The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 537: , husband and wife battle wits and courage

Chapter 537: A battle of wits and courage between husband and wife

 He wasn't sure what they wanted to do with him now.

 But when we arrived in the capital, everything became clear.

Sister Ying didn't know what he was thinking, but she also knew that he still doubted them and didn't trust them.

But these don’t matter, as long as others don’t run away, everything is easy to talk about.

If he ran away privately, it would be difficult for them to chase him.

 So after eating, she asked Brother Seng to keep an eye on him and don't let him run away.

 Brother Sen fulfilled his mission and looked at him with Qi Yuanming.

Jing Shirong held his sword and stood in front of the window looking downstairs, uneasy about their close attention.

With his martial arts, it was more than enough to get rid of these two people, so he was not in a hurry.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang went to boil the medicine and brought it to him to drink.

 “Drink the medicine, it will be good for your health.”

Jing Shirong looked down at her and wondered how the way she was bringing the medicine to him looked so like a wife who wanted to poison her husband. Then he took a step back.

Sister Ying was puzzled, "Drink? Why are you retreating? Aren't you pretty manly during the day?"

Jing Shirong snorted coldly, turned around and asked her, "Put the medicine on the table. I'll drink it myself later."

Sister Ying refused, "Drink now." If it falls down later, who will she go to?

Jing Shirong frowned, glared at her, and got into a fight with her, "I told you to drink later."

Sister Ying also followed him, "I told you, drink now!"

 The couple stared at each other and refused to give in to each other.

Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming looked at each other. They didn’t know they were going to get into a fight. They wanted to persuade him, “If you have anything to say, please do it.” He said.

Before he could even utter the word "said", they both stared at him, like a fish pond. Qi Yuanming was so frightened that he jumped onto the rafter and hid.

 Seng Geer was also afraid of getting involved in this kind of thing, so he jumped up to the roof.

Now they are the only couple left in the room, staring at each other.

Sister Ying glared at him fiercely, "Do you want to drink?"

Jing Shirong held the sword in his hand with a twitchy expression on his face, "If I don't drink, what can you do to me?"

Sister Ying took a deep breath, glanced at him up and down, and said, "Okay. You like to drink or not. Anyway, I can marry you again when you wear your hair. You can do it yourself."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

Jing Shirong grabbed her hand, his handsome face was disgusting, "You cursed me?"

Sister Ying raised her head to confront him, "Am I? You don't admit that I am your wife? Then you don't have to take what I just said seriously."

Jing Shirong's black eyes narrowed slightly, obviously not liking to hear this. He raised Sister Ying's chin with a cold expression and warned her, "Before I find out my identity, you'd better stick to your duties." ”

  No matter whether she is his wife or not, as long as she is his woman, don’t even think about cuckolding him.

Sister Ying took a deep breath and followed his example, "What if I don't? What can you do to me?"

Jing Shirong raised her chin with a handsome face and said in a mysterious tone, "I won't tell you."

 Actually, he didn't think about how to deal with this woman.

 Firstly, he doesn't remember her, and secondly, what can he do to her as a grown man?

But he couldn't lose in terms of momentum, so he stared at her fiercely, as if to put pressure on her.

Sister Ying is not afraid of him.

So what if your eyes are so big? How dare he swallow her?

She snorted and pushed her little hands forward, trying to push him away.

 But she didn't move at all, standing in front of her like a wall.

"Hey you!"

Sister Ying couldn't push him, so she could only walk around him.

 But she stretched out her hand and pressed it directly against the wall, blocking Sister Ying's way.

Sister Ying stared at him with big eyes, "Get out of the way!"

Jing Shirong lowered his head and saw her hairy look, feeling inexplicably pleased.

He licked his thin lips with a yuppie expression, "What if I don't let you?"

 He wanted to see what she could do. Sister Ying chuckled, "Then don't blame me for being rude."

After saying that, he stood on tiptoes, held his handsome face in his hands, and covered his red lips, blocking what he wanted to say.


Jing Shirong's eyes widened suddenly, he didn't expect that she would actually kiss him.

His eyes widened, his hands seemed to be tied, and he forgot to resist.

Sister Ying saw him dumbfounded and raised her eyebrows proudly, like a little fox, "Can't I cure you?"

 After saying that, he pushed him away and ran away.

Jing Shirong was pushed away by her, pursed her lips, reached out to touch the warmth on her lips, her dark eyes narrowed slightly, secretly thinking she had miscalculated.

 You shouldn’t have gotten into that woman’s way just now.

 She was actually secretly kissed.

Next time I try to oppress her, I won’t be dignified anymore.

 He glanced downstairs, snorted coldly, and said to himself, "Beautiful women do have tricks."

 He will be more careful with her next time so as not to be confused by her.

 Qi Yuanming on the beam was hesitating in his heart, thinking, you still want to resist others like this? What a sweet spring and autumn dream.

Seng Ge'er on the roof also shrugged, saying to himself that the eldest sister is the eldest sister, she has the demeanor of a biological mother, and she has a tight grip on her men.

Only Jing Shirong thought that he had just made a miscalculation and planned to get it right next time.

He felt unhappy, but he drank the medicine.

After the medicine cools down, it tastes very bitter, but there is a fragrance from my daughter's house in my mouth, which must have come from the woman just now.

He pursed his lips, unconsciously recalling that he still had the arrogance he had just now.

After Sister Ying returned to the house, Sister Yang asked, "How was it? Has brother-in-law taken the medicine?"

Sister Ying sighed, "I don't know. I just had an argument with him and I don't want to pay attention to him."

But you should drink the medicine. Qi Yuanming came out and started complaining before he drank it. He must have drank it.

 The two sisters sighed at the same time and lay down to rest.

 By the next day, the group had rested, had dinner, and were ready to hit the road.

 Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen went to buy carriages, buying two in total.

 Hand by the way, buy some dry food and bring some water bottles so you can eat and drink on the way.

They walked towards the main road, following the route on the parchment map.

 When she met sick people along the way, Sister Yang checked their pulses, prescribed medicines, and did a lot of good deeds.

Sister Ying had nothing to do, so she took pulses with her and practiced her hands.

She is good at treating minor ailments and pains, but Sister Yang is the one who treats difficult and complicated diseases.

Jing Shirong observed the two sisters from the side and saw that they were treating people all the way. It didn't look like they were cheating, but they also wasted a lot of time. He didn't know whether to call them kind-hearted or nosy.

He asked Qi Yuanming, "Aren't we in a hurry when we return to Beijing?" Can we go there slowly like this?

Qi Yuanming shrugged and told him, "The main thing is that the flying eagle hasn't come here yet, so it's useless for us to worry."

 Besides, things at the jade mine have been taken care of, so there is really no need to worry.

As he was saying this, an eagle's cry came from the air. Qi Yuanming was delighted and whistled to let the eagle come down.

The eagle has good eyesight and saw them in the air and immediately circled over.

It naturally fell on Jing Shirong’s shoulder and rubbed its head against Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong instinctively liked the eagle and raised his hand to touch its head.

  Qi Yuanming took the letter from Feiying's ankle.

 Open it and take a look.

 The more I watched, the more speechless I became, and finally I said, "What the hell!"

Sister Ying came over and asked, "What's wrong? What's the situation in the capital?"

 (End of this chapter)

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