The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 523: , take your time and avoid being chopped

Chapter 523: Take your time to avoid being chopped

Sister Ying walked ahead, stopped to wait for him, and reached out to him.

 “Let’s go, take me back.”

Jing Shirong understood that she was going back to the old Medicine King's residence, so she snorted and pouted, finally giving in.

 He picked up Sister Ying, tiptoed the ground, and returned to the top of the old Medicine King's mountain in his memory.

 Seng Geer and others originally came out to look for them.

It’s a relief to see them come back on their own initiative.

 “Eldest sister?”

Sister Ying waved her hands to them and said, "We're fine. Let's go back and rest. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

 Brother Sen saw that they were really fine, so he went back with Qi Yuanming.

 When the old Yao Wang saw them coming back, he observed Jing Shirong's symptoms on the roof.

He asked Gu Gu, "This kid is really different from ordinary people. He didn't react to those two injections?"

If you were an ordinary person, if your head doesn't explode if you stick those two needles, you'd still have a bad temper.

Jing Shirong just screamed twice and then he was fine, which was strange.

Old Medicine King touched his white beard and said suspiciously, "If our two injections don't work, how will the kid return to normal?"

 Guya stroked his goatee and said, "Take your time. That kid has a very bad temper. If we mess with him again in the near future, he will probably attack us."

 Among all the people present, Jing Shirong has the highest martial arts skills.

Especially because his internal strength has increased now, even if Qi Yuanming and Sen Geer join forces, they may not be his opponent, so it is better not to offend him for the time being.

  Don't make him angry. If he draws a knife towards you, it will hurt your body.

 Gu Gu smiled and said, "No way, isn't Sister Youying here?"

Sister Ying’s influence on Jing Shirong is obvious to all.

That boy is as stupid as a fool, and he knows how to listen to his wife, so they don't have to worry.

 Old Medicine King nodded, "That's true."

 Ask what love is in this world, it may be this kind of perseverance.

Even if you lose your memory, even if you don’t remember anything, you still instinctively like that woman.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu have never been married, but they liked a certain girl when they were young. After all, they knew a little about love, so they fell silent.

 In the end, Sister Yang called them, "Master, come down for supper. I've cooked glutinous rice **** for you."

 Gu Gu sighed and went down with Old Medicine King to eat glutinous rice **** together.

 The master and apprentice were eating together in the kitchen and chatting while eating.

Sister Yang said, "It seems that the injection of acupuncture can't be done for the time being. Otherwise, let's give my brother-in-law medicine first and treat him conservatively?"

Otherwise, it’s not okay to be so stupid all the time.

 The old medicine king nodded, "Okay. But I will give the medicine a little more violently, and I'm afraid the reaction will be too great."

Sister Yang clicked her tongue and said, "Then don't give such a strong medicine. You have also seen my brother-in-law's rampage, so it's better to be gentle. Don't let him go crazy and knock us all out."

 The old Medicine King was not afraid, he snorted, "If he thinks about it well, can he still not be able to bear this kind of pain?"

How can you see a rainbow if you don’t accept the storm?

 Sister Yang and several others.

“You don’t have to take the ups and downs route. Let’s be gentle, the patient won’t suffer, and we have a way out. Isn’t it the best of both worlds?”

Does it take a lot of pain for the patient to survive?

 Lao Yaowang didn't agree with this and thought she was just a woman's benevolence.

 But this time Gu and Yaotong also felt that what Sister Yang said was right, so they always opposed the cruel methods of the old Yaotong.

Yaotong said, "Master, I think Sister Yang is right. Her eldest brother-in-law is indeed very explosive. If Sister Ying hadn't been here, he might have chopped us all down when he got angry, so we'd better take it easy."

 After all, the patient now has no memory and no outlook on life.

How does he know whether people can be killed or not?

 It’s completely based on instinct.

If the drug is given too hard and makes him collapse in pain, things will definitely get messed up. It is better to take it slow. Gu Gu nodded, "Yes. Your apprentice is right, let's just listen to the children once."

 After all, I have eaten a lot of Sister Ying's good food, and Gu Gu is also on Sister Ying's side.

Seeing both of them acting like this, Old Yao Wang snorted, "Whatever you want!"

 As expected, they are all a group of benevolent women.

It’s no wonder they couldn’t become the old Medicine King, they simply didn’t have the courage he had.

The medicine boy saw him thinking casually and didn't answer him. He pretended that he didn't see his anger and went out after eating.

Seeing that they were all gone, Old Yao Wang blew his beard angrily and glared, "You guys."

 That’s all, he doesn’t care whether he likes it or not.

Hearing this, Sister Yang and Yaotong looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go, your master doesn't care, we can find a way to go there ourselves."

 The medicine boy sighed and went to the pharmacy with her.

Qi Yuanming also wanted to help and came over to join them.

Sister Yang said, "Hey, what are you doing here? You don't understand medicine."

Qi Yuanming scratched his head, "I don't understand, but I can help you. I can move things and run errands."

Sister Yang thought he was in the way, so she waved her hand and dismissed him, "Otherwise, I'll leave the three meals a day to you. I'll go with Brother Yaotong in the pharmacy, and you can go chop wood."

Having said that, the door was closed and Qi Yuanming was turned away with a bang.

 “Alas, you.”

Qi Yuanming was turned away and was speechless. He opened his eyes wide and muttered.

 “Why is this little girl so bad?”

He is a dignified general, but she still dislikes him running errands for her?

What's so great about that medicine boy, why should he return it to his brother?

 It's so partial that she hasn't called him brother for so many days.


Sister Yang heard his musings in the pharmacy, laughed out loud, and complained to the drug boy.

“That big guy is still the same as before. He is a bitch, loves to cry and eat. He hasn’t changed at all.”

 Yao Tong smiled and said, "Brother Qi is a very nice person, but he is a bit naive."

Sister Yang also laughed, "Yes, tall people seem to be stupid."

Especially for his big guy with hard muscles, he looks stupid.

The medicine boy couldn't laugh or cry, "Your brother-in-law is also tall. Doesn't that mean your brother-in-law is also scolded?"

Sister Yang coughed and said, "Don't talk nonsense. That's either scolding or complaining."

Her eldest brother-in-law is also tall, but very smart. This time he was completely poisoned. She had better find a way to save him.

Yao Tong also wanted to make a breakthrough, so he worked hard with Sister Yang to develop a prescription.

Qi Yuanming went to the back mountain to chop firewood.

Sister Ying has already taken Jing Shirong back to the secret room.

When Jing Shirong came over holding his hand just now, as soon as Jing Shirong saw that he was about to enter the secret room, he hid in repulsion.

 After all, the injections that Old Yaowang and Gu Gu gave him were really painful.

 Luckily he pulled it out in time, otherwise it would have been more painful.

 He still remembered the tingling feeling, so he didn't want to go in.

Sister Ying touched his head and explained to him, "That's a needle to treat a disease. The pain will go away after a while. Do you think the pain is gone now?"

Jing Shirong touched the back of his head and found that the pain was gone.

 But he still didn't want to go in, so he pulled Sister Ying and muttered, "Let's go."

  meaning to leave here.

 (End of this chapter)

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