The Persian merchant was speechless and felt that he was really treacherous.

“If I give you 30,000 yuan, I might as well give you 150,000 yuan directly.”

Qi Yuanming said cunningly, "It's up to you. If you are willing to give it to me privately, I will give it to you privately next time when I have good goods. Then you can earn the money yourself. What do you think?"

Seeing that he still had this trick, the Persian businessman hesitated for a moment, and finally looked around and said, "Okay, let's do it this time. Next time, we can't drive so many."

“However, if you are of good quality next time, remember to give it to me secretly.”

  After all, they are a whole team, and they will definitely not be able to divide the money too much.

If you can receive the goods privately and sell them yourself, then the profit will be yours.

Jing Shirong knew this a long time ago and taught Qi Yuanming what he said.

Seeing that the matter was done, Qi Yuanming secretly took him 30,000 yuan, and then took him to sign and sign with Bei Yizi.

Bei Yizi can't understand their characters, but they can understand the money. As long as you get the money, you can take it back and perform meritorious deeds.

So they happily carried the money back, and Qi Yuanming also boarded the boat.

Without the jade, Bei Yizi looked at Qi Yuanming with warm eyes, like looking at a fat lamb.

 They had written letters to their prince before, and when the time came, they would bring Qi Yuanming back for questioning, which would be another achievement. Becoming a general one day is just around the corner.

Qi Yuanming also felt their heated gazes, and the hairs on his back stood up.

What do you think these stinky men are looking at?

 Is he that good-looking?

 But as the sea approached the shore, Qi Yuanming came to understand.

   These guys are starting to catch themselves.

However, he is not afraid. Even if he comes, he will always go into the tiger's den to explore the situation.

 Let's see what's going on with the Beiyi leaders so we can take countermeasures.

 With Jing Shirong following him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

As soon as the ship docked, Beiyizi immediately grabbed him into the carriage and set off towards the destination.

The carriage walked for a long time before arriving at the foot of a mountain.

The leader of the Beiyi is hiding here at this time.

Qi Yuanming was tied in by the gangsters. As soon as he entered the house, he saw a room full of fierce-looking people.

They communicated in Beiyi dialect, "Are you back? Did you sell the jade?"

The Northern Yizi replied, "Sell it. The money is here."

They handed over the money, and then handed over Qi Yuanming, and asked the prince of Beiyi for credit, saying, "This is an official sent by the imperial court, and my subordinates captured him."

The prince of Beiyi nodded with satisfaction, "If you do well, you will be rewarded."

The prince glanced at Qi Yuanming and asked him in Beijing dialect, "What official are you?"

 Qi Yuanming was **** with five flowers, but he didn't struggle. He opened his mouth and answered, "I'm just a little general, useless."

The prince of Beiyi asked him coldly, "Does the imperial court want to send people to dig jade mines to sell the jade mines to make money to support soldiers and horses?"

Qi Yuan Mingxin said, isn’t this nonsense?

But all he could say on the face of it was, "I don't know about that. I am a small official who can't ask about His Majesty's affairs."

“Besides, no capable officials would be sent here.”

The Prince of Beiyi felt that what he said was good. If he were an important official, he would not be sent to this mountain valley with so few people.

He guessed that the emperor was secretly digging jade mines and selling them so that he could pocket the money from the jade mines.

 Otherwise, handing over to the national treasury and private money are two different things.

But he will not let the emperor succeed in this matter.

Now that he has sold jade and got so much money, he can buy grain and grass to raise soldiers and horses.

 As for this Beijing official, he thought about how to deal with it better.

Those **** were more ferocious, and they directly gestured, "Prince, otherwise just kill him, otherwise you will waste food rations."

 Having said that, he drew his sword.

The Beiyi prince waved his hand, "Don't kill him for now, let him continue selling jade for us."

The jade mine is so big that it is impossible to have only one jade of good quality.

As long as you dig more, you will definitely find more and better jade.

 When the money is sold, they will have more money to buy food and grass.

As long as you have food and grass, why don't you worry that your troops and horses will not be fat?

 (End of this chapter)

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