The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 534: , Sister Yang doesn’t want to go back

Chapter 534, Sister Yang doesn’t want to go back

Sister Yang glared at him angrily, "Who said girls can't drink? I will drink!"

 “Master, I want to drink!”

 Gu Gu had no objection and handed her the wine, "I can only taste one cup."

Sister Yang poured the wine herself and looked at Qi Yuanming provocatively, meaning, "I'll just drink it."

She just raised her cup and was about to take a sip when she was snatched away by Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming quickly grabbed her wine with quick eyes and hands, raised his head and drank it, "Ah~ it feels so good!"

I still need to show off to her, "No more."


Sister Yang was so angry that she scratched his face when she stood up.

 “Ouch, it hurts, it hurts~”

Qi Yuanming was so cold that she stretched out a small paw, her face was deformed by the scratch, and she hurriedly begged for mercy, "Auntie, I was wrong, let go quickly, my face hurts."

Sister Yang grabbed his face and squeezed it so hard that his eyes couldn't open.

“Do you still dare to go against me?”

Qi Yuanming held his head and begged for mercy, "I don't dare anymore. I won't dare again next time."

What a tigress, with such strong hands.

Seeing his cowardice, Sister Yang snorted and let go.

“Next time you mess with me, see how I stab you.”

Qi Yuanming also has a character that doesn't want to be beaten. He said he didn't dare, but when Sister Yang let go, he made faces at her again.

 “I’m not afraid of you, Luo Luo Luo~”

 Then he ran away.

Sister Yang chased her angrily, which made everyone angry and amused.

 The old medicine king wrote a prescription and asked the medicine boy to prepare the medicine. He decocted the medicine and brought it to Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong had just been stabbed a few times by him, and the stinging pain in his head was much lessened.

When the medicine was brought to him, he took a look at it, finally took the bowl, raised his head and took a sip.

Seeing that he was willing to drink, Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief and handed him a plum.

 “Eat, sweet mouth.”

Jing Shirong refused coldly, "No need."

 He is not a girl who drinks medicine and eats candied fruits. The girls chirped.

Sister Ying.

Before, I didn’t know who had to be coaxed to take medicine, eat candied fruits, and have to be kissed and hugged to sleep after eating.

Now he's up?

But this is good, it saves her the trouble of coaxing.

Jing Shirong didn’t believe that he would become like that, so he only asked her, “Why did I get poisoned?”

Sister Ying didn’t know either, so she asked Qi Yuanming to come over and tell her.

 Qi Yuanming, despite being scratched by Sister Yang, told Jing Shirong, "Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen gave you this poison."

"Those two are cunning and cunning, and they are good at scheming. You must have fallen into their trap."

Jing Shirong's black eyes narrowed slightly. Although he couldn't remember them, he instinctively disliked these two names. Come to think of it, he must have had some issues with each other.

Qi Yuanming said, "When your poison is cleared, it's time for us to return to the capital. There are still a lot of things going on in the capital."

Jing Shirong looked at him coldly, "What's the matter?"

Qi Yuanming said, "These are all matters ordered by His Majesty. Now that Fei Ying has not been found, we have to go back and discuss the specific matters."

 The main reason is that I want to go back to find Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen to settle accounts.

 Other things can be put aside for the time being.

Jing Shirong couldn't remember anything, but he wanted to go back and see if he could remember anything.

 Otherwise the memory is empty and you don’t even remember who you are, so why do you do anything?

 In the evening, the old medicine king prescribed another medicine. The medicine boy boiled it and brought it to Jing Shirong to drink.

This time Jing Shirong did not hesitate, raised his head and drank it, finishing it.

 Everyone went back to rest after eating and planned to set off back tomorrow.

 Lao Yaowang and the others were going back to Yaowang Island. Gu Gu originally wanted to take Sister Yang and Brother Sen back.

Sister Yang was confused, "Now that we're out, let's go to a few more places? Let's practice our diagnostic skills."

She had long wanted to travel around the world, but Mrs. Wu stopped her from doing so.

 It’s hard to get out, but I don’t want to go back. He was old but hesitant, "It's not like you don't know your mother's temper. We've been out for so long. If we don't go back, she should be worried."

Sister Yang pulled her ancient sleeves and acted coquettishly, "It's okay, the three of us are together. We are out of town, so we should go and look around more."

 Gu Gu couldn't make up his mind and looked at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying also had a big head. She thought about it and said, "Otherwise, you can come back to the capital with us."

Anyway, we have to pass through many places on the way back to the capital.

 This girl can also look around, fulfilling her dream of traveling around the world.

Upon hearing this, Sister Yang jumped up happily, "Sister? Are you serious?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Really, you come with us to the capital. Let's go by land."

If Sister Yang wants to look around, you can take her on land.

Sister Yang was very happy, "That's great, then we will go to the capital with you."

 As long as you can look around, you can go anywhere.

 Jiu Gu has a headache, "Aren't you afraid that your mother will beat you?"

Sister Yang hugged Sister Ying's arm and smiled, "I'm not afraid. My mother won't do it as long as the eldest sister is in the way."

 Besides, the excuse that my eldest brother-in-law is sick is not very useful.

The ancient helplessness, the heart said that this girl is also a thief, and she must be a difficult master in the future.

Sister Yang snorted and didn't care.

 Looking at Seng Geer, "What did you say?"

 Brother Sen actually wanted to make a career in the world, so he just said, "I can do it."

Sister Yang laughed and said, "I don't know about you yet? You must also want to look around."

 Seng Geer glanced at her, didn't say anything more to her, and went back to his room to sleep.

Qi Yuanming was quite happy to see that they were going to the capital together.

 “Then I’ll go check the boat.”

 Let's set off together tomorrow, it will definitely be lively.

Sister Yang snorted at him, ignored him, and went back to her room to rest.

 After everyone left, Sister Ying and Jing Shirong were the only ones left in the private room on the third floor.

Sister Ying yawned and wanted to go to bed.

Jing Shirong stopped her coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Sister Ying stopped taking off her coat. "Sleep, what else can you do?"

Jing Shirong blocked the sword in front of her, and the straight man said, "Go to sleep next door, or sleep with your sister."

  It means don’t even think about sleeping with him.

Sister Ying was speechless, put her hands on her hips, and glared at him, "I'm afraid you'll have a headache at night, otherwise what do you think I want to do?"

 She is not like a wolf or a tiger, so she can do nothing to him.

Jing Shirong snorted and Leng Pi raised the corner of his mouth, "Who knows."

Sister Ying.

 “Okay, I won’t sleep with you, I’ll let Brother Seng sleep with you.”

 After saying that, she angrily went down and asked Brother Sen to come up and look at him, while she went to sleep with Sister Yang.

 Seng Geer is also a man of few words.

 After he came up, he took it upon himself to go up to the roof and sleep in the beams.

Jing Shirong saw that he was conscious, so he held his sword up and closed his eyes to rest.

Sister Yang saw Sister Ying coming over, and her eyes widened in surprise, "No way, you were kicked out by your brother-in-law?"

It’s really a strange story for the ages.

  In the past, the two of them were so sticky that they could not be separated.

How could he be kicked out so easily?

Sister Ying nodded her head with her finger, "Besides, I won't take you to the capital."

Sister Yang smiled and hugged her, "No, if you don't let me follow, I will go secretly."

Sister Ying hehehe, "If you're not afraid of what mother says, just go by yourself."

Sister Yang murmured, but she was still afraid, so she stopped talking.

Good night~



 (End of this chapter)

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