The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 500: , Sister Ying comes to rescue

Chapter 500, Sister Ying comes to the rescue

Jing Shirong looked around and comforted them.

“It will be okay. If you keep persisting, you will definitely encounter a fishing boat.”

 But he knew that the smell of fish here was not strong, so there were no fishing boats nearby.

 We can only swim for a while and check the situation.

A few people held on to the wooden board and drifted for a while, but still couldn't see a fishing boat.

 Coupled with the violent storm today, even fewer people are getting out of the boat.

 The sea water is very cold and the body is very tired.

Just when they were feeling faintly desperate, a bright light suddenly flashed in front of them.

 “Mr. Gong~~~”

Jing Shirong’s eyes widened, thinking he was hallucinating.

 “Mr. Gong~~~”

But the voice was so familiar that even Qi Yuanming heard it.

“Ajing, is it Sister Ying calling you? I seem to hear Sister Ying’s voice.”

Jing Shirong’s eyes widened in surprise, “Did you hear that too?”

Is it possible that Sister Ying really came to save him?

Qi Yuanming was also very excited and shouted, "Sister Ying, we are here~~~"

Sister Ying was sitting on the fishing boat. When she saw their response, she hurried towards them.

“Don’t move there, we are coming~~”

 She asked the fisherman to bring the boat over, and when the heavy rain ended, it happened to be in front of Jing Shirong and the others.

“Ms. sir? Brother Qi?”

Jing Shirong grabbed the wooden board with his whole body wet. He looked up and saw the sullen face. He opened his mouth and smiled happily.


Sister Ying saw him soaked like a dog, feeling distressed and amused at the same time, "Come up quickly and see how miserable you are."

Jing Shirong looked at her with a silly smile and stretched out his big hand, "Madam, pull me."

Sister Ying felt distressed and helpless, so she reached out to give him a hand.

Jing Shirong used his strength to come up, hugged her, lowered his head and pressed on her.

Sister Ying was embarrassed and struggled, "There are so many people here, please let go." It's embarrassing.

Jing Shirong loved her so much, "I won't let you go, I love you the most."

Sister Ying felt warm in her heart when she heard this, knowing that he must have experienced fear just now, which is why he was so clingy.

  She kissed his brow and eyes distressedly and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Jing Shirong leaned on her shoulder and said, "It's a good thing you're here. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to see you."

The two of them are so affectionate that Qi Yuanming can't stand it.

 “You two should go to another place to stay, you’re blocking us.”

 I didn’t see that they couldn’t come up.

Sister Ying smiled and said she was sorry, and quickly took Jing Shirong in to change clothes.

“I have brought a lot of clothes, and each of you can change them.”

Jing Shirong hummed and asked everyone to take one and go outside to change.

 He locked them up in the cabin and asked Sister Ying to help him change them.

Sister Ying saw that he was suddenly so clingy, so she didn't reject him.

While helping him change, he said to him, "My eyelids kept twitching yesterday. I was really worried, so I went up the mountain to have a look."

“As soon as I reached the top of the mountain, I saw several fishing boats docked and resting nearby.”

At that time, her sixth sense told her to take a boat out. She did not hesitate, paid a large price and came out with a few secret guards.

Sure enough, in the middle of the sea, I saw Jing Shirong falling into the sea.

 Luckily she is here, otherwise they might really be exhausted from swimming.

Jing Shirong changed into clean clothes and hugged Sister Ying tightly to keep warm.

He whispered in Sister Ying's ear, "I have experienced danger before, but I have never been afraid." This time, I suddenly became afraid of falling into the water.

 Because there was a woman waiting for him on the shore, and he didn't want to break the promise.

So when Sister Ying appeared, he was overjoyed. It was like seeing a ray of light in the dark abyss, and his whole body became energetic.

Sister Ying is also glad that she is here, otherwise it would be too dangerous.

“I’ve made **** soup, drink a bowl while it’s hot.”

 Having said that, let Xiao Zi also serve **** soup to the people outside.

Jing Shirong will be very sticky now, and Sister Ying will feed her when the **** soup is poured out.

Sister Ying rarely sees him being so clingy to her, so of course she dotes on him when she feels distressed.

 “Then sit tight.”

Jing Shirong obediently crossed her legs and raised her head as if waiting for food.

He sat on the ground, and Sister Ying sat on the chair. She held a bowl in her hand, took a spoon, and fed it to his mouth.


Jing Shirong raised his handsome face and put his hands on his legs.

 “Ah~” he said, opened his mouth and drank.

Sister Ying feeds him a spoonful and drinks a spoonful. She is very affectionate.

After drinking the **** soup, Sister Ying asked him, "What are you going to do next?"

Jing Shirong thought for a while and asked her, "Did you see Bei Yizi's boat when you came here?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, we are the only fishing boat nearby, and I didn't see another one."

This is strange. Jing Shirong stood up, went outside and looked around carefully, and asked suspiciously, "Did those Beiyi people go in the wrong direction?"

Qi Yuanming nodded, "It's possible."

  After all, the wind is so strong today. They were fighting on the boat just now. The other party was injured a lot. In addition, the man in charge of the boat was also injured by them. It is possible that they may deviate from the route.

Jing Shirong nodded and asked the boatman to drive the boat back early.

They will land earlier than the Beiyizi, so they can lay a trap for them to fall into.

 Lest they go up the mountain and capture the local people as hostages.

 The Third Princess and the others should be here soon, and they will be able to take these people away by then.

 The emperor meant to deal with these people secretly, without thinking of any trouble, so as not to disturb people's hearts.

As for what the third princess meant, she could either capture the prince of Beiyi and take him as a hostage, or take away the whole pot from Beiyi.

Jing Shirong didn't think too much. What they have to do now is to set up traps before Sangong brings people, and wait until Beiyizi comes to catch those people, so as not to hurt the people in the mountains.

 After the boat docked, they disembarked and took the path up the mountain.

 Because there are still some Beiyizi guards on the mountain, they must be dealt with first to ensure safety.

As for the county magistrate, they didn't take it seriously. As long as someone with a tall horse and a strong horse could replace the guards of the Northern Yi, the county magistrate wouldn't see anything.

Qi Yuanming led the people up first, and Sister Ying gave him a handful of poison. Just sprinkle it on the noses of the Beiyi guards, and they would fall down in a few seconds.

Qi Yuanming put away the medicinal powder and praised, "Sister Ying is really good, she can make medicinal powder. I thought it was only Sister Yang who could make medicinal powder."

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "Sister Yang is much better than me, and these are not even close to her skin."

Jing Shirong asked Qi Yuanming, "Stop being poor and deal with those people first."

Qi Yuanming put away his silly smile and led the people up.

Jing Shirong took Sister Ying and continued to the farmyard.

Qi Yuanming returned to the mountain mine. As soon as he knocked out the few Beiyi people with medicine, the Beiyi people at the foot of the mountain came ashore.

This group of Beiyizi were blown off course by the sea wind at first. Later, the wind and rain calmed down, and they turned back.

They thought that Jing Shirong and others had died in the sea, so they wanted to go up the mountain to continue digging jade mines in order to sell money for food and grass.

As soon as Qi Yuanming asked someone to dress up as a guard from the Beiyi, the group of Beiyi people came up.

 There is no time to set a trap now.

The group of Northern Yizi also recognized them at a glance, and immediately drew out their machetes and said, "Kill!"

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 (End of this chapter)

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