The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 527: , it’s too difficult to coax a three-year-old to take medicine

Chapter 527: It’s too difficult to coax a three-year-old to take medicine

 Dan Jing Shirong is now bouncing around and in good spirits.

If his flame pattern appeared elsewhere, the doctor might not be able to detect it.

  His flame pattern is located in the middle of his forehead, which is a sign of poisoning.

 For people who were poisoned by this kind of poison, the day when the flame pattern was the reddest, the patient would never wake up again.

 Old Yao Wang did not dare to tell Sister Ying in such detail. He was afraid that she would worry, so he did not tell her.

Only Sister Yang knew about it, so they all wanted to give Jing Shirong more medicine as soon as possible.

 There was no response from the medicine at noon, which means it has no effect.

 At night, Sister Yang brought another medicine.

 Their current prescriptions start with mildness and gradually progress from mildness to irritation, and then slowly transition.

Jing Shirong was still willing to take medicine at noon, but not at night.

Sister Ying coaxed and lied, saying that she would take him down the mountain to pick fruits tomorrow, so he reluctantly drank it.

 After drinking, he became very clingy and had a bad temper. Sister Ying kept holding him, comforting him, and stroking his hair to smooth it, so that he would not lose his temper.

The medicine seemed to have some effect. In the middle of the night, Jing Shirong fell asleep and started to have nightmares. The dream was always restless.

Sister Ying slept lightly all night, mainly because she wanted to observe his symptoms.

 Later in the night, when Jing Shirong was dreaming, she called him several times, but he didn't respond.

She was afraid that he would sleep to death, so she got out of bed and wanted to run to call the old Yao Wang and others.

As soon as she got out of bed, Jing Shirong noticed it immediately and woke up immediately.

 Hand held Sister Ying's wrist with a fierce expression, "Don't leave!"

Seeing that he was awake, Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly lay back down, "Okay, okay, I won't leave."

She lay back down, and Jing Shirong's red eyes slowly stabilized. He held her tightly, not giving her a chance to leave.

He didn’t sleep the next time, and kept awake with his eyes open, as if he was afraid that Sister Ying would go out again, so he refused to sleep.

Sister Ying hugged him and whispered to him to sleep, but he didn't sleep, as if he didn't feel safe, or was frightened by nightmares and dared not sleep.

 But if you ask him what he dreamed about, he will look at a loss and cannot answer.

Sister Ying sighed, stopped asking, hugged him and sang a lullaby.

Until it was almost dawn, he closed his eyes, hugged Sister Ying, and fell asleep deeply.

 In the evening, he woke up from sleep.

Sister Ying stayed with him all night, and she was not in good spirits.

Sister Yang came over and asked her. "How were your symptoms last night?"

Sister Ying told her carefully, "After drinking the medicine, he didn't respond at first, and then slowly started to touch his head, as if he felt uncomfortable."

 “I’ll give him a rub and he’ll feel better.”

“In the second half of the night, he fell asleep, but he kept having nightmares, and he didn’t know what he was dreaming about, and his brows kept frowning.”

These are not the scariest things. The scariest thing is that he never responded when she called her. If he hadn't been frowning at that time, Sister Ying would have been afraid that he wouldn't wake up.

After listening to it, Sister Yang recorded it in the book, and she felt roughly confident.

 “It seems that this medicine is right.”

 Their plan is to start with something mild and harmless, and then start stimulating with strong drugs bit by bit.

Since Jing Shirong responded last night, we can continue with the third picture.

 Sister Ying has a big head when it comes to taking medicine.

“He is like a child now, and it is really difficult to get him to take medicine.”

  I can deceive him once or twice, but I don’t know if he will believe it if he does it more than once.

As expected, after the first meal, Sister Ying wanted Jing Shirong to take medicine, but he no longer listened.

He is now smarter. When Sister Ying brought him medicine, he pretended not to see it and hid aside to play with stones.

Sister Ying chased after her, but he continued to hide. In the end, there was no other way. Sister Ying stopped him and said, "If you don't drink, I will feed it to Brother Qi."

After saying that, he pulled Qi Yuanming over, picked up the bowl and was about to feed Qi Yuanming.

Jing Shirong is smarter now. He knows that drinking the medicine will make him uncomfortable and extremely bitter, so he thinks that he should just give it to the big man. He doesn’t like it anyway.

Seeing his cleverness, Sister Ying could only say, "If you really don't want to drink, I will let Brother Qi drink. After Brother Qi drinks, I will play with him. People who don't drink medicine can't follow." "

"Besides, after Brother Qi drinks it, you can have a kiss. There is no one who doesn't drink medicine."

After Qi Yuanming heard this, he cooperated and said, "Kiss? That's great. I have to drink the medicine quickly, and then I can have a kiss."

Jing Shirong was immediately unhappy when he heard that he wanted to kiss her.

He rushed over angrily, grabbed the medicine bowl, raised his head and drank, but did not swallow.

Then he looked at Sister Ying angrily, wanting to kiss her.

Sister Ying kept her promise, stood up on tiptoes, and kissed him, "Good baby, after you finish drinking, I will kiss you, not Brother Qi."

 But kissing the side of the face doesn’t seem to satisfy this little wolfdog.

 Because he was still angry and unhappy, and he had the medicine in his mouth, but he hadn't swallowed it yet.

Sister Ying had no choice but to face his mouth, lowered her head and touched his lips covered with medicine.

Jing Shirong stared, now satisfied, he swallowed the medicine, then pointed to his mouth and asked for another dose.

Sister Ying coaxed him, "Next time. I'll kiss you again after you finish drinking."

Jing Shirong pouted, slightly disappointed.

Seeing this, Qi Yuanming deliberately said, "Who told you to **** my medicine? I still want to kiss her."

Jing Shirong was angry, said "Ah!" and punched Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming was afraid of being beaten, so he ran away in despair.

As soon as he ran away, Jing Shirong raised his chin childishly, as if to show off his power.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and secretly thought that these two brothers were gone. Both are three years old.

At night.

Sister Ying took Jing Shirong back to the secret room, changing him into pajamas and observing his condition.

Jing Shirong was fine at first, but as the medicine took effect later, his head started to feel a dull pain, as if someone was knocking him on the head.

 He began to feel uncomfortable, groaned, held his head, and looked at Sister Ying pitifully.

Helping helplessly, he shouted, "Help."

 “Sister Ying, help.”

 Sister Ying's heart was broken when she saw him like this, so she hurriedly rubbed his head.

 “It doesn’t hurt, I’ll rub it for you.”

 She asked Jing Shirong to put his head on her lap and rub it for him little by little.

Perhaps the effect of the medicine wasn't that strong yet, so she rubbed it a few times and it felt relieved.

After a while, Jing Shirong fell asleep, still having nightmares in his sleep.

 Old Medicine King said, "He will have nightmares now, which means that the poisoning time is on the edge of the limit."

At the later stage of this poison, the patient will have nightmares all the time, causing the patient to have more dreams, night sweats, weakness, and gradually become less energetic.

Willpower is also gradually weakening, and people gradually lose consciousness and begin to fall into coma.

 Then in sleep, sleep, sleep, until you can no longer wake up.

Although Jing Shirong was bouncing around at first, his internal strength increased.

 But once the three-year limit was reached, his later symptoms also slowly appeared.

 At least the red flame was exactly the same as the other patients.

 (End of this chapter)

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