The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 508: , the kindness of the drug boy

Chapter 508: The medicine boy’s kindness

Sister Ying frowned when she heard this and asked, "Isn't it the same with the mountain air?"

She thought she couldn't smell the smoke at the bottom of the mountain. Didn't you think that the air in the mountains is not good too?

 The medicine boy saw that she didn’t understand, so he explained to her.

“Unless those who come here are gifted and have good body resistance to poison, if they stay for a long time, even if there are no poisonous insects biting you, the air will make you dizzy or even poison you and pass out.”

 This is where Yaowang Island is not easy to treat.

 Many people have traveled long distances, but they may not be able to last for ten days and a half.

The air here is full of poisonous gas, and if you smell it for a long time, your face will turn green as if poisoned.

The main reason why he and Old Medicine King can live here all the time is that their natural constitutions are different from ordinary people.

 Others may foam at the mouth and die after eating poisonous food.

 But they won’t.

 After they take poison, they will faint for a while. The poison they just entered will compete with their own poison, and they will wake up after winning.

Sister Ying was surprised when she heard this, "What if we lose?"

 The medicine boy laughed, "You won't lose unless it's extremely poisonous."

 If you are really poisoned to death, that is your life.

Sister Ying saw that he had a cheerful personality, so she handed him a glass of sweet water and wanted to ask him about Jing Shirong's condition, but she didn't know what was going on, so she didn't ask in the end.

 The medicine boy was smart enough to know what she wanted to ask and took the initiative to tell her.

"It's hard to say what your husband is going to do. It depends on God's will."

"But don't worry too much. As long as my master doesn't say anything, there is still hope."

 Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief when he could say this.

She wanted to ask Jing Shirong when he would wake up, but the medicine boy had already walked forward.

She probably knew what he meant, so she stopped asking and went to fish for shrimps together.

 The medicine boy caught a lot of shrimps and was thinking about frying some shrimp crackers for dinner at night.

He told Sister Ying, "My master's favorite thing in his free time is to drink some wine with some food."

"You should work harder these days and cook more food and wine for him. When he is in a better mood, he will be more concerned about your family's husband-in-law."

Sister Ying was very grateful when she saw that he was interested in helping her.


 The medicine boy grinned and said generously, "It's okay, I just like you and want to help you."

His smile is bright and his eyes are pure and without any purpose.

Sister Ying could feel his kindness and was not afraid, so she also smiled.

The two of them finished fishing for shrimps and then some crabs.

Sister Ying suddenly remembered that Sister Yang was probably arriving in the next few days, so she told the medicine boy in advance.

“By the way, my sister is coming over in a few days. Does Old Medicine King mind if there are too many people on the island?”

If Old Yao Wang doesn’t like that there are too many people on the island, Sister Yang and the others may have to leave when they come.

 The drug boy was very happy when he heard that she had a sister, "Is your sister as good-looking as you?"

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "She's still young. She hasn't even had haircuts yet."

  In fact, it was faster, but in her eyes, Sister Yang was still a child.

Yaotong didn’t have any idea, he just wanted to see if Sister Yang was also a beauty.

Sister Ying also realized that this boy was probably a face-controller, and couldn't help but shake her head in laughter.

“She also likes herbal medicine. She has long been saying that she wants to come here to have a look. If we arrive in a few days, she probably won’t want to leave.”

 The drug boy's eyes lit up and he was very surprised, "Really? Isn't she afraid?"

There are so many venomous snakes and insects on the island that even men are afraid of them, let alone girls.

This is the first time he has heard of a little girl who is not afraid of poison.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "You'll know when you see her." The medicine boy was really curious and immediately ran to the mountain to tell the old medicine king that a little girl who was not afraid of poisonous snakes would be here in a few days.

Seeing that he was in such high spirits, Old Yao Wang snorted, "Do you miss a woman?"

 I deal with women every day, maybe I want to get a wife?

 The medicine boy rolled his eyes at him and said, "Young lady likes to study herbal medicines. I would like to find a companion to learn from it, okay?"

 He was just too lonely on the island and wanted to have a playmate.

 Old Yao Wang snorted and said to himself, "Isn't I accompanying you?"

 Do you have a conscience?

But the words were obviously too disgusting and he couldn't say them out. He felt that the boy was older and probably wanted to play with the little girl, so he said, "If you really like her, you can keep her when the time comes."

 The medicine boy was puzzled, "Stay?"

 Don’t let people leave?

 Old Medicine King touched his white beard and asked naturally, "Isn't she the sister of the cook?"

“When the time comes, I will revive her husband-in-law and let her sister stay with you in exchange. In this way, won’t you be able to stay?”

 The medicine boy frowned, feeling that this was not a good idea, and shook his head.

 “Forget it, I don’t like it.”

 He is happy when someone comes occasionally.

 But he doesn't like it when people are detained with a purpose.

 He still likes people's happy smiling faces and dislikes sad faces.

Old Medicine King saw the kindness of his wife and said with disdain, "A grown man should be more cruel, and stop **** about women and caring about this and that."

 Stay if you like it, what’s wrong with it?

 The drug boy was speechless and rolled his eyes at him, "If you like it, you like it. If you want to stay, you should stay. These are two different things."

He likes it but doesn’t necessarily have to get it, and there is no need for the two to be related, so why should he have to get it.

Old Medicine King didn't understand, nor did he understand. Finally, he rolled up his sleeves and hummed, "Whatever you want!" He was really difficult to serve!

Yao Tong laughed angrily at him, but he also knew that he wanted to make him happy.

He leaned over, followed by his little tail, and asked, "When will my husband-in-law get better? How many days will it take for him to wake up?"

Although his medical skills are good, they are far from the level of the old Medicine King and need more practice.

 Old Medicine King stroked his goatee and snorted, "Want to know? I'll make it hard for you to study hard."

 I usually just know how to eat, but I don’t know how to learn more.

The medicine boy argued, "I do want to learn, but you have to be patient and teach me."

Every time he wanted to learn something, the old man had no patience to teach and would get angry at every turn.

 Furthermore, learning also requires experimental subjects, right?

Every time someone comes to seek medical treatment, this old man will not see him if he is in a bad mood. He is still imitating the doctor.

When he said this, the old Medicine King coughed and argued, "Then, who told those people to be so useless? They would die on their own after just a few curse words. I couldn't even save them in time."

If they had been tougher and tougher, he might have reached out to save them.

 The drug boy was speechless.

“Anyway, you must save him this time. Otherwise, I will be embarrassed to eat his food!”

 Old Yao Wang glared at him, "You don't even have to say it!"

That's not because the man was hit on the head, otherwise he would have woken up long ago.

Injury to internal organs is one thing, but the key point is that the head was hit and caused internal bleeding, so it can't be serious.

 If it's poisoning or something, it's easy to fix.

The key is the head, which is a big deal. He can't open his head, so he can only treat it conservatively.

 “This depends on whether his life is tough or not.”

If the King of Hell wants to take him in, there is nothing he can do.

 The medicine boy disagreed, "That won't work. If you don't revive him, it would be a shame for us."

“Look at that young lady, she never asks us anything, she obviously believes in us.”

 If he fails to cure others, he himself will be disgraced.

Good night()



 (End of this chapter)

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