Chapter 530: Falling out of love

Sure enough, when Jing Shirong saw Brother Sen attacking him, he immediately looked at Sister Ying suspiciously and no longer believed her.

"You lied to me?"

 After saying that, he raised his sword and started to run.

Sister Ying hurriedly chased her, "No, I didn't lie to you, I am really your wife."

Hurryly grabbed his sleeve and said nothing to let him go.

Jing Shirong was entangled by her, while Qi Yuanming and Sen Geer surrounded him one after another, trying to restrain him.

Jing Shirong was obviously on guard against them. He pinched Sister Ying's neck and threatened them, "Don't come here!"

His eyes were cold, making Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen look at each other.

Brother Sen was even more angry, "Brother-in-law? Are you crazy!"

 Isn’t the eldest sister his sweetheart?

Yesterday you were so precious, why are you suddenly strangling your neck today?

Not only Brother Sen, but also Qi Yuanming were confused.

"A Jing, are you crazy? Why are you pinching Sister Ying?"

It's really a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. The most beloved baby actually has the day to use force?

Jing Shirong saw their surprised expressions and was a little confused. He lowered his head and looked at Sister Ying, "Are you really my wife?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Of course."

Otherwise, why would she have worked so hard to chase him out?

“Brother Rong, I know you don’t remember anything now. But it doesn’t matter. Let’s go back to the old Medicine King and the others now. They will definitely find a way to cure you.”

Jing Shirong was dubious, "Save me? What kind of poison have I been poisoned with?"

Sister Ying couldn't explain it clearly, "It's a sleeping poison, a poison that can make people die in their sleep. It's very tricky. Come back with us first and let the old medicine king show it to you."

Sister Ying looked up at him and saw that the red flame between his eyebrows was much lighter, so she knew that the poison was almost forced out.

  But the sequelae seem to be a bit big.

Not only does he not recognize her now, he also has a very bad temper and is very cold.

Jing Shirong still didn’t believe it after hearing her explanation, “How do I know you’re not lying to me?”

 What if the poison on his body was put by this woman and she wanted to harm him?

Sister Ying, who has a big head, explained, "Why would I harm you if I'm fine? Can husband and wife recognize each other randomly?"

Jing Shirong gave her a cold look and said, "Who knows."

Sister Ying.

 Take a deep breath and prove it to him, "You have a small red mole on your chest. There is a scar on your left hand, and there is a crescent-shaped birthmark on your arm."

Jing Shirong frowned, opened his clothes, and saw the small red mole.

 Including the tiger’s mouth wound and the crescent-shaped birthmark, everything is correct.

But he still didn’t believe it, “How do I know you weren’t secretly watching me while I was asleep?”

 The bad guys naturally have detailed plans, who knows if she has premeditated it.

Sister Ying took a deep breath, "Then what will it take for you to believe it?"

 You can’t tell all the private things about your husband and wife.

Jing Shirong looked her up and down and asked her, "What do I like to eat on weekdays?"

Sister Ying, "You are not particular about food. As long as it is made by me, you basically like to eat it."

Jing Shirong narrowed his eyes and asked again, "How are my parents?"

Sister Ying, "Of course, they are doing well in the capital. When you are completely cured of the poison, we should return to the capital to see them."

Jing Shirong saw that she answered naturally, without feeling guilty at all. He half-squinted his dark eyes and was a little undecided.

Sister Ying took advantage of this and said, "Why don't you come back with us first? When the poison is gone, we can go back to the capital to see our parents. Your parents look similar to you, and you will know when the time comes."

Jing Shirong looks like Jing, and they look like mother and son. Especially Grandpa Jing, Jing Shirong seems to be more like Grandpa Jing. He has an excellent appearance and a good figure. At first glance, he is his grandson.

Jing Shirong also wanted to know where he was from, and after hesitating, he agreed.

Seeing that he agreed, Sister Ying said happily, "Let's go quickly, Old Yao Wang and the others are coming out soon. Just in time to meet them."

Jing Shirong said nothing, grabbed her onto the eaves, glanced at the surrounding terrain, and finally targeted an inn.

 He took Sister Ying to the inn and opened a private room on the third floor. Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming saw them going up and hurriedly followed them.

Jing Shirong, however, did not agree with them following him upstairs and told them in a cold voice, "If you want to follow, stay on the first floor."

Qi Yuanming frowned, "Why?"

What's going on with this guy? He's stupid at one moment and cold and arrogant at another. Why is he so hard to take care of when he's sick?

Jing Shirong glared at him with cold eyes, "Go? Or not?"

Qi Yuanming was really convinced by him, "Okay, okay, it's the first floor. I really owe you in my previous life."

 Normally, you shouldn't eat and drink from others, but now it's better. Eaters are short-tongued, and you have to watch the guy's face.

Qi Yuanming continued to read, Brother Sen frowned and wanted to stay, but Sister Ying shook her head at him, "It's okay, I am his wife, he will not hurt me, just protect Sister Yang, if anything happens I'm calling you."

Brother Sen had no choice but to explain, "He has no memory now, so be careful."

Sister Ying felt warm in her heart, "I understand."

 My little brother has grown up.

Jing Shirong saw that their brother-in-law had a deep affection and it didn’t look like he was cheating, so he asked him, “Is that boy your brother?”

Sister Ying nodded and said to him, "Then you are my brother-in-law, don't call him a brat."

Jing Shirong didn't believe it, "What about that big guy?" He looked stupid, but he was very strong. At first glance, he looked like a man with strong martial arts skills.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "Brother Qi is your good brother and your good friend. You two have been brothers for more than ten years."

Jing Shirong could vaguely feel that these people had no murderous intention towards him, but he did not dare to be careless.

Although he has no memory now, he is still in the same state as when he first left the mission a few years ago. Because he has been plotted against, he is instinctively wary of everything.

 Just like now, I am wary of Sister Ying, a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken.

He held the sword in his arms, closed the window, and lay on the bed, but did not allow Sister Ying to come near.

 “You find a place to sit and don’t cross the line.”

Sister Ying.

 “You won’t sleep with me?”

  Before, I was so sticky that I wanted to hug him to sleep.

Now that you wake up, you are ruthless?

Jing Shirong didn’t remember anything about how he had become stupid before, and said with a cold face, “You are beautiful, but you are not my type. Don’t try to seduce me.”

Sister Ying.

 Taking a few deep breaths, "What did you say? I'm not your type? So what type do you like?"

 It’s so funny, I used to be so sweet to her, could it be that I have lost my memory and my preferences have changed? Don't you even like her anymore?

Jing Shirong was lying on the bed with his sword in his arms. Seeing her aggrieved face, he ignored her and still refused to let her come near.

He felt that this woman simply liked him, but couldn't love her, so she used some means to poison him, probably to force him to fall in love with her.

But he would not agree to this.

 No matter how beautiful she is, if she is not what he likes, he will not be seduced.

Sister Ying.

 Can we survive this day?

 Before, he was silly and a little clingy, but at least he wouldn't make her angry.

 It's good now. He's not stupid, but he's so difficult to take care of. They've only fought each other a few times, and she's almost mad to death.

 (End of this chapter)

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