Chapter 509, Sister Yang is here

 Old Medicine King rolled his eyes at him, "Are you the only one who knows how to save face?"

 Don’t he know how to save face?

 If the little lady begged him on her knees, he could still refuse.

 The key point is that they didn’t even ask him for help, and they even cooked for him, so he didn’t even have the chance to speak.

 Furthermore, how could he say to others, "I may not be able to save your husband," even though they looked trusting. As soon as he said this, his face was completely tarnished.

 The drug boy nodded vigorously, "It's good that you know."

 Old Medicine King thought hard for a while, "No, I will check the books."

In these years, he has only concentrated on studying poisons, but he has forgotten about internal injuries and brain injuries, and he still needs to review them.

lest you fail to save the person at the right time, you always feel like you owe someone else.

 The medicine boy saw that he was interested and followed him to learn from him.

A few days later, Sister Yang and Brother Sen finally arrived.

As soon as she landed on the island, she was very excited. She looked at the poisonous snakes, chased the poisonous insects, and even the poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds.

 Brother Sen's skin crawled as he looked behind her, and he couldn't help but say, "Third sister, can't you hurry up?" There were so many bugs that were so disgusting, what was there to see?

Sister Yang looked disdainful, "These are treasures, do you understand?"

 Sen Ge'er had goosebumps all over his body, "You are here to see the eldest sister, not the poisonous insect."

Sister Yang then remembered the business, "Yeah, hurry up the mountain."

Brother Sen rolled his eyes speechlessly and carried her up the mountain.

 The ancient ones followed slowly.

 The medicine boy heard the noise on the mountain, guessed that they were coming, and ran out happily.

 “Are you here?”

He suddenly ran in front of Sister Yang, leaving Sister Yang confused?

"Who are you?"

The medicine boy looked her up and down and saw that she was about the same age as him. He grinned and said, "I am the medicine boy on the mountain. You are sister Ying's sister, right?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Yes, I am Sister Yang. Is my sister in there?"

The medicine boy smiled and replied, "Here he is, I'll take you there."

 He is very enthusiastic, and Sister Yang, who has a childlike mind, also follows him.

 Seng Geer also followed with his sword in his arms.

 The old man was tired from walking behind him. When he came up, the children had all run away.

 He had been here many years ago and was no stranger to it. He went to the thatched house to find the old medicine king.

 Old Medicine King was concentrating on reading a book and did not notice him coming.

 After Gu Gu came in, he saw him reading a book and coughed, "Are you busy?"

 Old Yao Wang turned around and saw that it was Gu. He was stunned for a moment, then snorted, "Why is it you?"

 Gu knew his dog temper. He touched his goatee and hummed, "If the children want to come out, just come out with them. Come by the way to see if you are still alive."

When they were young, the two of them studied poisons together and gave each other poison to see who could save themselves.

Both of them survived, but there were also some sequelae.

 Lao Yao Wang’s sequelae was that his hair turned completely white all of a sudden.

 In the old days, the lips were dark and purple, and they never returned to normal.

But both of them wanted to save face, and felt that they had failed, so they disliked each other and stopped communicating with each other for several years.

 They are both masters of poisoning, but there is no conflict of interest, and naturally there is no deep hatred.

Now when we meet again, the first thing we see is the sequelae of the other person's failed detoxification.

 Gu Gu looked at the old Yao Wang’s white hair.

 Old Medicine King looked at his ancient purple lips.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and asked at the same time, "Your hair?" "Your mouth?"

"Not yet?"

"Not yet?"

 Old Yao Wang wanted to save face, so he hummed, "My hair has healed a long time ago. It's just that I'm getting older, so gray hair is normal."

It is indeed normal for him to have gray hair as he gets older, and there is no way to verify whether his hair has really turned black.

Unexpectedly, his lips have always been black and purple from that time to now, and they are still the same now. It is difficult to find an excuse.

 Happily, he has tanned skin and the dark spots on his mouth are not so abrupt.

But the old medicine king saw at a glance that he had not cured the sequelae, so he joked, "It seems that your detoxification has deteriorated. Why haven't you been cured after so many years?"

Jiu Gu doesn’t like to hear, “Who said that if I’m not cured, I can’t continue to take other poisons?”

 Old Medicine King snorted childishly, "Who knows?"


 The two of them glared at each other, unconvinced.

 The Yaotong chatted with Sister Yang for a while, and was very happy. He ran in and told the old Yaowang.

“Master, Sister Yang wants to see the medicinal materials in the medicine cabinet. Can you open it and show it to her?”

Yao Tong and Yang Jie'er are similar in age, and they both love strange herbal medicines, so they immediately started chatting.

 The medicine boy liked her very much and wanted to show her the herbs in the medicine cabinet.

 The old Medicine King saw that he was so useless, so a little girl took him away and snorted, "Aren't you afraid that someone will steal it for you?"

Those herbs are so rare that this guy usually keeps them tightly locked up, even if he wants to take them out for experiments, he won't.

Just now a little girl came and asked him to take out the precious herbs? Really useless!

 The medicine boy didn’t mind being looked down upon, and he was in a bright mood, “Then I’ll go and prescribe it.”

 After saying that, he ran excitedly to show Sister Yang the precious medicinal materials.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu also went over to have a look.

 The medicine boy opened the iron lock and enthusiastically introduced it to Sister Yang.

"Sister Yang, look, this is the most poisonous red centipede my master has ever caught. It's huge. There are no such poisonous centipedes anywhere else."

Sister Yang looked over curiously and found that she had never seen it before.

 Seeing her interest, the medicine boy introduced several poisons to her.

 Give her the most precious life-saving medicine.

“Look, Sister Yang, these are life-saving herbs. My master searched for a long time to find just a few of them. It took a long time to refine three life-saving pills, but he was reluctant to use them.”

Sister Yang looked over curiously with wide eyes.

I sniffed it with my nose and said, "Wow, there are many things I haven't smelled before. Are they all picked on the island?"

When I went to the island just now, I didn't take a good look at the herbs because I didn't have time. Now I glanced at the medicine cabinet. They were all rare herbs that she had never seen before, but Sister Yang was very rare.

Seeing that she liked it, the medicine boy generously took out the precious herbs and showed them to her, "This is the best Ganoderma lucidum and a snow lotus. This was collected by the master many years ago and was reluctant to use it, so I just used it to look at it." "

There are still some century-old ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, Anoectochus, crocus, and blood root, all of which are very precious medicinal materials.

 “And, besides life-saving medicine, there are also poisons.”

 After saying that, he went to another cabinet and showed it to Sister Yang.

 “This is Brokenheart Grass. The whole plant is highly poisonous. If you eat it by mistake, you will suffer from abdominal pain and die. You must recognize the leaves and taste, so don’t pick the wrong one.”

He pointed to another type and said, "This is a blood-sealed throat. Its juice is highly poisonous. Once it comes into contact with the wound, the heart will be paralyzed immediately, the blood will coagulate instantly, and you will suffocate and die soon. Be very careful with this."

 Seng Geer's scalp was numb when he heard them behind him, but he also recognized them to avoid accidentally bumping into them.

Sister Yang was very excited and sniffed it carefully. Very courageous.

 (End of this chapter)

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