Chapter 528, Acupuncture Treatment

The old medicine king prepared several prescriptions for him, mainly to stimulate the poison in his brain to combat the symptoms of his falling into deep sleep and prevent him from sleeping to death.

 But the effect of the medicine is only in the early stage and not very stimulating, so he will still fall into a deep sleep and start to have nightmares.

Sister Ying called him several times, but he didn't respond.

 Only when she gets out of bed will he have a conditioned reflex to try to wake up.

 Maybe it was the first time that Sister Ying left him outside, so he instinctively thought that she was leaving him when she got out of bed, so he was very sensitive to the action of getting out of bed.

 “Don’t go, mine!”

 When he came together, his eyes were still a little red and there was a lot of sweat on his forehead, but he instinctively hugged Sister Ying and refused to allow her to leave.

Sister Ying was so breathless by him that she asked him to loosen her grip, but he seemed unable to hear her and just held her in his arms.

His eyes were red and his eyelids were droopy. It was obvious that he was too sleepy to open them, and he kept holding on.

Sister Ying called him several times, but he didn't hear her and seemed to have fallen asleep again.

 But he was still holding her so tightly that he couldn't break away.

Sister Yang counted the time and came over with Old Yaowang. Seeing that Sister Ying was tightly bound, she stretched out her hand to help her.

 Old Medicine King took the opportunity to **** Jing Shirong's neck with a few needles.

After the needle was pricked, Jing Shirong loosened his hand, and Sister Ying could stand up.

 They asked, "How was it? What happened last night?"

Sister Ying recalled, "He still kept having nightmares. This time he slept a little deeper than before and could hardly wake up."

This situation of being unable to wake up made Sister Ying feel panicked.

Sister Yang patted her shoulder and comforted her, "It's okay, we are here."

Old Medicine King took advantage of Shi Rong's sleep and checked his pulse carefully. His brows furrowed more and more.

Now all the poison in Jing Shirong's body has been concentrated in his brain. If they don't force the poison out, they can't estimate what the consequences will be.

“Give him another dose of medicine in the evening, and then start the injection.”

 Administer the medicine first to allow the poison to be concentrated, and then insert an acupuncture to stimulate the poison to prevent the toxin from spreading around the body.

Sister Yang understood and said to Sister Ying, "We will pour the medicine into my brother-in-law later, and we will give him an injection at night. Do you want to watch here?"

Sister Ying frowned, "Yes. I have to stay and watch him, otherwise I won't worry."

 No matter what the outcome of the night is, she will guard him.

Sister Yang didn’t object and went to make the medicine first.

 At night, Jing Shirong woke up in a daze, feeling as if he was exhausted, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

The late stage of this kind of sleeping poison will make people unable to struggle, and they will have nightmares in their sleep, and they will not be able to wake up.

No matter how lively Jing Shirong was before, he can't escape this symptom now.

He woke up in a daze and was dull for a while before looking around in confusion.

Sister Ying walked over distressed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“Brother Rong? How are you? Does your head still hurt?”

Jing Shirong raised his red eyes and looked at her for a while, his reaction seemed to be slower than before.

 It was as if his memory of last night had been washed away, and he no longer recognized Sister Ying now.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his handsome face was tired. He stared at her blankly for a while, but still couldn't remember who she was.

Sister Ying's nose was distressed and sore. She held his handsome face and kissed him, "Do you have a headache? Why are your eyes so red?"

 But he didn't respond, his expression was obviously dull, as if he had lost his soul consciousness, and his eyes were dull.

 Gu Gu and Old Yao Wang looked at each other, took out the silver needle, and leaned forward one after the other.

The two of them used their strength at the same time to pierce the silver needle into Jing Shirong's head, neck, and several places on his body.

As the silver needles were inserted, Jing Shirong was slow to react at first. As more and more needles were inserted, the pain became stronger, and then he slowly came back to his senses, his expression a little painful.

These silver needles are soaked in medicine, and the old medicine king and Gu Gu together inject internal energy, and the effect is extremely strong.

Jing Shirong felt a slight sting at the beginning, and then the severe pain in his head later made his handsome face look more and more ferocious.

“Ah!” He shouted and raised his hand to pull out the silver needle on his head.

 Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen saw the opportunity and grabbed his hand together to prevent him from moving.

 Since the treatment process requires him to be conscious, there is no way to make him fall asleep, so he can only suffer the pain.


With a splitting headache and a crushing feeling, Jing Shirong's eyes became redder and redder, and his face became more and more distorted.

 He struggled, trying to get rid of Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen.

But Qi Yuanming and Sen Geer used all their strength to grab him, making him unable to move. He screamed in anger.

 “Go away!”

Qi Yuanming refused to let go and called him, "Ajing, wake up!"

 But Jing Shirong didn't listen, his eyes became redder and redder, and the flame on his forehead suddenly became redder and redder.

Gu Gu and Old Yao Wang continued to inject needles and used their internal strength to help him force out the poison.

But this poison is really torturous.

 Normally it is not painful or itchy, but the process of forcing out the poison can make people miserable.

Especially the pain in the head makes people want to hit the wall.

Jing Shirong struggled in pain, and there was faint black blood flowing out of his ears.

 He has no idea who he is now, he only knows that he is in pain.

 But when it hurt the most, she suddenly called out Sister Ying's name.

 “Sister Ying!!”

Sister Ying burst into tears. She wanted to step forward, but she couldn't delay their treatment, so she could only endure it.

“Brother Rong, hold on, I’m here.”

Jing Shirong looked for the sound and wanted to see where she was.

 But he looked around and couldn't see it.

 Finally, I felt drowsy, had a splitting headache, and then passed out.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu recovered their inner strength and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

 “Take a break first to recuperate your energy, and it should be effective if you **** it again at night.”

 Gu Gu wiped the sweat from his head and sighed.

“This time the effect was wrong. Half of the poison has come out. The rest should be able to come out at night if I use my internal strength with the silver needle.”

Sister Ying felt distressed and came over to wipe the blood from Jing Shirong's ears, as well as the black poisonous blood flowing out of her nose.

At this time, Jing Shirong fainted from the pain, his hands dropped, but his brows were still furrowed.

 The red flame pattern on his forehead has dimmed a little, but there is still a bit of it.

  Gu comforted her, "Try it again at night and you should be able to force out all the remaining poison."

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

If you can force out all the remaining poison, the suffering will be worth it.

 It’s late at night.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu had a good rest and had a midnight snack before continuing with the silver needle.

At this time, Jing Shirong has not woken up yet and is still unconscious.

This time, the old medicine king didn't wake him up, and went straight to inserting the acupuncture.

The needle this time is longer than the previous one, and the potion soaked in it is stronger.

Seeing these sharp and long silver needles piercing Jing Shirong's head, Sister Ying's back felt numb and her eyes tightened, as if she felt the pain of these long needles piercing her body.

Everyone who looked at her felt pain, let alone Jing Shirong who was stabbed.

Jing Shirong didn’t react at first, but as the medicine took effect, he groaned and frowned in pain.

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 (End of this chapter)

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