Chapter 519, Jealous Jing Tianzhen

 Old Yao Wang touched his white hair and beard, stood up and wanted to feel Jing Shirong's pulse.

But as soon as he came closer, Jing Shirong immediately stood up warily, his eyes turning cold in vain, as if he felt that the old Medicine King was a threat to him.

Seeing this, Sister Ying quickly held his big hand to calm his mood, "Don't be afraid, Old Medicine King is not a bad person. Sit down obediently and I will feed you some noodles."

Jing Shirong looked at the old Yao Wang suspiciously, then at the fried noodles in Sister Ying's hand, and finally chose to sit down and eat the fried noodles.

Sister Ying asked him to sit on a small chair, and she took a handful of noodles, blew on them, and handed them to his mouth, "Ah~ open your mouth."

Jing Shirong had been fed by her once and already understood the meaning of feeding him.

So he opened his mouth and ate the noodles obediently.

Qi Yuanming Zhu Bajie finished a bowl of fried noodles in three or five mouthfuls as if he were eating ginseng fruit.

Seeing this, Sister Ying said to him, "There is still more in the pot, go and eat two more bowls."

Qi Yuanming hummed and went over to serve fried noodles.

 After he came out, he passed Jing Shirong and deliberately wanted to tease him. He brought the bowl to Sister Ying and said deliberately in front of Jing Shirong, "Sister Ying, please feed me too."

 After saying that, he winked at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying secretly glanced at Jing Shirong and saw that his dark eyes were simple but staring straight at her, so she deliberately tested his reaction.

So she pretended to take Qi Yuanming's rice bowl, picked up some noodles with chopsticks, and prepared to feed it to Qi Yuanming's mouth.

 Everyone is watching.

 Including Jing Shirong was watching.

At first he didn't respond, but later he realized that Sister Ying was going to feed Qi Yuanming. He immediately stood up angrily, grabbed the bowl from Sister Ying's hand, and raised his hand to throw it away.

Qi Yuanming hurriedly took the bowl, thankful that the noodles were still there.

Sister Ying didn't expect Jing Shirong to be jealous, so she smiled and explained to him, "Don't be angry, I'm just teasing you, I won't feed him."

But Jing Shirong still glared at her angrily, and finally raised his fist, suddenly bursting out of his inner strength to hit Qi Yuanming.

"I go!"

The inner strength was so frightening that he almost punched through the wall.

 Luckily the house is built of stone, otherwise it would have been knocked down.

 The group of people looked at each other. Unexpectedly, it was rare for a person who was poisoned to have his internal energy increase instead of decreasing.

Sister Yang was confused and whispered to the old medicine kings, "My eldest brother-in-law's reaction after being poisoned seems to be different from ordinary people."

 Other people’s symptoms are fatigue, weakness, and dreaminess. But there is no problem with intelligence and memory.

He is on the good side. He is full of energy and his internal strength has increased, but his mind has become stupid and his reactions are always slow. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

The old medicine king stroked his white hair and beard and said, "Good luck and bad luck depend on each other. It's not good or bad right now. I'll prepare a few more prescriptions tonight and let him try them one by one tomorrow."

Seeing Jing Shirong's face filled with anger, Sister Ying came over to hold his hand, but he dodged him angrily.

But he didn't leave either. He just stood upright, like a child, glaring at her angrily, as if he was accusing her of why she wanted to feed others?

Sister Ying was funny but helpless, so she continued to come over and hold his hand.

This time he did not avoid it, but turned his head away, as if he was a child and was angry with Sister Ying.

He snorted and didn't want to look back.

Sister Ying went around to coax him and whispered, "Okay, don't be angry anymore. I know I was wrong. I won't feed him next time."

Jing Shirong didn't listen, didn't understand, and continued to be angry.

As Sister Ying came closer, he angrily walked to the wall, facing the wall, angrily "facing the wall and thinking about his faults", unwilling to look back at her.

Seeing him like this, Sister Ying had no choice but to call Qi Yuanming over, and then deliberately spoke loudly in front of Jing Shirong.

“Brother Qi was naughty just now. Now I’m going to beat him. If you don’t believe me, just look at it.”

Jing Shirong listened for a while and then slowly turned around. Seeing Sister Ying stretching out her hand as if she was going to hit Qi Yuanming, she opened her eyes wide. Qi Yuanming felt bitter in his heart, but he did not forget to take a bite of noodles.

Sister Ying saw Shi Rong staring at Jing Shi Rong, raised her hand, and slapped Qi Yuan Ming in a pretended manner.

That action seems big, but in fact it has no lethality at all.

Qi Yuanming didn’t feel anything at all, but he was very cooperative and let out an ouch.

 “Ouch, it hurts~”

Jing Shirong looked straight at him without any doubt, his dark eyes were a little innocent and a little silly.

 When he saw Qi Yuanming being beaten, he was inexplicably happy, his big eyes shining brightly.

 Qi Yuanming said "I'll go", thinking that the brat was really an enemy in his previous life.

 Are you so happy to see him being beaten?

Sister Ying also noticed that Shi Rong was happy when she came out of the scene, so she "beat" Qi Yuanming a few more times.

 Qi Yuanming acted very well. In the end, he covered his face and ran out pretending to cry.

 After Jing Shirong read it, he looked back as if he was relieved and no longer "faced the wall and thought about his faults".

Sister Ying saw that he was no longer angry, so she pulled him over to sit and continued to feed him noodles.

 Seng Geer still couldn't stand it, so he said, "Eat it yourself."

Jing Shirong seemed not to hear, looking at Sister Ying innocently with her black eyes. Seeing that Sister Ying was really soft-hearted, she waved her hand to Brother Sen.

“It’s okay, you eat yours and I’ll feed him.”

 Otherwise, if he loses his temper and refuses to eat, she will become even more upset.

Brother Sen was helpless and said to himself that his brother-in-law was doted on by his eldest sister. He was really willing to fight and suffer.

While he was thinking, Jing Shirong glanced at him triumphantly, her eyes childish, as if to say, "I have someone to feed me, but you don't."

His dark eyes are pure and even more childish when he is proud.

Brother Sen was speechless. He snorted and thought to himself, "What's the big deal?"

 Isn’t there someone to feed you? Someone will feed him in the future, huh, stinky brother-in-law.

 And this guy seems so stupid, at least he knows how to fight for favor.

Jing Shirong saw that he was glaring at her, so she raised her chin and stared at him childishly.

Seeing that he was energetic, Sister Ying stared at Brother Seng with a doting look on her face. She held the bowl and continued to feed him.

Jing Shirong is also good when eating, and eats as much as she feeds.

After dinner, the old medicine king suggested, "After he falls asleep at night, secretly give him two injections to see if there will be any reaction."

Sister Ying was a little worried and asked, "Will there be any pain after the injection?"

 The old medicine king nodded, "Prick the needle, and if the poison can be released, maybe he can return to normal."

“If it doesn’t work, it may cause headaches and irritability.”

 This is also the first time he has come into contact with this kind of poison. He is not sure about it and has to experiment one by one.

Sister Ying was reluctant. She wanted to refuse, but she also felt that it might not be good if she didn’t give it a try, so she was very entangled.

 Old Medicine King said to her, "Do you think he will be a fool all his life?"

"Besides, the poison has not been completely eliminated. If it is not dealt with properly, he may die."

When Sister Ying heard that she was in danger of getting sick, she didn't dare to delay, so she could only agree.

"I'll put him to sleep in a while, and you can take a look."

 Old Medicine King nodded, "As soon as he falls asleep, you go out and watch, lest something happens later and he becomes hostile to you."

 (End of this chapter)

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