The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 517: , ignorant and ignorant Jing Shirong

 Chapter 517, confused and ignorant Jing Shirong

Jing Shirong looked at her straightly, his expression a little dull, and he still couldn't understand what she said.

Sister Ying saw that he didn't understand, so she had to stand on tiptoes, spread his thin lips with her little hands, stuffed a little bit of the crispy meat in, "Have a taste."

Jing Shirong understood now. He opened his mouth and bit into the crispy meat. He chewed it and found it delicious. His dull black eyes hardly moved.

Seeing that he liked it, Sister Ying took another piece for him and handed it over, "Try again."

Jing Shirong learned it as soon as he opened his mouth to eat the crispy meat, but accidentally bit Sister Ying's finger.

Sister Ying’s little hands are stained with the smell of crispy meat and her own daughter’s fragrance, which smells delicious.

Jing Shirong liked the taste and bit her hand again.


His mouth was not serious, and he bit Sister Ying all at once.

Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue and scolded him like a big brother, "Why are you still biting? Look at Sister Ying biting you."

Sister Ying hurriedly took out her fingers, waved her hands and said it was okay, "It's nothing serious, just a little tooth mark. Brother Qi, sit down and eat some crispy pork."

Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue at Jing Shirong, but Jing Shirong didn't respond. Instead, he stared at Sister Ying's red fingers.

Sister Ying saw that he had been staring at her finger, so she stretched it out to show him, with a pitiful face, "Brother Rong, my finger hurts so much, please help me blow it."

Jing Shirong’s black eyes stared straight at her red fingers, which had the marks of his teeth on them.

He paused for a long time, then lowered his head, imitating Sister Ying's way of blowing the meat, and blew her fingers.

After blowing, he looked at her innocently, as if he didn't know what to do next.

Sister Ying was moved when she saw that he was so stupid and still felt sorry for her. She took his big hand, lowered her head and kissed the back of his hand.

 “Thank you, sir.”

The touch of the soft red lips on the back of her hand made Jing Shirong tilt his head, his expression a little touched, and his black eyes stared directly at Cherry's little mouth again, as if he had some doubts about her red lips.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She pulled him to sit on the small bench and said to him, "Sit here and I will cook for you."

Jing Shirong didn’t respond, but he didn’t leave either. Sister Ying secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he didn’t leave.

 She started cooking, put on her apron, chopped vegetables and meat, and prepared to make a rich lunch.

 She cut the meat strips and prepared to make shredded pork with Beijing sauce.

Chaate-fried fish fillets and Kung Pao chicken are all Jing Shirong’s favorite meals in the capital.

Qi Yuanming is also greedy for these. He is greedy when he smells the aroma of Kung Pao Chicken.

 “It smells so good~I’ll have some more rice later.”

Sister Ying smiled and said yes, and used the other stove to cook.

 Today I will just eat plain rice, paired with these meat dishes, not to mention the abundance of them.

After Sister Ying has finished cooking the last soup, it’s time to eat.

She wiped her hands and asked Qi Yuanming, "It's time to eat. Brother Qi, please help carry the dishes."

Qi Yuanming sighed and happily took out the food.

Jing Shirong looked at Qi Yuanming serving the dishes and tilted his head, as if he was studying.

Sister Ying walked up to him and asked him, "Do you want to serve food? Like Brother Qi?"

Jing Shirong knew the meaning of serving the dishes, but he didn't move and just sat on the small bench in a daze.

Sister Ying touched his head and sighed, "Then go over and sit over there, we'll have dinner later."

Jing Shirong still didn’t move.

There was no way he could move, so Sister Ying had no choice but to lead him to the main room.

 Lao Yaowang and the others also came out to eat at this time.

 A group of people were sitting around the dinner table, which was quite lively.

Sister Ying took Jing Shirong and sat down, filled him with a bowl of hot white rice, scooped out a spoonful of rice, blew on the hot air, and handed it to his mouth.

 “Come on, open your mouth.”

Jing Shirong looked at the white rice, then at her, and finally opened his mouth and ate. Sister Ying was happy when she saw that he knew how to eat, so she gave him Kung Pao Chicken.

 “Try it, it tastes good with rice.”

Jing Shirong would pause every time he heard her speak, as if he was thinking slowly.

Sister Ying was very patient and waited until he opened his mouth before feeding him.

 The people at the table didn't know whether to be envious or helpless when they saw them like this.

At last Jing Shirong had a full meal, and then Sister Ying took him out to wash his hands and rinse his mouth.

Sister Yang felt distressed and brought her some food, "Sister, the food is hot for you. You can eat it while it's hot."

Sister Ying hummed and asked Jing Shirong to sit on the small bench, while she sat beside her to eat.

Jing Shirong was obedient, as if he knew she wouldn't hurt him, so he sat on the bench in a daze.

Sister Ying finished her meal in a few seconds and washed her hands in a hurry. She was afraid that if she looked away and he disappeared again, she didn't dare to do anything else.

Seeing this, Sister Yang sighed and comforted her, "Brother-in-law won't run away. Brother Qi and Brother Sen are watching."

Sister Ying is still worried.

“He is stupid now, can’t speak, and can’t understand what we are saying. I’m really afraid that he will run out on his own and we won’t be able to find him even if we try to find him.”

Sister Yang was also afraid that Jing Shirong would get lost, so she had to give Sister Ying some advice, "How about we tie him a rope?"

Sister Ying was reluctant to give up.

“He was angry when I tied him in the morning, but I decided not to tie him up anymore.”

"It's okay. You can go and develop a prescription with Gu Gu and the others. I'll just watch over here. He won't run away."

Now Jing Shirong is dumbfounded, like a little eagle that has just hatched out of its shell, confused and ignorant, and you have to teach him one thing after another.

Now that he doesn't understand anything, you can teach him to follow you and not run around.

Seeing her insistence, Sister Yang shrugged helplessly, "Okay then, you watch my brother-in-law, we are going to develop a prescription."

Sister Ying nodded and asked her to go about her business.

 She stayed and looked at Jing Shirong.

“Brother Rong, are you sleepy? Do you want to take a nap?”

Jing Shirong stared at her blankly without responding.

 He looked a bit like a fool when he didn't speak or respond.

 But Sister Ying knew that he was not a fool, he was just poisoned.

She firmly believed that he would be able to return to normal after the poison was removed.

“Brother Rong, let’s go to the secret room to rest for a while.”

After saying that, regardless of whether Jing Shirong responded or not, she took his hand and led him to the secret room.

Jing Shirong was held by her hand, and he looked down at their intertwined hands. His eyes were a little confused, but he followed her obediently.

Sister Ying patted Wen Yu's bed and said to him, "Come up and lie down for a while, I'm so sleepy."

Jing Shirong didn't move, and Sister Ying didn't expect him to understand, so she pulled him hard, trying to get him to lie down.

Jing Shirong saw that she had little strength and could not move her easily. She tilted her head and seemed to understand, so she lay down on her own.

After he lay down, Sister Ying helped him take off his boots, then lay down on him, holding his waist tightly with her little hands.

He leaned his head on his chest and murmured, "I'm so sleepy, can we take a nap?"

  She felt exhausted after being tossed around, climbing up and down mountains.

 Coupled with being tired from cooking, Sister Ying could no longer keep her eyes open.

 But she was afraid that Jing Shirong would run around when she fell asleep, so she could only hold on tight.

 (End of this chapter)

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