Chapter 504, Come to Yaowang Island

The medicine boy said oh and sat down to dry the herbs.

He muttered, "No one has come to our island for several years, and it's still very lonely."

 There were quite a few people who came here seeking medicine for their illnesses before.

But half of them were bitten to death by poisonous snakes and insects that came to the center of the island before they reached the top of the mountain.

There are still some who didn’t even get to the island and got lost due to the smoke at the bottom of the mountain.

The remaining ones who were able to come up were either bad-tempered, offended the old medicine king, and were knocked unconscious by the medicine and thrown down the mountain, never having the chance to go up again.

Because the old Yao Wang has a weird temper and is difficult to deal with, and the island is difficult to find, fewer people come.

Yao Tong has only seen so many living people for more than half a year, so he is naturally very excited.

 Seeing him musing, the old Medicine King clicked his tongue impatiently, "Go and see if the alchemy furnace is ready." Why can young people be so intolerant of loneliness when they are working all day long?

 Isn’t it just that I haven’t seen anyone for more than half a year, so why are you so happy?

Yaochong was still young, so he snorted, "All animals know how to huddle together in a nest. We are the only two on the island. It would be strange if we are not lonely."

 Old Medicine King rolled his eyes at him and said, "If you don't want to be here, get out."

 He has never felt lonely alone for so long. The brat thinks about it all day long.

The medicine boy sticks out his tongue to stop it from rolling away.

He thought to himself, if you were not lonely, would you adopt me?

 Still lonely?

But it was impossible to say this clearly, otherwise I would be beaten again, and I would just look at the alchemy furnace.

 Looked at it for a while and then came over and said.

“Don’t just chase them away when they come up. I still want to talk to them.”

 Old Medicine King snorted, touched his goatee, and ignored it.

 But the medicine boy knew that he had heard it, so he happily went to see the medicine.

At the foot of the mountain, Qi Yuanming and the others also saw the house on the top of the mountain.

He pointed to the chimney on the top of Tianshan Mountain in surprise and said happily, "Look, there are indeed people on the mountain."

Sister Ying also saw the smoke curling up from the kitchen, and she felt hopeful, "Let's go up the mountain."

Qi Yuanming sighed and quickly led the people up the mountain.

As he walked, he said, "It's a good thing you brought enough powder. Otherwise, the snakes, scorpions, centipedes, and poisonous bees along the way would be fine if you could get halfway there, but you wouldn't be able to get up at all."

One poisonous bee can kill an adult. They were able to get over smoothly only because Sister Ying brought enough powder.

Before Sister Ying came here, she thought that there might be poisonous insects on the island, so she brought all the powder ground in the farmyard with her.

 Just along the way, there were so many bright flowers and insects, most of which were poisonous.

Even the smoke here smells like sulfur, making you dizzy.

 No wonder the old medicine king wanted to live at the highest place.

 I think the air in the mountains will be better.

 They went all the way up the mountain, but the road was not easy.

 Fortunately, everyone in this group knows martial arts.

Even Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong can go up the mountain easily.

 They successfully climbed to the stone house on the top of the mountain.

 The medicine boy heard the sound and came over to see it happily.

“You guys arrived so quickly? Have you never been stung by a poisonous wasp? Have you ever been bitten by an insect?”

 Most of the people who came before were stung by poisonous bees and lost half of their lives when they came up.

These people actually have nothing wrong with them.

Sister Ying and her party all wore gauze hats and hats on their faces, and gloves on their hands. It could be said that they were fully armed.

 The medicine boy was very surprised to see that they were quite prepared.

"You have done a good job in your homework. It is amazing that you are so well-prepared. Come on up and sit down."

Sister Ying didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to, and he didn't even make things difficult for them. It was different from what they imagined when they came.

Qi Yuanming was more straightforward and curiously asked the medicine boy, "Aren't you going to make things difficult for us?"

He had heard before that things were not going well on Old Yaowang Island, and that most people would be in trouble. Why weren't they in trouble?

 The medicine boys were all amused. “Why am I embarrassing you? I have no grudge against you.”

He was just an orphan at the foot of the mountain. He happened to be adopted and raised by King Yao. His mind was not crooked, but he was lively and outgoing.

Yaotong smiled and said, "I won't embarrass you, but my master may embarrass you. If you want him to save people, it probably won't be easy."

Upon hearing this, Sister Ying quickly asked him for advice, "Brother, is there any way you can get your master to agree to save people?"

 Yao Tong saw her sweet voice and liked it very much, "Sister, you have a nice voice."

 And actually called him little brother.

 So many people came before and they all rudely called him a brat.

This is the only one who calls him little brother, and he likes it.

“Hey, let me tell you, my master likes to drink wine and eat wine and food. If you are good at cooking and can cook him a table of delicious food, he might agree.”

 If an expert likes wine, it must be good wine.

Sister Ying thought of this when she came, and promptly offered the wine on her belt.

"This is my home-brewed wine. You can take it over and give it to Old Medicine King to try. If you like it, I'll get him some food and drinks later."

 The medicine boy did not expect that she actually brought wine, which was very strange.

“Sister, your thoughts are so delicate. Can you think of all this?”

 There were so many people here before, why didn’t you expect so many?

 As expected, women are more delicate.

 The medicine boy happily took the wine and asked them to wait outside for a while.

He took the wine and soaked it in. "Master, there is some fine wine. Smell it. It is very fragrant."

Old Medicine King sat there lazily, touched his white beard, and snorted, "What good wine can I have?"

He has drank good wine all his life, what kind of wine has he not drunk?

 The medicine boy uncorked the wine, swirled the wine, and handed it to him to smell.

“Smell it, this wine is different from what you usually drink.”

 Old Medicine King didn't want to smell it at first, but the aroma of the wine was so strong that it kept getting into his nose, making it difficult for him to ignore it.

He took it over, smelled it, raised his head, took a sip, and clicked his tongue twice. The most he could say was, "It's just average."

The medicine boy laughed when he heard this, "Generally, don't drink. Give it to me. I've grown up and can drink."

 The old Medicine King refused to give it, and his fat body tilted to avoid his dirty hands.

 “Go and dry your medicine, don’t hang out in front of me.”

 The medicine boy said no and argued with him.

"You said it doesn't taste good, so give it to me. I'm thirsty too."

 The old Medicine King puffed his beard and glared, and said angrily, "I raised you, and you have the nerve to steal a drink from me?"

The medicine boy smiled and said, "Didn't you say it doesn't taste good? If it doesn't taste good, give it to me. I'm fifteen, so I can drink."

 The old Medicine King rolled his eyes at him and said, "There is no weakling in the yellow-haired boy, but he drinks shit. Go on."

The medicine boy said briefly, "Then I'll call the young lady outside to come in. She has a nice voice and is gentle. I like her."

After saying that, he ran out and called Sister Ying and others to come in.

Qi Yuanming carried Jing Shirong to the stone room, put Jing Shirong on the bed, and asked the medicine boy, "Where is your master?"

 The medicine boy pointed to the thatched hut behind him.

"Where are you drinking? As for whether he will come out, you have to call him yourself."

Sister Ying took out the dried pork in her hand and handed it over, "I'll give this to you and your master to try. I made it myself. It tastes great with wine. You can try it."

 The Yaotong saw that the hands she stretched out were so fair and beautiful, and she was very good-looking.

 “Okay, let me try it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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