The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 511: , the comparison between masters

Chapter 511, Comparison between Masters

Qi Yuanming was curious, "What is the competition?"

 Seng Geer, "Comparing who can detoxify better."

Qi Yuanming opened his mouth wide, "Who is competing with whom? Old Medicine King versus Gu?"

Brother Sen shook his head, "No. It's Sister Yang and Yaotong."

Qi Yuanming was very surprised when he heard this, "Are they competing? Can Sister Yang be able to compete?"

After all, the medicine boy has been with the old medicine king since he was a child, and he must know more medicinal materials and detoxification methods than someone like Yang Jieer who became a monk halfway.

 Brother Sen was not sure who of the two would win, so he looked at Qi Yuanming and said, "How about we go and take a look?"

Qi Yuanming was also curious, "Okay. Let's go and have a look."

 After the two of them finished drinking the soup, they went over to watch the detoxification conference together.

 The atmosphere in the pharmacy was very serious at this time.

 Lao Yao Wang stood aside with Gu Ren, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

 But everyone was surprisingly quiet, for fear of disturbing the disciples.

When Sister Yang and Yaotong first started to detoxify the first poison, they were not so serious.

 It wasn’t until the two of them unlocked the first poison at the same time that the atmosphere was aroused.

  Until the second moment of poisoning, the two of them looked at each other and began to use their strength instead of playful smiles.

When they become serious, Old Yao Wang and Gu Gu will definitely become serious as well.

 This is not a competition between children, this is a competition between two masters.

 Lao Yao Wang was very confident at first, feeling that the mantle he had cultivated himself would be better than the female doll he found along the way.

Who would have thought that that little girl Fianzi, despite her young age, would learn extremely quickly.

 At first she would get the wrong medicine, but after taking a sniff, she immediately noticed the difference between the two medicines and immediately switched them.

Although she had just seen many of the rare medicinal materials on Medicine Island, she has a good memory and a good sense of smell.

 After just looking at it for a while, I knew which medicine to prepare.

Talent is something I really cannot envy.

 Yao Tong was very excited to have a peer who could compete with him. The whole competition was exciting and serious.

 A few beads of sweat broke out on both of their foreheads, and they raised their hands to wipe it casually.

 Hold your head and concentrate on preparing the antidote.

When Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming came over, seeing how serious the atmosphere was, they didn't dare to say anything, so they just watched silently.

Sister Ying also came to watch, wanting to see how her little girl’s medical skills were progressing.

 The old Medicine King saw so many people and felt more and more that he could not lose.

 He secretly glanced at the amount of medicine in the medicine boy's hand and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were all correct.

 But when I looked up at the proportion of the medicine in Sister Xiang Yang's hand, it turned out that it was also correct.

 The ten herbs they prepared were all correct, except for the eleventh one that was different.

 The ancientness can also be seen.

Old Medicine King stretched out his nose and sniffed it, wanting to ask Sister Yang what the medicinal powder was.

If she is wrongly matched, they will win after a while.

 Jiu Gu was also extremely nervous. He coughed and couldn't help but ask.

“Girl, why is your eleventh medicine different from others?”

Sister Yang shrugged and had her own reasons.

“This medicine is milder, so you won’t feel dizzy after taking it.”

Although the effect will be a little slower than that of the drug boy, the final effect is the same.

  It just means that her medicinal effect is mainly based on people's comfort.

 After all, she had been in the clinic and had seen some people suffering from side effects due to taking medicines, so she wanted to be more gentle in dispensing the medicines to reduce the discomfort of side effects.

● Gu Gu nodded and praised, "Good boy."

Although he is indifferent and ruthless, the child is kind in nature and he will not call her indifferent.

Seeing that he was quite confident, the old Medicine King snorted, "A woman's benevolence." As the successor of a miraculous doctor, how could he be a woman's benevolence.

If a woman is kind, can she still cure diseases and save people?

 The ancient thoughts were the same as his.

 But now that I have accepted a disciple, my concept will also change.

“I think our sister Yang did the right thing. If she can prepare the medicine to make people feel more comfortable, why not?”

“Does it mean that someone has to be made to suffer from vomiting and diarrhea to be considered a true miraculous healer?”

From the straight male perspective of the old medicine king, "Good medicine is bitter. If you can't bear the pain, why should you take medicine? Just poison it to death."


 How come he hadn’t found this old guy so unpleasant before?

 Or is he like this before?

Sister Yang took the time to turn around and say to them, "Master, please be quiet."

 The voice was so loud that it almost blew away their medicine powder.

 Gu Gu said oh, and he consciously closed his mouth as he wanted to quarrel with the old Yao Wang, and obediently stopped talking.

Seeing how obedient he was, the old Yao Wang said, "You are her master, but you actually listen to her?"

 Everything about the master has been lost.

 Gu Gu snorted at him and said in a small voice, "You know nothing. She is just a child, how could I still argue with her at the top of my voice?"

Isn't it embarrassing for an old man to quarrel with a little girl?

 Old Medicine King said childishly, "My apprentice can't stand on top of my head and **** anyway. It's the same for boys and girls."

 The medicine boy turned back and rolled his eyes at him. Too lazy to pay attention to him.

The ancient times also glanced at him, and went back directly, "You are also hard. Raising grandson is different from the granddaughter. People who have no granddaughter will not understand."

 Old Yao Wang’s eyes widened and he was unconvinced, “What’s so rare about a girl’s movie? Is it possible that she will support you until the end of your life?”

 Old is very confident, "That's natural."

 “Besides, I don’t just have one disciple, I also have another one.”

 He has two apprentices, a male and a female.

 Dragon and phoenix, how many people dream of this.

 Old Medicine King choked.

I didn’t expect that this old guy actually had two apprentices, one male and one female.

He has only accepted one disciple in his life, and he was a brat. He has never accepted a female disciple, and he lost it all at once.

 But you still have to save face.

“Anyway, I don’t like girl movies, so they’re of no use. You can keep them for yourself.”

  Gu Gu said "cut~" and said, "If you can't eat the grapes, you will say the grapes are sour."


Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Sister Yang glared at her angrily, "You two, stop quarreling!"

She has a clear voice, and her little tigress-like rage is quite intimidating.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu both shut up at the same time, acting like they were obedient.

 Lao Yao Wang and Gu Gu slowly took a few steps back, speaking in a low voice, "You disciple, you are so cruel."

 His brat wouldn't be so mean to him. At most, just think about it briefly.

 The old man was helpless, "Oh. The girl's family is somewhat like a tigress, and we dare not say more."

Especially since he has been with Sister Yang for many years and knows that she has a bad temper, he really doesn't dare to offend her.

Unlike Brother Seng, you can sometimes beat him up for a little revenge.

 But Sister Yang’s martial arts is not very good, so you can’t really hit her?

 Besides, she won’t just stand and let you beat her, and just give you an itching medicine she has researched herself, which can make you itchy to death.

 The old Medicine King was very sympathetic when he heard this, "Only women and villains in the world are difficult to raise. It's true."

 Fortunately, he didn't adopt a female child back then, otherwise he would have been tightly controlled.

 While they were talking, Sister Yang and Yaotong had already solved the second poison.

 The next step is the third one, which is also the most difficult one.

 (End of this chapter)

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