Chapter 499: Falling off the ship

Qi Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they did not kill him.

Even though he was brave, so many Beiyi people gathered together and he was still **** by Wu Huada. If they really cut him down, he would be skinned even if he died.

 It’s a blessing that the Beiyi prince won’t kill him for the time being, otherwise he would also be in pain.

The prince of Beiyi asked someone to take Qi Yuanming down, while he held a small meeting with his subordinates.

Jing Shirong followed over at this time and eavesdropped on their conversation.

The next day, Bei Yizi continued to go back to the jade mine, intending to dig out more jade and sell it.

Jing Shirong went over to untie Qi Yuanming. The two discussed it and decided to go back first after grabbing the money at night.

 Otherwise the money will be used to buy grain and transport it back, which will be a disaster.

But they didn’t bring many people, so they couldn’t go head-to-head with this group of tall and powerful Beiyizi.

It is better to take the money first, and then rush back to get on the boat. When the time comes, the boat will drive away, and it will be difficult for the group of Beiyi people to catch up.

Even if they catch up, they are already at the jade mine.

By then the third princess’s people will almost have arrived, and they will be able to be caught in one fell swoop.

The two of them did what they said. While the Beiyi people were drinking and celebrating at night, they stole the money and ran away quietly.

 Hunted to run far away before riding to the pier.

 When Bei Yizi came to his senses, he hurriedly said, "Quick, chase after me. My money is gone. The imperial official must have stolen it. Go and get it back for me!"

As soon as the other Beiyizi heard that the money was gone, they sobered up and immediately rode after him.

 They have been riding horses since they were young, and their equestrian skills are very good.

 In addition, the horses were brought from the grassland and were very fast, so they caught up quickly.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming bought their horses halfway. They didn't care about the quality of the horses, and they just ran with all their strength.

 When they ran to the pier, they could faintly hear the sound of horse hooves chasing behind them.

Originally, they wanted to destroy another ship, but it was too late, so they could only pull up the sail and set off quickly.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming can both catch a boat, but they are not very skilled in it.

This will start slowly, and those Bei Yizi will chase.

 They quickly boarded another boat and chased after him.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming also speeded up, but the wind was strong at night and the moon was covered by clouds, making them unsure of the direction.

 Fortunately, the two of them stayed calm and kept moving forward.

 At the beginning, Beiyizi was left behind by them.

 But they were already familiar with this sea and quickly caught up.

 “Ajing, they are catching up.”

Seeing Bei Yizi catching up, Jing Shirong had no choice but to let the secret guards deal with them.

When Beiyizi saw that they had brought masters with them, he did not fight them head-on and directly used fireworks eggs to blow up the bottom of their boats.

Qi Yuanming groaned and said angrily, "They actually came here to do it?"

Mainly, they didn’t expect that this group of Beiyizi actually carried fireworks with them.

This is going to be bad. If the bottom of the boat leaks, they will go into the sea.

 Such a big sea, even if you know how to swim, you will be exhausted sometimes.

 When the time comes that you no longer have the strength to swim to the shore, you will have to sink to the bottom of the sea.

 Both of them cherish their lives. Wherever they are willing to die, they naturally have to find a solution.

 “Come on, get on their boat.”

Since Beiyizi has fireworks, they will not blow up their own ship.

So Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming jumped onto their boat together with others.

The two large ships were very close to each other. Bei Yizi was still using fireworks to blow up Jing Shirong's ship, but he didn't expect that they would suddenly jump over.

 Qi Yuanming swung his sword and began to deal with these Beiyi thugs who were throwing fireworks and eggs.

Jing Shirong also raised his sword and went over.

 They are both masters, so they can solve the problem quickly.

However, the Beiyizi had a large number of people and were very courageous. Seeing that their number was getting smaller and smaller, they became violent and picked up the fireworks eggs and threw them at Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong. The power of those fireworks eggs is either great or small.

 The explosion cannot kill people, but it can injure them.

Qi Yuanming was suddenly thrown into the water. He was frightened and quickly capsized the boat and jumped into the sea.

 The moment he jumped into the sea, the fireworks exploded with a "bang!"

Jing Shirong looked towards him out of the corner of his eye and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had successfully escaped.

But before he could let go, another firework egg was thrown at him.

 He had nowhere to hide and could only capsize the boat and jump into the sea.

When Beiyizi saw them jumping into the sea to escape, he threw all the remaining fireworks eggs into the sea.


Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong reminded each other and quickly dived into the water.

The fireworks exploded in the water. Fortunately, the force of the water became much smaller and they were able to survive safely.

The two of them dived two meters deep, and then came up again when they found everything was alright.

By the time we came up, Bei Yizi's ship had already sailed away.

 The remaining broken ship also began to leak.

But there is nothing we can do about the water leakage. We have to go up, otherwise we will lose the strength to swim and be buried in the belly of the fish.

Jing Shirong joked, "You have rough skin and thick flesh, so you might not even eat fish."

Qi Yuanming also laughed, "Even though you have thin skin and tender flesh, you are already tanned, so you still have the nerve to brag about it."

 The two of them joked as they climbed onto the boat, and then sat on the boat to figure out how to fix these loopholes.

 They searched around the boat and found only some pots and pans.

While the hole in the boat is not big, try to plug the hole as much as possible.

 But the weather on the sea is changeable. It was clear and clear just a moment ago, and suddenly there are dark clouds.

 In addition, the ship was old. When the waves hit hard, the ship was suddenly deflected and swayed.

Jing Shirong went to steer the boat, and while stabilizing the direction, he checked the situation on Qi Yuanming's side.

Several secret guards helped to splash the water, but the sea wind suddenly became strong, slapping the boat back and forth, and the holes in the boat were shaken more and more.

Seeing that more and more sea water was coming in, Jing Shirong could only make dangerous moves.

 “Go and see if there is a small wooden boat in the cabin.”

 If you have a small wooden boat, use it to escape.

 If not, we can only dismantle two large wooden boards, which will be used to save lives later.

 “Okay, I’ll go take a look.”

Qi Yuanming hurriedly went to the cabin to take a look. It was full of sea water. He searched around but couldn't find the small wooden boat.

In the end, I had no choice but to take out an ax and said, "Ajing, there is no other way, let's cut the board."

 Otherwise, more and more water will flow through the hole, and the ship will have started to sink.

Qi Yuanming and several secret guards began to carve out a wooden board, trying to carve out as big a piece as possible.

 The rain on the sea became heavier and heavier, and the wind became stronger and stronger. The whole ship was about to be overturned.

Qi Yuanming and others were soaked all over, their eyes were blurred by the rain, but their hands kept moving.

Before the last wave of violent storm came, Qi Yuanming and his men quickly carved out the wooden planks.

Several people quickly sat down on the wooden planks and came in to maintain their balance before the boat sank to the bottom of the sea.

But the sea wind was so strong that a few people were eventually blown into the sea, and then they hugged the board to rest for a while and catch their breath.

Jing Shirong glanced at the direction of the sea, and based on his memory, walked forward to see if there were any fishing boats nearby that could take him a ride.

Otherwise, the sea water was icy and cold, and they didn’t eat anything along the way, so they didn’t know how long they could survive.

Even such a big man as Qi Yuanming shivered from the cold sea water.

“A Jing, if there are no fishing boats nearby, we won’t freeze to death in the sea, right?”

 It was winter after all, the sea wind was so biting, and they were in the sea, so they were frozen to death even if they didn't starve to death.

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 (End of this chapter)

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