The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 505: , the cold old medicine king

Chapter 505, the cold old medicine king

 He took a bite and found that the pork was very chewy, sweet and spicy, and very pleasing to the palate.

 “Yeah, it’s delicious!” The spicy taste is just right.

 After that, he happily took the dried pork and went to the thatched house to find the old medicine king.

“Master, please try it. This pork jerky is really delicious. It’s much better than what we make ourselves.”

 Old Medicine King didn't believe it, but his sensitive nose also smelled the spicy smell of dried pork.

 He snorted arrogantly and motioned to the medicine boy to bring it over.

The medicine boy handed him a piece and said, "Try it. It's spicy and delicious. The more you eat it, the more addictive it becomes. I don't know how that young lady made it."

 Old Yao Wang looked disdainful, but he also picked up a piece of dried pork and tried it.

He took a bite, chewed it, and said coldly, "It's just average."

The medicine boy knew that he would not praise it, so he deliberately provoked him, "Since the master doesn't like it, just give it to me. I like it and I think it tastes delicious."

 Having said that, put the dried pork in your pocket.

Seeing how greedy he was, the old medicine king reached out and snatched the dried pork from the medicine boy's hand, and scolded him, "No matter how big or small, you don't care if your elders are hungry, go and cook!"

The medicine boy guessed that he would **** it, and hummed, "What's so delicious about my cooking? It's better to ask that beautiful sister to cook us a meal, so that we can enjoy it too."

When the old Yao Wang heard this, he looked at him and said, "What girl keeps asking you to praise her beauty? Is she really that beautiful?"

It’s not like no woman has come here before, but I haven’t seen this guy give me a good face.

 Now I call her sister every time.

Is it possible that that woman is really that beautiful?

The medicine boy said with yearning on his face, "That sister is wearing a curtain hat. I can't see her appearance clearly, but judging from her figure and temperament, she should be a great beauty."

Seeing that he liked him so much, the old Medicine King made a shocking remark, "How about I keep her and make her your wife?"

The medicine boy ate the pork jerky for a moment and rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I'm not weak yet, what are you trying to match?"

"Besides, we are already married, so don't make any mistakes. I just like my beautiful sister."

Old Yao Wang rolled his eyes at him and looked down upon him, "Come on. It's someone else's wife's fault. Why don't you just **** her away?"

 Medicine boy, "No. I just like to watch, not **** other people's things."

 He is not a robber or bandit, so why would he want to rob someone else’s wife?

Seeing that he had no idea, the old Yao Wang snorted, "Whatever."

“Then let her cook.”

 It’s not just that the woman cooks delicious food, then cook them a few meals.

The medicine boy took advantage of this and said, "Then you have to treat my husband first. Otherwise, how can she think about cooking for us?"

 Old Medicine King rolled his eyes at him, "You want me to save someone after saying so much?"

The medicine boy shook his head, "No, I just eat what others eat for a few days. I think that young lady's cooking must be delicious, so just agree. I'm tired of eating everything on the island."

 Old Medicine King himself was tired of eating the food on the island, so he took a step back and said, "Okay, I'll go take a look."

If the other party is good at cooking, it doesn't hurt to save him.

Upon hearing this, the medicine boy smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go out and take a look."

 Old Medicine King snorted coldly and went out stroking his white beard.

Sister Ying and her children were waiting in the main room. When they heard the footsteps, they immediately stood up respectfully to greet them.

Sister Ying even took off her curtain hat and came over respectfully and asked, "Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, have you had lunch? If not, I'll make some for you?"

 Old Yao Wang has not seen so many people for a long time, and it is quite strange to see Sister Ying coming over to ask him if he has eaten.

He looked at Sister Ying up and down and saw that she was really beautiful. He touched his white beard and said with a cold expression, "This is the first time I heard someone come to the door and ask if she has eaten."

"What, are you here to ask for medicine or to cook?" Sister Ying said half respectfully and half jokingly, "It's us who are disturbing you. It's noon and you must not have eaten yet. I'll go and cook something for you. ? Where is the kitchen here?”

Seeing that her face was so good-looking even though she was disguised as a man, the medicine boy came over to lead her very calmly, "The kitchen is in the back. Sister, come with me."

Sister Ying sighed and said to the old medicine king, "Then you go ahead and I'll cook for you. I'll have a drink later."

She didn't mention anything about saving lives. She only said that she would have a drink in a while. It would be difficult for the old medicine king not to save people.

 He has never seen such a way of asking for help, it is so angry and funny.

Finally, I thought I could save the person quickly so that I could have a drink, so I walked over and gave Jing Shirong a look.

Qi Yuanming looked on worriedly and did not dare to disturb him.

 Old Yao Wang felt the pulse of the unconscious Jing Shirong and knew that his injury was serious.

He called the medicine boy back and said, "Go and boil the medicinal bath. Pour all the medicine in the cupboard as well."

 “Bring me the silver needle again.”

 Medicine boy, "Okay, let's go."

Qi Yuanming looked at it for a long time without daring to ask. He kept in mind Sister Ying's words not to disturb the old medicine king.

After the old medicine king gave Jing Shirong the needle, he turned back to look at Qi Yuanming and saw that he pursed his lips tightly, looking like he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask. It was really interesting.

 He couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you speak?"

Seeing that he asked about it, Qi Yuanming wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said respectfully, "I, I'm afraid of disturbing you."

 Old Medicine King thinks this group of people is really interesting. One or two of them are quite capable of doing things.

Knowing that he didn’t like the chatter in his ears when he was seeing a doctor, he was so quiet.

Including the woman, she knew that he didn’t like to hear people cry and beg, so she didn’t say anything about begging him when he came, she only said that she would clink glasses with him later.

This is the first time he has seen such an interesting group of people, and it is rare to relax the policy.

"Okay, come here and take him to the pharmacy and give him a medicinal bath. He is seriously injured."

Qi Yuanming knew that his good brother couldn't afford to be hurt, and his face was full of heartache.

 Finally I couldn't help but ask one more question, "How about my brother?"

 Old Medicine King snorted, "It depends on his fortune."

 Whether he can recover from internal injuries after being hit by so many big rocks depends on whether he has the good fortune to do so.

Qi Yuanming's nose was sore and he could hardly hold back the tears.

However, I still remember Sister Ying’s words, everything is focused on treatment, and crying is put aside in advance.

 He put Jing Shirong into the medicinal bath and waited for the old Medicine King's instructions.

 The old Medicine King continued to inject Jing Shirong's acupuncture, then looked at Qi Yuanming and ordered, "When I ask you to do his exercises for him later, just transfer one level of internal force."

“His internal organs are damaged now and he can’t bear gravity. Please be gentler internally.”

 Qi Yuanming nodded, "I understand."

The two of them worked together, and Qi Yuanming was sweating profusely in just one stick of incense.

“I didn’t expect that rescuing people would be so tiring. You have been working so hard.”

Seeing that he was quite understanding, the old Yao Wang snorted, "It's not bad."

This guy is pretty good.

 After a while, Sister Ying’s lunch was also ready.

She wiped her hands and came over to call, "Yao Wang, the meal is ready, are you okay? You can come out and eat."

 Old Medicine King sniffed, and sure enough he smelled the aroma of rice. He stood up immediately and said, "Here we come."

 (End of this chapter)

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