The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 535: , ready to return to Beijing

Chapter 535, Prepare to return to Beijing

 The two sisters were lying on the bed together, feeling the sound of the waves on the island.

Sister Yang turned over and asked, "Sister-in-law, what will you do if your brother-in-law can't remember who you are?"

Sister Ying took a breath and looked more broadly, "What else can I do? If you don't know me, just get to know him again."

 Things that were not remembered before can now be remembered.

Sister Yang, "How can it be the same?"

  In the past, it had an emotional basis.

 Forgetting the past things now doesn’t mean forgetting all the previous feelings?

 How can we still be as loving as before when our feelings are gone?

Sister Ying shrugged, "What should we do? We can't pry his head open and dig out the memories."

Sister Yang laughed at this, "They say, if my brother-in-law is still so cold, what will happen to your relationship?"

  We can't keep growing apart and stop falling in love.

Sister Ying tilted her head and thought, "That won't happen."

People's memories will be forgotten, but their true nature is unchangeable.

No matter how cold Jing Shirong is, can he still resist her beauty trap?

She knew very well which one the guy liked the most, but she just had no intention of teasing him right now.

Sister Yang laughed, "Really, so confident?"

Sister Ying raised her chin and said, "Of course. A woman chases a man, and there is a veil between them." Especially for a new couple like them, they are easy to catch.

Sister Yang laughed, "I don't believe it."

“I believe that my brother-in-law used to be very flirtatious, but now it’s hard to do this.”

The current Jing Shirong is cold, defensive, and inhumane at first glance.

Sister Ying was not afraid, "It's nothing."

No matter how aloof and guarded he was, she didn't take him lightly.

Having been married for more than a year, you still can't deal with him?

Sister Yang laughed, "Then tell me, how are you going to deal with him?"

Sister Ying saw her gossiping, so she didn't tell her.

“Go to sleep, you’re young, why are you so nosy?

Sister Yang is like a pester, insisting on listening.

 “Tell me, people want to hear it.”

Sister Ying turned over and said, "I won't tell you."

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Sister Yang raised her eyebrows and stretched out her hand to tickle her.

 “Oh, don’t move, hahaha, stop scratching, haha.”

Sister Yang laughed and said, "Should you tell me? Should you tell me?"

Sister Ying still didn't say anything, but punched her with her fist, "Watch the move!"

Sister Yang took her fist and said, "Hey, it's not bad, it's up to me."



The two sisters started fighting like this.

Jing Shirong, who was upstairs, heard their conversation and said coldly, "You are not overestimating your abilities."

 You think you can seduce him because of your beauty?

 Do you really think he is so unsure?

 She is the only one who still wants to seduce him? Beautiful thought.

Brother Sen saw that he was looking downstairs and guessed that he must have heard the conversation between Sister Yang and the others, but he didn't say anything and fell asleep with his sword in his arms.

Jing Shirong listened for a while, and when the medicine became stronger, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

 On the second day.

 A good night's sleep, everyone had a good night's sleep.

 When the sun came up, they also woke up.

Sister Ying rarely had a good night's sleep. When she woke up, she still didn't want to move and wanted to stay in bed for a while.

Sister Yang didn't want to get up either, and the two sisters lay lazily in bed.

Jing Shirong also had a good sleep, and when he woke up, he felt much better. He didn't have any more nightmares last night, and his overall condition was much better.

 The old medicine king came over to check his pulse and saw that his condition was normal and all the remaining poisons had been eliminated. As long as no other symptoms appeared in the future, it would be considered detoxified.

 As for whether the memory can be restored, it depends on whether he can remember it later.

However, the remaining poison has been eliminated, and I think the memory can be restored.

 “I’ll give you a few more injections, and you won’t have headaches and dreams anymore.”

Jing Shirong said yes and was very brave when inserting the acupuncture without blinking his eyes.

 The old Yao Wang used his internal strength when he gave him the acupuncture. Seeing that he could stop, he stroked his white beard with satisfaction.

 Tell him, "Thanks to your good health, otherwise this poison will be fatal."

 Anyone with weak internal strength would not be able to withstand it.

Even if you have strong internal strength but weak willpower, you will still be driven into madness by the treatment process.

 Fortunately, this kid is lucky and strong enough to return to normal.

Gu Gu came over at this time and said to the old medicine king, "I read two books last night and found out that this poison was actually banned by the imperial court more than thirty years ago, called Water Lily. I didn't expect this poison to exist in the capital. "

This poison has a nice name, but it is deadly. It seems that there are poison masters in the capital.

 Old Medicine King touched his beard and guessed, "I guess he is Lao Duxie's disciple." Otherwise, it would be difficult to develop this kind of poison.

 Thirty years ago, there was a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the Jianghu, and the masters of poisoning were even more powerful.

But those old guys are probably in their seventies or eighties now.

 It seems that their descendants are developing this poison.

Sister Ying heard this when she came over and asked quickly, "Will I be immune after the poison is removed?"

It would be really embarrassing if I get hit again next time.

 Old Medicine King touched his long white beard to reassure her.

"This poison can only be effective on the human body once. Since your husband is fine, you don't have to be afraid of being poisoned next time."

Furthermore, "We have a prescription for the antidote now. I will write it to Sister Yang later. If you don't understand, you can ask her. That girl is very talented."

Seeing that he rarely praised others, Gu Gu smiled and asked him, "We are going to the capital together today, do you want to come together?"

 Old Yao Wang shook his head and said, "I won't go. I haven't gone out for many years. I'm still used to it on the island."

   Looking at the medicine boy, "What about him? He can't live on the island for the rest of his life."

Young people are playful and always want to go out, right?

 Old Medicine King thought for a while and called the medicine boy over, "Do you want to go to the capital with them to see it?"

But the medicine boy shook his head, "I won't go. I'll go back to the island with you."

 He is most curious about the outside world, but not yearning for it.

Especially since the old Yao Wang is old, he still wants to provide for him until the end of his life.

The old Medicine King didn't expect that the brat with a playful smile on weekdays could be so filial. He was moved, but he didn't want to stop him from venturing out. He waved his hand and said loudly, "I don't need you to take care of me. You can go out if you want. Go It’s nice to look outside.”

But the medicine boy said, "No need, I won't be too late to go out after you drive to Hexi." Anyway, he was still young.

 Old Medicine King.

 Bai was moved. Brat! Not cute at all.

 The group finished eating and boarded two boats respectively.

 Hong Kong said goodbye to the old medicine king, "See you again when you have a chance."

 The old Medicine King did not like to be pretentious, but he said seriously, "If my disciple needs anything in the future, please give me face."

  An ancient clasped fist, "Definitely."

Sister Yang also said, "Don't worry, we will help Brother Yaotong if anything happens."

With their guarantee, the old medicine king felt relieved.

 They set off back to Yaowang Island.

Sister Ying and the others also boarded the boat, preparing to return to Beijing.

Qi Yuanming has a sheepskin map with him, but they don’t have enough experience at sea and they will lose their way when sailing.

 Fortunately, several of them have relatively calm personalities, and with Gu Gu being there, the sailing was relatively smooth.

 They did not plan to go all the way to the sea. They were ready to find a place to dock and get off the boat.

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 (End of this chapter)

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