Chapter 515, Jing Shirong woke up

 He suddenly opened his eyes, and before anyone could react, he rushed over with explosive force. Before Sister Ying fell into the sea, she wrapped her around her waist and brought her ashore at once.

Everyone felt a flash of wind beside their ears.

After reacting, he looked at the ground and realized that Jing Shirong had really woken up and rushed out?

Qi Yuanming was even more surprised and came over to take a look, "A Jing??"

 He shouted several times, but no one responded.

 Old Yao Wang and others also lay down on the edge of the cliff to take a look, but did not see anyone at the bottom of the mountain.

Several people looked at each other and asked, "Where are the people?"

 Didn’t you just fly out to save someone? Why didn't you come up?

Sister Yang and Brother Sen were also confused.

They were waiting at the beach, thinking that Sister Ying could come down and pick her up.

 But I didn’t see anyone after waiting for a long time.

 Finally they came up to look for it, but still saw nothing.

Sister Yang asked Gu Gu, "Master, where is my sister?"

ˆ Gu shook his head, "Didn't you see it down there?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "No. We were sitting on the boat waiting, but we didn't even see my eldest sister coming down."

 Seng Geer also shook his head, "I really didn't see it."

 This is strange.

“That kid was clearly rushing out to save someone just now, how could he not see it?”

Is it possible that he took the person away?

 The group of people looked at each other, Zhang Er was confused.

Not only them, Sister Ying was also confused.

She was about to fall into the sea, when a figure suddenly flashed in front of her, grabbed her, picked her up and ran towards the woods.

 At first she thought it was Brother Seng.

 But the body shape and smell are obviously not the same.

 She looked up and her eyes widened in surprise, "Brother Rong?"

 But Jing Shirong seemed not to hear her voice, his handsome face was indifferent, and he carried her straight towards the forest on the island.

The trees on the island are dense, and the forest is full of strange branches, with several black poisonous snakes coiled on the branches.

Jing Shirong held Sister Ying and landed on a towering tree. His handsome face was lifeless, and the red flames between his eyebrows were lifelike, making his whole face evil and weird.

Sister Ying hugged his waist and looked up at him. Seeing that his eyes were dull and dull, she called him softly, "Brother Rong?"

 But Jing Shirong did not respond.

 She reached out and poked his chest.

He raised his head and looked at him with a pitiful face. "Brother Rong?"

 But Jing Shirong still didn't respond, his handsome face was expressionless and his eyes were dull.

Sister Ying didn’t know what was causing his symptoms. She called him several times, but he didn’t respond.

He didn't even look at her, standing coldly on the tree, not moving or moving.

Sister Ying had no choice but to stand on tiptoes and reach out her little hand to touch his handsome face, but he dodged it.

 “Brother Rong?”

Sister Ying was quite surprised that he could move. She stretched out her hand again, wanting to touch his face to see his reaction.

Jing Shirong saw her little hand reaching out, his handsome face was cold and he moved aside.

 She stretched out again, and he hid again.

Sister Ying is determined to give up.

  Simply hang it on him, hang your little hands around his neck, and say softly and coquettishly, "Don't move."

I don’t know if Jing Shirong heard it. He frowned and looked unhappy, but he really didn’t move.

Sister Ying stood on tiptoes and took a closer look at the red flame pattern on his forehead. She raised her hand and wiped it, but it was still not wiped off.

She looked directly into Jing Shirong's eyes and found that he was also looking at her, but his eyes were dim, a little confused, a little indifferent, and a little searching. Sister Ying looked at him for a long time, not knowing what was wrong with him, so she had to coax softly, "Let's go back to the old Yao Wang and the others first, okay?"

Jing Shirong looked down at her with a confused expression, as if he was thinking about the meaning of her words.

 But he remained silent for a long time and still didn't move, as if he didn't understand where she was going.

Sister Ying was helpless, sighed, touched his face distressedly, hugged his waist, and pointed to the top of the mountain.

 “Go there, you can carry me there, okay?”

Jing Shirong looked at her with dark eyes, and was silent for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking. The tall figure stood firm and still did not move.

Sister Ying did not rush him. He took his time and she followed suit. She waited for him to think for a while before asking him, "Can I go?"

Jing Shirong didn't answer, his handsome face was a little dull, a little cold, and a little confused.

He didn't answer or speak, and Sister Ying didn't dare to push him too hastily. She just took his hand and pointed to the tree.

 “Then let’s go down, shall we?”

Jing Shirong remained unmoved, standing there straight, with a look of indifference and confusion on his handsome face.

Sister Ying doesn’t know if his brain was damaged or if it was the sequelae of poisoning? No matter how I called him, he didn't respond, so I had to take his hand, pull him up and jump under the tree.

This tree is very high, twenty or thirty meters tall. Sister Ying is not afraid when she jumps off.

 Because Jing Shirong is by her side, no matter what he becomes, I believe he will not abandon her.

 Plus she also has Qinggong, and she can get a foothold even if the branches are intertwined, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The only thing I'm afraid of is the venomous snakes coiled in the trees. The way they hiss and stare at them makes people who are afraid of snakes get goosebumps.

Jing Shirong didn't seem to be afraid of those venomous snakes. When he fell, several venomous snakes shot out like hooks, trying to bite him.

Although the other person became sluggish, his movements were not sluggish. He instinctively reached out and pulled a leaf, and his inner strength flew out, directly splitting the poisonous snake in half.

Other venomous snakes seemed to feel threatened and did not come out again. They coiled obediently in the tree and remained motionless.

After the two of them landed, Sister Ying took a breath, held his hand, took out the flute around her neck, and played it to ask Qi Yuanming and the others to come over.

Qi Yuanming heard the sound and came over, and the old Yao Wang and several others were with him.

The group of people came over quickly and were shocked when they saw Jing Shirong waking up.

 “Eldest brother-in-law?”

Sister Yang came over to see in surprise. Seeing Jing Shirong standing upright, she looked at Sister Ying very happily, "Sister?"

Sister Ying shook her head helplessly, pulled her over, and whispered to her, "Something's not right. Your eldest brother-in-law has been so dumb that he doesn't seem to understand what I'm saying, and he doesn't recognize me anymore."

Sister Yang said "Huh?" and went over to report the situation to the old Yao Wangs.

The old Yao Wang came over to check Jing Shirong’s pulse as if he was sizing up the test product.

 When he reached out. Jing Shirong grabbed his wrist defensively, his eyes turning cold in vain.

Old Medicine King took the opportunity to check his pulse, and the more he probed, the more puzzled he became.

Jing Shirong felt his movement, pushed him away, tiptoed to the ground, and jumped directly to the tree.

After climbing the tree, he did not stop and went to the old forest again.

Sister Ying panicked and hurriedly chased after her, “Mr.

She jumped to the tree with ease and followed his figure.

 Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming also chased each other.

 The old Yao Wang and the others looked at each other and had no choice but to chase after him together.

They chased to the top of the mountain and saw Jing Shirong standing high on the highest point of the island.

He stood facing the wind, his slender figure standing on the top of the mountain, his black hair flowing in the wind, and he looked like an expert from afar.

 But up close, his eyes were empty, like a blank sheet of paper, and he was very confused about the world he just saw.

 (End of this chapter)

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