Chapter 520: The angry little wolfdog

 After all, the current Jing Shirong is as simple as a piece of white paper.

 He is ignorant about other people, does not know them, and does not get close to them.

I only have some vague trust in Sister Ying.

If he wakes up after the injection, he may regard them as bad people.

 If Sister Ying was here at this time, she might be regarded as a bad person by him, so it would be better for her to go out.

Sister Ying was also afraid that he would not trust her and would resent her, so she could only nod in agreement.

 She took Jing Shirong to wash up first, and changed him into some relaxed clothes. Then she took him to the Wenyu bed and coaxed him to sleep.

Jing Shirong also lay down obediently at first.

 But after he lay down, he found that Sister Ying had not lied down, so he looked straight at her with his big eyes, as if asking her why she didn't lie down?

Sister Ying was melted by his innocent and cute eyes, so she lay down, kissed the side of his face, and spoke softly.

 “Okay, just go to sleep.”

Jing Shirong was kissed, and his mood improved inexplicably. He looked at her with bright black eyes, and then at her small cherry mouth.

Sister Ying's heart softened as he stared at her confusedly and obsessively. She touched his head and coaxed him, "Go to sleep~"

 Humming a song on his lips, gently coaxing him to sleep.

Jing Shirong was still energetic at first, but gradually he was patted by her. He listened to her humming and the sound of waves outside the cave. He gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly.

After he fell asleep, Sister Ying stood up quietly, glanced at the old medicine kings outside the door, and changed shifts with them.

She went out to watch, feeling uneasy.

Old Yao Wang and others entered the secret room, looked at each other, and then crept around to let Jing Shirong check.

 They first put their hands on Jing Shirong's pulse.

 Check your pulse carefully.

However, this kind of poison is also very strange, and you can't tell what's going on for a while.

The old medicine king couldn't tell, so he could only say, "Put the needle in first and see the effect later."

 Gou Gu hummed and slowly leaned over. The two of them were one behind the other, both holding needles in their hands.

They planned to put a few needles on Jing Shirong's head, but they were afraid that it would be difficult for him to wake up suddenly, so they hesitated whether to give him a sleeping needle.

 But it will have no effect after falling asleep. It is more effective to take a thorn.

So the two of them looked at each other, gestured with the silver needles in their hands, and pierced them at the same time.

Jing Shirong was sleeping well when he was suddenly pricked twice by such a thick needle. He felt a pain in his head and woke up immediately.

Just as he was about to get up, he received several more needles on his hands and back.

 Old Medicine King pricked his acupuncture points, just like acupuncture, making him unable to move.

In ancient times, he took the top of his head and pierced two shots on the planned position in advance.

Perhaps the two injections were too painful, and Jing Shirong suddenly became irritable.

 “Ah!” he said, and the flame pattern on his forehead suddenly turned red.

His face is cold when he is not smiling, which makes him angry and even more sinister.

Especially since his internal strength is now even higher than before, he burst through the acupuncture points with a "ah" sound, and ran away with a "whoosh" sound before anyone could react.

 “It’s over, he ran away.”

Brother Sen hurriedly chased him, but when he got outside, he could no longer see anyone.

Sister Ying was originally guarding outside.

 She was startled until she heard the cry of pain inside, and waited outside with a worried look.

Until a figure suddenly appeared at the door, glared at her angrily, then picked her up and ran into the old forest of Senshan Mountain.

Sister Ying reacted, was held in his arms, and asked him quickly, "Brother Rong, where are you taking me?"

Jing Shirong didn't answer, his handsome face looked a little stinky, as if he was angry. Sister Ying knew that he must have been hurt, so she touched his chin distressedly and coaxed him, "Does it still hurt? I'll blow it for you."

Jing Shirong ignored her and slapped her hand away angrily.

 He took Sister Ying to a cave and threw her away with a grunt.

As soon as Sister Ying got off the ground, she couldn't stand firm and was thrown by him. She fell to the ground with an ouch.

 Her skin was already thin and tender, but after being thrown so hard, the skin on her palms was immediately broken.

 The knee also hurts a little, as if it was knocked.

It was pitch dark inside the cave, and the wind was strong and cold outside.

Sister Ying's whole body ached, and she couldn't hold back her emotions. She snorted and started twitching.

She didn't cry or make a fuss, she just sobbed, feeling a little aggrieved and pitiful.

Jing Shirong was standing on the wall sulking, thinking she would come to comfort him.

 But after waiting for a while, she didn't come, and the sound of sobbing could still be heard in my ears.

He was confused and confused. He slowly turned around and found Sister Ying sitting on the ground holding her knees and crying.

He didn't understand, didn't understand what was wrong with her. He thought for a long time before walking over, his handsome face looking confused.

Sister Ying saw him standing stupidly and glared at him, "What are you looking at! You actually threw me. I won't follow you anymore."

She muttered a series of complaints, but Jing Shirong couldn't understand and tilted his head to look at her?

What do you mean to ask her?

Sister Ying was really defeated by him.

 You say he doesn’t understand, and you don’t understand even when you scold him.

 What else can he do in the future?

A letter came from the emperor's end, asking Jing Shirong why he still replied to the message?

Qi Yuanming wrote back and said that Jing Shirong was poisoned and fell into a deep sleep, and was now looking for a doctor.

 He wrote this mainly because he wanted to see the reaction of the person who poisoned him.

If it is true that Zhao and Zhou collaborated to poison Jing Shirong. After hearing the news that Jing Shirong was poisoned, they would definitely react.

There has been no news from the capital yet, so Qi Yuanming is not in a hurry and lets his eyeliner observe secretly.

Jing Shirong is confused now. It is useless to take him back. Instead, people in the dark will harm him. It is better to stay here.

He was squatting on the ground, tilting his head, looking at Sister Ying crying with a confused expression, not knowing how to comfort her.

Seeing his stupidity, Sister Ying sniffed, took his big hand, and wiped her tears with his fingers.

He also taught him, "You have to say sorry to me. Say you accidentally threw me, otherwise I will be angry with you."

Jing Shirong tilted his head and looked at her innocently like a little wolfdog, obviously not understanding what she meant.

Sister Ying looked at him with big eyes and small eyes. Seeing that he didn't understand at all, she had no choice but to be defeated first.

 “I really lost to you.”

 I can’t coax people, but I’m quite good at bullying them.

 She pointed to her knees and asked Jing Shirong to pat them gently.

Jing Shirong imitated her action of patting clothes, and patted them twice dully.

The hand was quite strong, and Sister Ying, who was in pain, scolded him, "Be gentle, not so heavy."

 Having said that, teach him the strength step by step, patting and recording it gently.

Although Jing Shirong has become stupid, he has a strong learning ability and can learn it after just a few lessons.

 He patted the dirt on Sister Ying's legs gently, then tilted his head to look at her, as if asking her what she should do next?

Sister Ying stretched out her hand towards him and said, "Hug me."

Shi Rong seemed to understand this hugging scene, so he came over, grabbed her waist, and hugged her sideways.

Then he tilted his head and looked at her, as if asking, "What next?"

 (End of this chapter)

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