Chapter 531, character swap

Jing Shirong saw her angry face and ignored her. He lay on the bed with his sword in his arms, closed his eyes and took a light sleep.

Sister Ying sat on the chair angrily, flipping her hair and thinking about what to do next.

Now that he has been found, let’s wait for the old Yao Wang and the others to catch up and show him what’s going on.

He won't be able to recover his memory after a while. If he continues to have such bad behavior and bad temper, and he doesn't like her, she will be angry to death sooner or later.

 Old Yao Wang and the others were slow to arrive. They waited for an hour and didn't even wait for them. I don’t know what happened.

Sister Ying was worried and asked Qi Yuanming to take a look.

Qi Yuanming sighed and went to the port to wait.

 Brother Sen stayed with Sister Yang.

 In the evening, Sister Ying went to order food first, and then came up to ask Jing Shirong to eat.

Jing Shirong first slept in bed.

 He had been having nightmares due to poisoning and had never slept well.

 Now I don’t have nightmares anymore and I can sleep normally.

This sleep lasted all afternoon.

Sister Ying came over quietly, and he noticed it immediately. He opened his eyes cautiously and looked at her angrily, "What are you doing here?"

Is it possible that you want to harm him?

 Sister Ying’s Nth time.

“Can’t I come and ask you to eat? Do I have to harm you?”

Jing Shirong said in a harsh tone, "Who knows."

Sister Ying took a deep breath and glared at him, "Jing, you were so cute before, but I am not as familiar with you. If you make me angry again, I will file a complaint with my parents."

Jing Shirong said coldly, "Whatever."

  Anyway, he wasn't sure whether the parents she was talking about were his, so let her say whatever she wanted.


Sister Ying had a headache and put her hands on her hips. She knew that he had lost his memory and it was not intentional. She sighed and said she was not as knowledgeable as him.

“Forget it, you get up and eat first, and I’ll let Sister Yang take a look at you later.”

 Though ancient they have not yet come.

 At least Sister Yang is still here.

Sister Yang was eating downstairs and came up right after eating.

 She asked Sister Ying, "How is it? Brother-in-law still doesn't remember us?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "Not only can I not remember, but my personality has completely changed. She is no longer cute like before."

Jing Shirong is now like a hedgehog, with sharp thorns sticking out at everyone, and will **** you when he gets close.

Sister Yang came out in a hurry and didn’t bring any medicine. She just brought a simple silver needle bag, which probably wouldn’t have much effect.

As soon as she came over, Jing Shirong looked at her warily, with cold eyes, not allowing her to get close.

It was Sister Ying who said to him, "This is my sister, your sister-in-law. She can also see doctors. Let her see you first."

Jing Shirong didn't believe it, "A little girl can see a doctor? You're fooling me."

The most annoying thing about Sister Yang is that people look down upon her because she is a girl with a hot temper, "What's wrong with Yatou Pianzi? Can't Yatou Pianzi be able to cure diseases and save people?"

"Perhaps you will give birth to a girl by yourself in the future. I am embarrassed to look down on Yatou Pianzi."

Sister Ying couldn't help laughing when she saw how angry she was. She touched her head and comforted her, "Don't be angry. His mind is not clear right now. He is like a hedgehog. We don't have the same knowledge as him. We can take advantage of it one night." When he fell asleep, I pulled out his thorn to help you take revenge."

Sister Yang was coaxed into laughter and hummed, "No man is good, and he can't even look down on girls' movies. I don't want to get married in the future."

Sister Ying pinched her ears and said dotingly, "You, don't always take other people's words seriously. We just need to be self-reliant and self-reliant. We don't need to kill a group of people with one shot."

Sister Yang didn't listen and snorted, "Every time I go to the clinic, people look at my video of a girl, and they look disbelieving and contemptuous. They also say that I am in public. If I hadn't held back, they would have beaten them."

 There is no way, this era still favors boys over girls, and there are rumors about whatever girls do.

 Fortunately, this is not the case in every place. At least some areas still attach great importance to daughters. Sister Yang was not really angry. After complaining, she had to do business.

She picked up the silver needle, walked over, and said to Jing Shirong, "Let me show it to you before my master and the others come. In case the remaining poison is not cleared away, you will have another headache."

 When the headache started, it was her sister who suffered.

Jing Shirong looked at her doubtfully, and Sister Ying nodded to him, "Let her see, our Sister Yang's medical skills are still good."

“Besides, don’t you have a headache? Maybe it will be better if she gives you two injections.”

Jing Shirong frowned and reached out to touch the back of his head. He felt that his head was indeed uncomfortable.

 But asking a girl to inject herself with needles seems a bit like playing house, which is not very reliable.

 Sister Yang was about to explode again when she saw that he doubted her medical skills.

Sister Ying quickly grabbed her and said, "Don't be like a firecracker. Just hit it at a moment's notice. Be patient. He is a patient."

As a doctor, how can you lose your temper when you see a patient you don't like? Treating the patient and saving the patient is the first priority.

Sister Yang coughed and felt that she was a little tempered, so she calmed down and said, "I understand."

 She walked over and felt Jing Shirong's pulse.

Jing Shirong looked at her coldly, wanting to see if she was really capable.

Sister Ying was standing by, wanting to hear the results.

After feeling the pulse, Sister Yang looked at the needle hole on his head.

The black blood on the needle hole had scabbed over. She wanted to **** the needle to see if black blood would flow out, but Jing Shirong dodged it.

Sister Yang was speechless and looked at Sister Ying, asking her to say a few words.

Sister Ying had no choice but to come over and said to Jing Shirong, "Let her **** your head with a needle to see if there is still poisonous blood in your head."

 “If there is any remaining poison, it must be removed in time, otherwise your head will still hurt.”

Jing Shirong squinted his eyes slightly and felt the slight tingling in his head. It was indeed uncomfortable.

 So he waved to Sister Ying and asked her to stretch out her hand.

Sister Ying was not afraid of what he would do, so she gave him her hand and asked him to hold it tightly.

Jing Shirong grabbed her hand, and the soft touch made him squeeze it. Then he raised his eyes and took a deep look at her.

 He now has a cold aura and looks like a bohemian martial arts master.

Sister Ying doesn’t care whether he’s a libertine or not, but with her here, it’s impossible for him to want to be licentious.

 She winked at Sister Yang. "let's start."

 Sister Yang prepared the needles and began to administer them.

 It hurt a little at first, Jing Shirong frowned slightly and said nothing.

 It wasn’t until the needle pricked her deeply that it hurt, that he glared at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "There is no pain when getting an acupuncture. For the sake of your health, please bear with it for a while, and I'll prepare you something delicious tonight."

Jing Shirong snorted coldly and squeezed her little hand, hoping to hurt her too.


He was so strong that he squeezed Sister Ying's hand until it turned red.

Sister Ying was helpless and distressed. She felt that he was really suffering these days, so she let him hold her tightly and touched his handsome face with her other hand to soothe his painful emotions.

Jing Shirong originally wanted to take revenge on her, making her suffer as much as he did.

Who would have known that she would suddenly touch her face, so tenderly, and her eyes were full of distress.

He half-squinted his dark eyes, wondering if this distress was real or was it staged?

 (End of this chapter)

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