The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 516: , Jing Shirong became stupid

Chapter 516, Jing Shirong became stupid

When Sister Ying chased after him, she saw him standing quietly on the top of the mountain looking at the sea.

 She leaned over cautiously and reached out to him, "Brother Rong? Come down, I have something to tell you."

Jing Shirong glanced at her and ignored her. He raised his head and continued to look at the sea.

Qi Yuanming looked at Brother Sen and prepared to outflank him.

The two of them approached quietly, while Sister Ying tried to talk to Jing Shirong, trying to divert his attention.

She climbed to the foot of the mountain and tugged on Jing Shirong's trousers with her little hands, "Brother Rong, please give me a hand."

Jing Shirong was unmoved and even wanted to kick her hand away.

Sister Ying noticed his movements and stared with big eyes, "How dare you!"

Although Jing Shirong didn't remember her, he instinctively took a step back when she glared at her like that. He didn't dare to kick her away anymore, and even took a step back as if he was frightened.

Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen rushed over at this time and held him down front and back.

 “Quick, rope.”

 Seng Geer hurriedly took out the rope he carried with him and tied Jing Shirong's hands tightly.

 When Old Yao Wang came over with Gu Gu, Jing Shirong had already been caught.

He glared at everyone with an angry face, thinking that they were all bad people, so why did they tie him up?

Sister Ying saw that the flame symbol on his forehead was getting redder and redder when he was angry, so she hurriedly went to comfort him.

 “Don’t be angry, they are not bad people.”

Jing Shirong refused to listen and looked at her angrily, as if asking her why she wanted to harm him.

Sister Ying felt very distressed and rushed over to comfort him.

“You are sick. These people are doctors. I will ask them to take a look at you soon. After that, I will get you something to eat. Can you be obedient?”

Jing Shirong didn’t understand and still stared at her angrily.

Sister Ying had no choice but to step forward and hold his cheeks, lower her head and place a kiss on his face. Jiao Nong said softly, "I won't lie to you, I will untie you in a moment. Be good and don't be angry." ”

This kiss seemed to have some effect, making the irritable Jing Shirong slowly relax. His dark eyes looked at her in confusion, as if he didn't quite understand what she meant.

Sister Ying stretched out her hand to touch his head gently, and softly comforted him, "It will be fine in a moment. You go back with us first, and then you can lie down and rest."

Jing Shirong didn’t say anything, just stared at her mouth. As if thinking about something.

Sister Ying had no choice but to smile, pick him up and take him back.

 “Let’s go back first, you be good.”

Her comfort seemed to have worked, and Jing Shirong didn't respond anymore and followed her back obediently.

Sister Yang and Brother Sen looked very strange from behind and asked Old Yao Wang and Gu Gu.

 “What’s going on?”

 Why do people feel stupid when they wake up?

 The old medicine king touched his white beard and guessed, "It's probably the sequelae of too much time."

 Or maybe he was hit on the head, and the poisoning limit was reached, and the two collided together, knocking the person stupid.

Qi Yuanming was worried, "Is there any cure?"

 It would be a shame for a good person to be so stupid.

Sister Yang also begged Gu Gu, "Master, please save my eldest brother-in-law."

 The eldest sister loves her brother-in-law so much. If the brother-in-law is stupid, I don’t know how miserable my sister’s life will be in the future.

 Gu Gu looked at the old Medicine King and asked him, "Do you have any idea?"

 The old medicine king was not sure either, "Go back and prepare a few more prescriptions, let's try them one by one."

Since we can wake up people who have been poisoned by sleeping poison, let’s study how to restore people who have become stupid to normal. There is always the right prescription.

The medicine boy was also eager to give it a try, and came over to join Sister Yang, "Let's work with the master to develop a prescription and test it a few more times, and we will be able to cure your eldest brother-in-law."

Sister Yang also picked up her spirits and said, "Well, we will definitely be able to prepare the best prescription."

Sister Ying took Jing Shirong to the kitchen on the mountain, untied him and asked him to sit by the stove, "Can you help me light the fire and I'll cook for you?" Jing Shirong looked confused and seemed unable to listen. Understanding the meaning of any words is like a blank sheet of paper, as if you understand nothing.

Sister Ying also discovered this problem and showed him a patient and good-tempered example.

"This is for making a fire. The fire is very hot and you cannot touch it with your hands. Do you understand?"

After saying that, he took his big hand, brought him close to the fire, and told him that it was a hot thing and should not be touched.

Jing Shirong felt that the fire was heating, and his skin would hurt when he came close to it, so he knew that he should not approach it.

Sister Ying put the firewood, brought the wooden basin, put the vegetables in it, and taught him how to wash the vegetables.

 “This is a wild vegetable, it must be washed before it can be eaten.”

Jing Shirong looked at her little hands in the wooden basin, washing wild vegetables leaf by leaf, and looked at them carefully, as if she was studying.

 After washing the vegetables, Sister Ying went to get the meat again.

Show it to Jing Shirong.

“I’ll eat fried crispy pork later. If you like to eat it with wine, I’ll fry it for you later.”

Jing Shirong said nothing, only stared at her movements, and then looked at her mouth.

Sister Ying felt helpless and amused when she saw that the direction he was looking at was her lips.

“I’ll kiss you again after you finish eating and drink medicine.”

Jing Shirong tilted his head, as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but he still looked at her straightly.

When Qi Yuanming came over, he saw the two of them looking at each other and patting Jing Shirong on the shoulder with moved expressions.

 But as soon as Jing Shirong was touched by him, he immediately stood up warily.

 Looking at him defensively.

Qi Yuanming said that he was wronged, "Ajing, I am your good brother who has worn the same pants since childhood."

Jing Shirong didn’t understand, so he took a step back with a look of disgust on his face, saying not to get close to me.

Qi Yuanming scratched his head, looked at Sister Ying helplessly, and complained, "Your husband is bullying me."

Sister Ying shrugged, "There's nothing you can do about it. He can't understand what he's saying now. Just be a little aggrieved for now, and I'll give you an extra bowl of meat later."

 “That’s pretty much it.”

Qi Yuanming would not feel bitter if he had meat to eat, so he sat down and lit the fire.

He lit the fire, and while the pot was hot, Sister Ying began to add oil to fry the crispy pork.

 When the pieces of meat are put into the pot, the sizzling aroma of the meat suddenly wafts out.

Qi Yuanming was drooling and asked for a piece from Sister Ying. "Sister Ying, can you give me a piece?"

 He was starving to death.

Sister Ying knew that he had worked hard to take care of Jing Shirong these days, so she took a few pieces for him, put them in a bowl, and handed them to him.

 “Be careful of burning.”

Qi Yuanming sighed and reached out to pick it up with a smile.

Jing Shirong looked on, feeling unhappy for no apparent reason. He grabbed the bowl of crispy pork from Sister Ying's hand with a big hand.

Qi Yuanming was stunned, "Oh, you?"

Why grab his crispy meat when you have nothing to do?

Jing Shirong didn't know why he was grabbing the crispy meat, but he refused to give it to him. He held the bowl and retreated to the wall without saying a word, just standing straight.

Sister Ying looked distressed and pitiful. She walked up to him, looked up at him, and explained to him.

"This is freshly fried crispy meat. It's still hot. Let me blow it on you."

After saying that, he reached out and took out a piece of crispy pork in his bowl, blew it with his cherry mouth, and then handed it to his mouth.

 “Come and try it?”

 (End of this chapter)

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