The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 524: , Jing learned to speak at the age of three

Chapter 524, Jing learned to speak at the age of three

Sister Ying held him back and tried to reason with him.

“There is a warm jade bed here, which is very clean. We will sleep here later.”

“Also, they won’t come over at night, I’m not going to lie to you.”

Jing Shirong looked around and saw no one. He hesitated for a moment and looked straight at her with his big eyes, as if he was considering her words.

Sister Ying pulled him in and pointed to the stone door.

 “If you close the door, they can’t come in.”

This stone door weighs a thousand kilograms. It can't be pushed without any internal strength.

 Old Medicine King once said that there is a mechanism here. When pressing it, you must use some internal force, otherwise it will be difficult to close it.

Sister Ying pressed the switch and asked Jing Shirong to use her internal strength.

Jing Shirong used both palms to push hard against the stone door, and it was indeed pushed.

 As the stone door closed, he felt safe and grinned.

Seeing that he was happy, Sister Ying also smiled.

"Okay. The door is closed, they can't come in, and no one will stab you. Let's sleep, huh?"

Jing Shirong tilted his head and said innocently, "Okay."

His well-behaved appearance is really endearing.

Sister Ying wiped his face, changed into clean clothes, and asked him, "Would you like to take a bath?"

 There is a flowing hot spring pool behind the secret room.

 The location is not too big and can only be washed by one person.

Before Jing Shirong could say anything, Sister Ying took him to the hot springs.

She stretched out her hand to test the heat of the water. The surface was a little hot, but the temperature under the water was just right.

 She changed Jing Shirong's clothes and let him soak in them.

Jing Shirong loves to be clean, but he also sits in obediently.

Sister Ying rolled up her sleeves and washed his hair first.

Jing Shirong also sat obediently. His scalp was scratched here and there, but he didn't struggle and just sat obediently, which was very annoying.

That handsome face was soaked by the hot spring water, and his black eyes looked moist, like a gentle and harmless little wolf dog.

Sister Ying liked what he saw, gave him a rare hum, and kissed him on the left cheek.

Jing Shirong raised his head and looked at her with watery black eyes. His eyes were pure and innocent. Sister Ying looked at him with increasing curiosity and kissed him on the right side of his cheek again.


 “Hmm, um.”

 In the end, I couldn't hold it back and kissed him a few more times.

Jing Shirong was obviously very happy after being kissed, grinning silly. "hehe."

He smiled so sillyly that Sister Ying felt warm in her heart.

Although I feel sorry for him for being stupid, at least he is alive and well.

After soaking in the hot spring, Sister Ying asked him to get up and dry his hair before letting him go to bed.

Jing Shirong got on the warm jade bed, looked at Sister Ying with his black eyes, patted the side and motioned for her to lie down too.

But Sister Ying said, "I also want to take a dip in the hot spring, you go to bed first."

Jing Shirong refused, pouted, lifted the thin quilt and stood up, staring at her angrily. As if asking why she didn't come over.

Sister Ying pointed to the hot spring and explained to him, "You just felt so comfortable taking a bath. I want to take a bath too. My body stinks."

 Raise your hand to give him a smell, "Smell if it smells bad."

Jing Shirong lowered his head to smell it, then shook his head seriously, "It doesn't stink."

  Not that stupid, I still know what smells like and what smells like.

Sister Ying was amused by him and gently pushed him away with her little hand, "Okay, you lie down first and I'll soak for a while, okay?"

 Jing Shi Rong is not.

  With a look of persistence on his face, he wanted to follow her.

Sister Ying had no choice but to ask him to follow her, "Then turn your back and don't peek."

Jing Shirong tilted his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head and refused with a serious expression, "I want to see it."

 It means that you looked at me just now, and I want to look at you now. Sister Ying gave him a coquettish look, "How can that be the same? Boys can't just peek at girls taking a bath, so you should close your eyes first."

Jing Shirong was confused and didn’t quite understand. Looking at her innocently with big eyes, as if asking why?

Sister Ying said coyly, "There are so many reasons why I just want you to close your eyes."

 She was not shy when she washed Jing Shirong, but she was embarrassed to let him look at her.

But Jing Shirong was ignorant and didn't understand her shyness at all, so he still looked at her with big, dark eyes.

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "Close your eyes. Do you hear me?"

Jing Shirong said "Oh" in a dull voice, closed his eyes, and then opened them again secretly.

Sister Ying was really convinced by him, "Shut up."

Jing Shirong thought she was playing with him. He closed and then opened it, like a three-year-old child.

Sister Ying had no choice but to make a quick decision. She took off her coat and left her middle coat on, and took a dip.

Jing Shirong has an opinion.

 He stood up, walked over, tugged on Sister Ying's middle coat, and corrected her, "Take this off."

 She couldn't wear what he clearly wasn't wearing just now.

Sister Ying.

“You are you, I am me, we are different, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Jing Shirong pouted and refused to listen. He still pulled at her shirt and said, "I won't wear it."

Sister Ying couldn't help but roll her eyes and push him away, "Oh, go away." She was so annoyed that she didn't stop even after taking a bath.

Jing Shirong didn’t listen and continued to pull her clothes.

Sister Ying is really convinced.

  "Okay, okay, I understand. You get out of the way and I'll do it myself."

 He has become childish and is really difficult to deal with.

 She quickly changed out of her middle coat and quickly soaked in, leaving only one head to breathe.

Jing Shirong massaged her head with his hands, washing her hair in the same way she had just washed his own.

 His palms are big and very comfortable when massaging the head.

Sister Ying rarely enjoyed it, so she asked him to massage her more.

 “Help me press my shoulders too, I’m tired from cooking these days.”

Jing Shirong followed her words and pressed her tired shoulders.

His big hands are strong and can make people relax when massaging.

Sister Ying was so relaxed that she almost fell asleep.

 In the end it was Jing Shirong who pulled her up. Say, "Let's go to sleep."

Sister Ying was half asleep and said, "Okay. Help me up."

 She was so sleepy that she couldn't even open her eyes.

Jing Shirong pulled her up, imitated what she just repeated, and wiped her hair.

I helped her get dressed again, but I couldn’t tie the laces, so they were all crooked.

Sister Ying was tired and sleepy, so she said to him, "Don't you know how to use internal force to help me dry my hair?"

Jing Shirong tilted his head and thought for a moment, looked at his hands, and then used his strength to dry her hair.

After his hair was fluffy, Sister Ying hugged his neck and said, "Let's go to bed."

Jing Shirong obediently agreed: "Okay" and carried her to Wen Yu's bed to sleep.

Sister Ying knew that he would not run away, so she leaned in his arms, hugged his waist, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Jing Shirong glanced down at her and saw that she was asleep. He reached out to poke her face and squeezed her soft palms.

 Then he imitated the way she kissed him, lowered his head and kissed the side of Sister Ying's face.

 After the kiss, he smacked his mouth and thought it tasted good, so he kissed me again.

His disturbing movements made Sister Ying click her tongue and slap his face away with her little hand.

Jing Shirong’s handsome face was photographed. He was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, whined, and then bit her hand.

After biting her, I was afraid of being discovered, so I quickly wiped her clean with my sleeve, then pretended as if nothing had happened, hugged her, and fell asleep contentedly.

Asking for a wave of votes~



 (End of this chapter)

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