Chapter 529, Jing Shirong ran away

 He originally fell asleep, but as the pain became stronger and stronger, especially the old ones, they were still using their internal strength.

 The internal force forced the silver needle into the needle and activated the medicine, making his already painful head even more painful.

He opened his blood-red eyes in pain, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and screamed "Ah!"

 Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen held him tightly, preventing him from moving.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu are also working harder and harder, trying their best to achieve the effect of the medicine.

Jing Shirong’s painful forehead veins were exposed, and the veins on his neck were also exposed when he struggled.

He struggled hard, and Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen almost couldn't hold him down.

Seeing the critical moment, Old Yao Wang and Gu Gu put their hands together and slapped him suddenly!


This palm directly caused Jing Shirong to spit out a mouthful of black.

 After the black blood was spit out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when the old medicine king was about to pull out the needle and check his pulse, Jing Shirong suddenly opened his eyes. Before anyone could react, he pushed Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen away with both hands. Erupted and escaped.

 “Brother Rong!”

 No one expected that he could still run out even though he was in such pain, and they hurriedly chased him.

Everyone chased him out together, but Jing Shirong could no longer be seen.

Sister Ying was even more worried and chased after him, calling out to him loudly, "Brother Rong? Where are you going?"

Qi Yuanming also chased out, his eyes sharp, "Look at the seaside, is that A Jing standing on the boat?"

Everyone looked at it together and saw that it was really him.

 “Hurry up and chase him. Don’t let him get away.”

Sister Ying even used Qinggong to chase her out quickly, but when she got to the beach, Jing Shirong had already rowed away.

 “Brother Rong! Come back!!”

 But Jing Shirong left without looking back, as if he didn't know her at all.

 Qi Yuanming and Sen Geer quickly took a boat to pursue them.

 The old drug kings went to the pharmacy to bring some medicine, packed up their things, and then came after them.

Sister Ying and the others chased after her, saying, "Brother Rong, stop quickly."

But Jing Shirong didn't seem to hear it. He looked back and saw them chasing after them. He seemed to think they were bad guys and rowed faster.

Sister Ying was very puzzled, so she turned around and asked Sister Yang, "Why does he suddenly not recognize us again?

Sister Yang didn’t know either and shook her head. "This is the first time we have encountered this kind of poison. The symptoms after detoxification are unknown."

For people like Jing Shirong, I don’t know if the detoxification is successful.

Logically speaking, the poison in his body should have been forced out.

But before I had time to check his pulse and before the silver needle was pulled out, he ran away. So they don't know how effective it will be.

Sister Ying called him several times, but Jing Shirong ignored her and rowed away on her own.

 Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming rowed their boats behind to chase him, but they were still some distance behind him.

 They are now on the sea, and Jing Shi Rong wants to go.

Sister Ying called him, but he didn't respond, as if he still didn't recognize her.

 When we were approaching the coast, we saw him from a distance and landed directly ashore.

By the time Sister Ying and the others came after her, Jing Shirong had already run away.

 The four of them looked at each other, confused.

 “Where is he going?”

Sister Ying didn't know either. She frowned, looked at the three-way intersection on the shore, and asked, "Should we search separately?"

Neither Qi Yuanming nor Brother Sen was worried about her, so they said, "Sister, please come with me. Brother Qi and Sister Yang will go to the other side."

Sister Ying feels that this efficiency is too slow.

“Forget it, let’s search at the three intersections together. I have a flute and will ask you for help if necessary. Let’s search separately.”

 After saying that, he rushed out.

Qi Yuanming and Sen Geer had no choice but to look for them at the other two intersections. The three of them went to search separately, and Sister Ying took the middle alley.

 She walked on the roof, looking up and down, while shouting, "Brother Rong?"

  But no response was received.

 At this time, Jing Shirong had already hid in a farmyard.

 Hide in the thatched house in the farmyard.

 He just woke up and didn’t know who he was, but his IQ was restored and he was not as stupid as before.

His handsome face was cold and he glanced outside coldly. When he saw no one there, he pulled out the silver needle from his body.

The silver needles were still stained with the poisonous blood in his body. He lowered his head and smelled it. He could not identify any poison, so he threw away the silver needles.

Sister Ying came all the way and saw a farmhouse deep in the alley, so she crept in.

Jing Shirong heard footsteps in the thatched house, his handsome face turned cold, he drew out the cold sword from his waist and made a defensive posture.

Sister Ying whispered, "Brother Rong? Are you in there?"

Jing Shirong frowned, wondering why this woman was chasing after her?

Could it be that the Rong brother she called her was herself?

His head is empty now. He doesn't know his name or why he has a dull pain in his head, as if he has been injured.

 In addition, those people outside were chasing me all the way. I don’t know whether they are enemies or friends.

He was full of doubts now. After thinking about it, he came to the door. When Sister Ying opened the door and came in, he locked her neck.

"do not move!"

Sister Ying was startled, and then she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was him.

 “Brother Rong?”

 She was naturally surprised when she saw him, and her face was full of joy, "I finally found you."

 But Jing Shirong did not let her go, his handsome face was cold. "Who are you?"

 The lock on her neck did not loosen, but tightened.

Sister Ying felt uncomfortable being strangled, so she struggled a bit and said, "Brother Rong, it's me, I'm Sister Ying."

Jing Shirong frowned and stared at her coldly, "Who are you? Why don't I recognize you?"

 He spoke so many words at once, with clear enunciation and cold words. He was not at all the Jing Sansui he was before.

Sister Ying saw that he had recovered his IQ, but still had no memory and had a big head.

She explained to him, "I am your wife, you are my husband-in-law, and we are husband and wife."

Jing Shirong frowned suspiciously, "Husband and wife?"

He glanced at Sister Ying coldly, not believing it, "You are my wife? What is my name, and where do I live? Why are you here? There are still needles on your head?"

Sister Ying explained to him, "Your name is Jing Shirong. You are from the capital. I am your wife. I have brought you here specifically to see a doctor this time."

"You have been poisoned. Those silver needles on your head are used to inject poison into you."

Jing Shirong obviously didn’t believe it and was extremely wary. He tightened her neck and said, “How do I know if you are lying to me?”

"Could it be that you gave me the poison? Want to harm me? Huh?"

Sister Ying coughed and felt uncomfortable, so she asked him, "Then tell me, why should I harm you? How can I harm you if your martial arts are so good?"

Jing Shirong's eyes narrowed slightly, hesitatingly asking, "Where are those people who came with you? Are they your accomplices?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, they are all our own. They saved you a lot this time. You are our benefactor."

Just when Jing Shirong wanted to write the letter, Brother Sen came over.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Jing Shirong strangling his eldest sister's neck. He immediately stabbed his sword and went out, "Let go of my sister!"

Sister Ying saw Jing Shirong's frown and said to herself, "It's over." She had just convinced him.

 Seng Geer's stabbing was hard to explain.

 (End of this chapter)

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