The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 510: , Sister Yang competes with Yaotong

Chapter 510, Sister Yang competes with Yaotong

 The medicine boy was very happy to see Sister Yang being so bold, and pulled her to look here and there.

 Introduce all the poisons and life-saving medicines in the medicine cabinet.

He was so open-minded that even Sister Yang was moved. For the first time, she sweetly said, "Brother, you are so good."

He actually showed her all the precious medicinal materials in his private collection. He really didn’t treat her like an outsider.

 The Yaotong was very happy when she called her brother. He raised his head and chest, feeling as if he was being worshiped.

He waved his hand generously and said, "These are all small things. If you like, I can lend you some so that you can practice your poison skills."

 The old medicine king couldn't stand it anymore and rolled his eyes at him, "It's almost done. I picked those medicines. Get out of here."

So many people came to the mountain to ask for medicine before, but never seen this guy be so generous.

Sure enough, it’s just because the girl is so good-looking that I’m such a loser.

 Hmph, there is no chance for a man to stay in college!

  The old man was very satisfied with what he saw. He touched his goatee and said to the old Yao Wang, "The children are happy, let them go."

“Besides, we, Sister Yang, have never seen any poison. She will not be greedy for your flowers and plants.”

 Old Medicine King rolled his eyes at him, "Who believes it?"

Looking at the surprised look on the little girl's face, you knew she had never seen so many good things.

 The old medicine king couldn't help but look at Gu Gu as if showing off, "Are you always so picky? You didn't even pick some rare herbs for your children to practice? Are you so embarrassed to be a master for others?"

Seeing his complacency, Gu Gu snorted, "What kind of poison can a girl learn?"

"Besides, although we have never seen these, our detoxification techniques are not bad at all. They may be better than your drug boy."

He has passed on all his lifelong knowledge to Sister Yang without keeping any secrets.

Although Sister Yang is young, she is extremely talented. Not only can she learn well, she can also draw inferences from one example.

I don’t believe that this silly medicine boy can be better than his sister Yang.

The old Medicine King didn't like to hear it, "You think it's great if you say it's great? I have been training this disciple for more than ten years. He can pick herbs by himself at the age of three. Do you think this little girl of yours can compare?"

It’s not his fault. Although the disciples he brought out cannot compare with him, it is impossible for others to compare with him.

Jiu Gu didn't believe it, "Don't brag. Even though I've only been practicing for a few years, my detoxification is not bad at all. If you don't believe me, let them compare."

 Old Medicine King snorted, "It's a contest. But if you lose, I won't care if your girl cries."

 The old man is also angry, "Whoever cries is not sure."

Although Sister Yang started late, not everyone has talent.

 The old Medicine King also wanted to see his boy's ability, so he asked him, "Go, take out the medicine jars I have collected, and I will let you practice with this girl today."

When the medicine boy saw them competing, he was very excited and looked at Sister Yang.

“Sister Yang, the master wants us to compete. Do you want to try?”

Sister Yang also wanted to see how capable she was, so she nodded and said yes.

“Okay, but friendship comes first, and we won’t quarrel for a while.”

 She said this, and the medicine boy liked her more and more.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. Even if you lose, I will still like you."

 Sister Yang.

 “Let’s compare first and then talk.”

Even before the competition, she felt she would lose. Huh, she didn’t believe it.

The old medicine king presided over the two of them, "I will give you three kinds of poisons in a moment, and see which of you can solve them within one stick of incense. Whoever solves them the fastest without any side effects, you win."

Yaotong and Sister Yang both looked forward to it and nodded, "Okay."

 Old Medicine King prepared three kinds of poisons for them, each one weirder than the last.

 Yao Tong and Yang Jie'er sit at a table each to see who can develop the antidote first.

 The old man looked calm on his face, but he was also sweating in his heart.

After all, Sister Yang started late, and had little experience in herbal medicine. She basically learned more from books, so he was not sure.

 But the enemy will not lose the battle. He had a draw with the old Medicine King when he was young, so there is no reason to lose to him when he is old.

If he really loses, he will probably laugh at him when we meet in the future.

 But this conversation has already been said, and he cannot take it back. He can only pretend to wait calmly.

When Sister Ying came over, she saw the quiet atmosphere in the room, so she didn't dare to disturb her and left again.

 Outside the door, she asked Seng Geer, "What are they doing inside?"

 Seng Geer shrugged helplessly, "Let's have a competition to detoxify. Let's see who can detoxify it faster."

Sister Ying nodded, "Then we won't disturb them. You come here first and I'll take you something to eat."

Brother Sen said "Oh" and followed her with his sword in hand.

Sister Ying brought him a bowl of taro ball and egg soup and asked him to sit down and eat.

 Sen Geer sat down to drink soup and asked her, "How is my brother-in-law? My parents are very worried."

Sister Ying's eyes were red and she said firmly, "It's okay. The old medicine king is here and everything will be fine."

 In addition, Gu Gu is also here, and the two of them join forces, Jing Shirong should be fine.

Seng Geer frowned, wanted to say something, and then swallowed it.

Seeing him like this, Sister Ying asked him, "If you have anything to say, just tell me. Is there something going on at home?"

 Seng Geer shook his head, "No."

He was just thinking that Jing Shirong was not poisoned, but was hit on the head, so it was so difficult, right?

If you are poisoned, it is easy to deal with, after all, there are many medicines here.

 But if it hits the head, this is very difficult to do.

Sister Ying didn’t know, but she didn’t dare to think too much.

 She is afraid that if she thinks too much, she will become depressed. When the time comes, she will be in a bad mood and the overall atmosphere will be affected.

 She wants everyone to be in a good mood and to do things more efficiently.

 Including the old Medicine King, she wanted him to be satisfied with his food every day, so that she could think of better ways to save her husband.

Brother Sen sighed and reassured her, "It's okay. Gu Gu and the old Medicine King knew each other. They were both miraculous doctors in the past. As long as they study together, they will definitely be able to wake up my brother-in-law."

Sister Ying nodded, "I hope so."

Qi Yuanming came back from cutting firewood down the mountain. As soon as he came in, he saw Brother Sen and was immediately excited.

 “Is Brother Seng here?”

 Brother Sen also likes him, "Brother Qi."

Qi Yuanming happily came over and patted him on the shoulder to express his warm welcome.

Sister Ying also served him a bowl of taro ball soup and asked him to sit down and drink it.

Qi Yuanming picked up the bowl and drank the soup in large gulps. He was really thirsty.

He complained to Seng Geer, "The firewood here is really hard. It took a lot of effort to split it, but I was exhausted."

 He had to chop wood during the day.

 At night, Jing Shirong needs to be treated for her injuries, and she sleeps as soon as she falls down from exhaustion.

Sister Ying was afraid that he would be lack of energy, so she went out of her way to give them extra meals every day.

 Three meals a day, plus midnight snacks.

 Let's have some snacks, snacks, and wine. Everyone is busy losing weight.

But being able to do something for everyone made her feel at ease, so that she wouldn't be idle and let her thoughts wander.

Qi Yuanming asked Brother Sen, "Did you come with Sister Yang and the others? What about them?"

 Seng Geer pointed to the pharmacy next door, "They are competing inside."

 (End of this chapter)

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