The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 536: , a person who wants to save face

Chapter 536: Face-saving person

They sailed on the sea for more than a month before they saw a coast with a small village.

Qi Yuanming and Seng Geer quickly sailed the boat over and anchored ashore.

They were feeling dizzy from the boat ride. They couldn't eat well, couldn't sleep well, and their lips were almost burning.

Especially Qi Yuanming and Sen Geer, who were steering the boat all the way, which was quite hard and made them tanned and thin.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang are also working hard. They need to catch small fish and shrimps for them to eat.

Life on board is simple, you can eat and drink casually as long as you can satisfy your hunger, there is nothing to be particular about.

 Sometimes in order to save charcoal, they only eat one meal a day, but they will be full enough to last until they go to bed at night.

A few of them were almost starved and thin, and they were all tanned by the sun.

 Only Sister Ying and Jing Shirong are not so shady.

Sister Ying is not dark, she is naturally fair-skinned. With her wearing a hat and sun protection, she is not too dark.

Jing Shirong is not evil because this guy didn’t work at all along the way.

At first Qi Yuanming asked him to take charge of the boat, but he held his sword and remained motionless. He gave him a cold look and said, "I won't go." He refused directly.

Qi Yuanming's eyes widened angrily, "Everyone is going, why don't you go?"

  He used to pay and contribute to the work, so why did he become lazy when he lost his memory?

Jing Shirong ignored him and continued to sit in the cabin with his sword in hand.

Qi Yuanming had no choice but to steer the boat by himself.

The next day, Qi Yuanming called again, "Ajing, go fishing for shrimps. The waves are big here, so we won't let Sister Ying go."

Jing Shirong looked back at Sister Ying, who was drying dried fish, and said coldly, "I won't go."

Qi Yuanming was speechless, "You!"

why is it like this!

“Everyone is working, why do you have the nerve to sit there every day?”

Jing Shirong remained unmoved, still holding his sword in the cabin and unable to come out at all.

 Qi Yuanming was so angry that he went over to complain to Brother Seng.

 “Your brother-in-law must have been switched, he was not like this before.”

 In the past, Jing Shirong almost always went to places where he could do things by himself when he was away from home.

 Although he has followers, he is also very diligent.

How come the disease was cured but diligence was lost?

Brother Sen didn't understand. He shrugged, didn't care about it, and went to catch the shrimps by himself.

Sister Ying, however, was attentive. Seeing that Jing Shirong had been sitting upright in the cabin these past few days, her lips were faintly white, as if she felt uncomfortable somewhere.

She observed from the side and saw faint sweat on his forehead, and the hand holding the sword was clenched, as if he was holding back something.

She thought for a while and finally came to the conclusion, "Could it be that she was seasick and wanted to vomit?" But she kept enduring it?

The waves have been so strong these days that everyone was knocked unconscious even if they were not usually seasick. Qi Yuanming even vomited several times.

Even Seng Geer vomited a few times, but fortunately he was fine after a night's rest.

Only Jing Shirong has been sitting with his sword in his arms, neither lying down nor moving. He just sits there, seemingly forbearing.

Now it seems that he was simply seasick and wanted to vomit.

Sister Ying had no choice but to ask Gu Gu to show him.

After Gu Gu went to see him, he said, "He has just recovered from a serious illness. He is top-heavy and will inevitably feel seasick and vomiting. He will recover after he takes good care of himself after getting off the boat."

 Those who have had headaches and dizziness before will definitely become dizzy and vomited after suddenly sailing for several days.

 This guy just wanted to save face and endured it, otherwise he would have vomited.

Sister Ying felt that this was not the solution, so she went over to pull him out.

Jing Shirong was still unconscious, but she suddenly pulled him up. He was really pulled up.

 “What are you doing?”

Haven’t you seen the cold sweat on his forehead?

Sister Ying pulled him outside and told him, "Spit it out and it will feel better."

 When you feel dizzy, vomit it up and it will make you feel more relaxed.

Jing Shirong refused to save his face, "I don't get seasick."

 With that said, it’s time to return to the cabin.

Sister Ying would not let him go back. She grabbed him and raised her hand to give him a small fish that had not been dried in the sun.

The smell of undried fish is so strong that people who are already seasick can’t stand it anymore.     "vomit~"

 In the end, I still vomited.

Jing Shirong vomited for a long time, feeling light-headed and sweaty as she glanced at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was not afraid of him. She put her hands on her hips and said, "Stare again? If you stare again, I will put dried fish on you at night."

 Jing Shi Rong.

This woman is cruel enough.

 He felt better after vomiting, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and went back with a stinking face.

When Qi Yuanming saw that he was not working because he was seasick, he stopped being angry and laughed at him, "What's causing seasickness? Look at you, why don't you just vomit it out as soon as possible?"

Jing Shirong rolled her eyes at him, was too lazy to pay attention to him, and went directly back to the cabin.

 Because of this incident, he did not talk to Sister Ying for several days.

Sister Ying didn’t have time to pay attention to him.

  She was also dizzy after sitting on the boat for such a long time.

 She had to cook during the day, and after cooking, she felt drowsy. She felt seasick every day, lying down lazily.

Sister Yang is very energetic, fishing, playing in the water, and seeing everything new.

But as time went by, I got tired of it. Fortunately, the boat finally found the coast and was finally able to land.

Once ashore, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt like they were back on solid ground.

Qi Yuanming even shouted happily, "I'm going to eat two bowls of rice, two bowls of meat, and two bowls of vegetables later."

He usually doesn't care about the dishes. Now he is very hungry, and the dishes are also delicious.

 When the group of people arrived on the shore, they were in a good mood and looked around.

They walked to the center of the street, found an inn, and ordered a table of dishes, all looking forward to eating something hot.

This small village is neither big nor small, but it is very lively.

Even though this inn is not big, there are quite a lot of people coming and going to eat.

 Ask about the price. It’s not expensive and the food is served quickly.

Qi Yuanming ordered six meat dishes, three vegetarian dishes, and two soups, both of which are local specialties.

 There are **** duck, wontons, braised lion head, fish balls, stir-fried vegetables and stir-fried mushrooms, all of which are very fresh ingredients.

 “Eat it while it’s hot.”

Sister Ying invited everyone to eat. Gu Gu took the chopsticks first, and then everyone started to devour the food.

Qi Yuanming is a model rice cook. When everyone had eaten half a bowl, he had already finished a bowl of white rice.

Sister Ying smiled and asked the waiter to serve him another meal.

Sister Yang was also happy and laughed at him, saying, "Pig." He ate so quickly.

Qi Yuanming heard it and hummed childishly, "I'm happy."

 A pig is a pig, he just likes to eat anyway.

Seng Geer and Jing Shirong ate in a gentle manner, as if they were noble gentlemen, taking their time.

Sister Ying was very thirsty, so she drank a bowl of soup first, and then had some food when she was no longer thirsty.

 She also eats a lot, but she eats gracefully, not like Qi Yuanming who immerses herself in cooking.

Jing Shirong ate slowly and took a moment to glance at her. Seeing that she had eaten quite a lot, he hummed in his mind, "A lady from a wealthy family eats so much? What does it look like?"

At first glance, she doesn’t look like a lady from a wealthy family.

Probably someone from the market came out and used some means to entangle him, trying to pretend to be his wife.

Sister Ying looked at him with something wrong and wondered what he was thinking, so she asked, "What are you looking at?"

 “Still want to vomit?”

Jing Shirong snorted coldly, did not answer, and ate his own food.

 He planned to return to the capital with these people first.

 Wait until the capital and take a look at what they call relatives to see if they have any impressions.

 If there is an impression, it proves that they did not lie to him.

 If you are not impressed, then this group of people may be trying to use him for something.

 (End of this chapter)

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