Chapter 512, Sleeping Poison

 The third poison is a hurdle that the old Medicine King has encountered this year, and even he himself cannot solve it.

 Let the children try it today while they are all here.

Hearing this, Gu Gu looked surprised, "Is there anything else you can't figure out?"

Although the two of them are not from the same school, they are still very sure of each other's strength.

I didn’t expect that there is something that the old medicine king can’t solve?

Old Medicine King touched his long white beard and snorted, "This poison is very weird. It is not fatal, but it makes people feel uncomfortable, and it also prevents other doctors from finding out that there is poison in the patient's body."

 The final diagnosis was fatigue and physical weakness.

But even after taking the tonic, there was no improvement.

 The old medicine king did some research and gave several antidote methods, but none of them worked.

 If it is highly poisonous, it will be very simple for him.

 But this drug, which seemed to have no toxicity, left him helpless.

The old man asked, "Will the patient die if he takes this medicine? Or will he remain tired?"

The old medicine king stroked his beard and said, “This medicine can stay latent in the human body for three years. It makes people feel tired, sleepy and inactive every day.”

 Slowly, you will become weak, weak, and suffer from night sweats.

 After being sick like this for three years, a person will die in his sleep when the time comes.

ˆ Gu asked, “Is the time all three years?”

 Old Medicine King nodded, "Yes. It has always been three years."

He disdained this kind of medicine at first, but after observing it later, he realized that the other person was really powerful.

The medicine below cannot be found to be poisonous.

And the effect of the medicine is said to be three years, and it is not more than one day, but not less every day. It is very strange, and it is difficult for him not to care about it.

 Ancient interest was also aroused, "Let me see it too."

He has never been exposed to this weird poison, so he is curious to study it.

 The more I look at it, the more strange it becomes.

This kind of poison, you can call it poison, but it is not poisonous. Each component is mild and harmless when separated.

However, although it is not poisonous, it can destroy people's health and make people die slowly in their sleep.

It was also the first time that the drug boy saw this poisoning technique. He looked at Sister Yang and asked her, "Does Sister Yang have a way to undo this poison?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "I want to try a few more times. What about you?"

 The drug boy was equally helpless, "I also want to try a few more times."

 Not only them, but Gu Gu and Old Yao Wang also joined together.

 Four people form two teams and are working on the development seriously.

Seeing that they were all busy, Sister Ying went to prepare lunch for them and went to see Jing Shirong in the secret room.

Jing Shirong in the secret room was lying quietly on the warm jade bed.

Sister Ying brought warm water over, wiped his body, and changed him into clean clothes.

After finishing her work, she sat down and stared at his sleepy face.

 She lowered her head and gently rested her head on his chest, listening to his slow heartbeat.

 The next step is to lean your face closer and feel his weak breathing.

 “Brother Rong? Are you going to wake up?”

 But no one responded to her.

Sister Ying held his big hand with her small hand, feeling vaguely uneasy in her heart.

Jing Shirong's symptoms of being in a deep sleep made her always feel like he had been poisoned by some kind of poison that the old medicine king had mentioned, the kind of poison that would prevent people from waking up.

 But I haven’t seen him have other symptoms on weekdays. I wonder if she is overthinking it?


“Brother Rong? Why aren’t you awake yet?”

Sister Ying held Jing Shirong's hand and pressed her face against the back of his hand. Feeling the coldness on the back of his hand, her heart became cold.

She shrank her shoulders and her nose was sore, but she still sniffed to stay strong.

 After thinking about it, I put my hands back into the quilt and went to the pharmacy to have a look.

 At this time, the pharmacy was surprisingly quiet. Brother Sen was waiting outside with his sword in hand, and Qi Yuanming was also watching.

When Sister Ying came over, the people inside had not come out yet.

 She asked Qi Yuanming in a low voice, "What's going on inside?"

Didn’t you still chatter just now? Why are you silent now?

Qi Yuanming told her in a low voice, "I'm busy making the antidote."

Sister Ying did not dare to disturb them and waited quietly.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that the old medicine king breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's done."

 Then he looked at Gu Gu, "Are you okay?"

 Gu Gu wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief. "We're fine too."

 The two of them took out the Billy formula for the antidote and showed it to each other.

 The old medicine king nodded with confusion, "This medicine of yours is different from the one I gave, but I don't know how effective it is."

●Hong Kong looked at his prescription and said, "My medicine is tentative, similar to yours, but mine is milder."

 The prescription prepared by the old medicine king is to fight poison with poison.

 It has strong medicinal properties and can wake up people from deep sleep directly.

 Although the process is painful, the effect is good.

As for the sequelae, he can't estimate them now.

 The ancient one is a bit gentler. His antidote formula can also wake up people who are sleeping, but the waking time is slower, but the pain is less. "

 The two of them have prepared antidote formulas, but the final result is not clear which one is better.

Old Medicine King stroked his long white beard and suggested, "Otherwise, how about trying the kid in the secret room?"

Sister Yang was suspicious, "My eldest brother-in-law??"

Sister Ying was also stunned, "Brother Rong?"

 They want to use Jing Shirong as an experiment?

Old Medicine King touched his white hair and beard, hummed, and said to Sister Ying, "Your husband-in-law is the kind of sleeping poison I am going to remove today."

“It’s just that he is usually in good health, so no one can notice the signs of poisoning.”

“But this is not the first time I have come into contact with this kind of poison. You can tell at a glance that he has been poisoned by this kind of sleeping poison.”

 Otherwise, with his ability, he would have been revived long ago.

 The reason why Jing Shirong hasn't woken up yet is because he was poisoned by this sleeping sound.

Sister Ying’s heart dropped for a moment, she slurred, her mind was filled with mush.

“How long has my husband been poisoned?”

  Previously, the old medicine king said that this kind of poison will cause you to sleep to death in three years. Could it be that Brother Rong has been poisoned for three years?

 Old Medicine King stroked his white beard and said, "It must have been three years, but luckily he met me, otherwise he would have died long ago."

This poison is so silent that the doctor cannot see any symptoms, but the patient will fall into a deep sleep when the three-year period is up and never wake up.

 Some people feel dizzy, weak, and physically exhausted. Gradually they can no longer get out of bed and can't even walk without breathing.

But Jing Shirong is not. He is strong and has strong martial arts skills. Even if he was poisoned by this kind of poison, he is still alive and kicking.

 But the power of this poison is that once the three years are up, no matter whether you are strong or not, you will still have to sleep when you reach the limit of the drug.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong’s situation is different.

He was about to reach his three-year term, but he was hit by a mountain and suffered a brain hemorrhage.

This poison would have eaten away the human brain and put the patient into a deep sleep.

 But Jing Shirong was hit by the mountain and the poison was destroyed.

But the damage was only part of it. He didn't wake up now, which meant that the toxin was still in his body.

Sister Ying was completely confused.

Three Years' Prospect Shi Rong is still out on errands and has not yet gone to Jiangnan to marry her, so she has no idea when he was poisoned.

Asking for a round of votes~(o^^o)



 (End of this chapter)

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