The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 551: , the eldest sister fell in love with Jing Shi Rong

Chapter 551: The eldest sister is attracted to Jing Shirong

The thugs had fierce faces, were tall and strong, and seemed to weigh about two hundred pounds each.

 They were angry and had a bad temper, so they kicked the waiter away.

 “Go to your meal, there is so much nonsense!”

The waiter was kicked down suddenly. There was resentment in his eyes, but he had a hypocritical smile on his face, "Yes, yes, I will serve you the food now."

As soon as he arrived in the kitchen, his eyes turned cold and he said, "What the hell!"

They are just a bunch of lackeys, so arrogant.

Sooner or later, one day I will make these **** look good.

Seeing him fuming, the cook smiled and said, "Are you angry again?"

 The waiter chuckled softly, "How dare you? I don't dare to be angry with a bunch of uncles."

The cook smiled and said, "Be patient. Those people kill people without batting an eyelid. We should consider those who know the current affairs as heroes, so that we can live longer."

The waiter looked contemptuously, "Isn't it amazing that you can kill people?"

Sooner or later, he will have to show some color to those stinky butchering pigs.

 Hen’s words should be spoken nicely, and when the food is ready, it must be served respectfully.

At this time, Jing Shirong was sitting among this group of people.

This group of thugs were strong and had scar marks on their faces. More than 20 people gathered around them, and the pressure was very strong.

Old God Jing Shirong was sitting on a chair drinking tea, letting them look at him without fear at all.

 “Sister Yan, who is this?”

 For the first time, there were outsiders eating with them at this time.

Sister Yan exhaled a puff of smoke and introduced them, "This is my man. Be polite when you see him in the future."

This group of thugs glanced at Jing Shirong with disdain and asked Sister Yan, "You don't want to sell such a good product?" You actually keep it for yourself? Aren't you afraid of objections from above?

Sister Yan blew out a puff of smoke with disdain in her eyes, "Don't I even have the right to keep something I like?"

 When he said this, there were faint cracks on his heavily made-up face, which showed that he had deep resentment.

Jing Shirong acted as if he hadn't heard anything. He raised his hand and pushed his cup of tea in front of her, with a charming face and said, "Drink."

Sister Yan liked his disdainful attitude toward life. She raised her hand and took the tea he handed her, smiling brightly. "Okay, okay, I'll drink whatever you give me."

 After saying that, her big red lips were tempting, and she licked her lips in front of Jing Shirong, and the way she drank was so pretentious.

Jing Shirong just pretended not to see it and lowered his head to peel the peanuts.

The thugs saw Sister Yan's pretentious look and found it irritating, so they stopped looking and sat down to eat.

They eat a lot, and they make ping-pong-pong movements when eating, like wild boars, and their eating is called ferocious.

Jing Shirong raised his eyes and glanced upstairs. When he saw Gu Gu winking at him by the window, he knew that the medicine was in the food.

He didn’t eat anything but peanuts. Sister Yan came over and asked him to feed him one.

 “Come on, little brother, feed me a peanut, and I’ll give you something good later.”

Jing Shirong looked at her with cold eyes, "What good thing?"

Sister Yan came over with her big red lips, "Feed me with your hands, and I'll give it to you."

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth coldly, pinched a peanut and handed it to her mouth.

Sister Yan came over and said "Ah~", waiting for him to feed her.

 But Jing Shirong threw the peanut directly into her big mouth when she opened her mouth.

Sister Yan was teased, but instead of getting angry she laughed, "Haha, interesting, really interesting."

The pink on her smiling face fell off, making the people watching her look disgusted and irritated. Only Jing Shirong looked calm, as if he didn't care about her beauty or ugliness.

Sister Yan pressed down the makeup on her face, lay on the table like a boneless body, and said to him, "Do you know why I like you?"

 “Because you are different from them.”

 Everyone instinctively rejects her makeup when they see it.

He was the only one who didn't care so much, as if she was not a man-eating devil, but a woman as ordinary as dust.

Jing Shirong saw her brows move and said at the right time, "Others don't understand you, but I do."

 These words spoke directly to Sister Yan’s heart, but they also aroused her suspicion. The red lips were red, and the evil breath came again, "Oh? Tell me, what do you know about me?"

Jing Shirong looked at her with his dark eyes and said, "You will know later."

 He is so mysterious, but Sister Yan is interested in him.

"That's okay. As long as your life is hard enough, we will have plenty in the future."

 After the other thugs finished eating, they saw that the two of them were still chatting, and they didn't bother to interrupt, "Sister Yan, are you really interested in this kid? Be careful one day you will lose both your life and wealth."

  It’s not like you’ve never been deceived by a man before. Why do you still trust men so much?

Sister Yan doesn’t care, “So what if I cheat money or sex.”

Such a handsome man would be willing to cheat on her regardless of whether he cheated or not.


Sure enough, when a woman is in love, she has no IQ at all.

 After the thugs have finished eating, they will start working.

I told Sister Yan, "It's time to send out the goods we caught yesterday. The ship will arrive in the evening. Is the docking code still the same as before?"

Sister Yan nodded, "Still the same one."

After saying that, he pointed to the upstairs and deliberately said in front of Jing Shirong, "There are two more top-grade ones upstairs. Be gentle with your hands and feet for a while and don't touch them."

When the thug heard this, he yelled, "How many high-quality goods? Can I ask you to give me special instructions?"

 There were beautiful girls before, but they were all packed and carried away in a rough way.

Can I get special instructions from Sister Yan this time?

Sister Yan raised her eyes, looked at Jing Shirong's expression with unknown meaning, and deliberately teased, "Although I didn't see the face, the figure, the body fragrance, not to mention the man, even I can't help but think about it~"

This word "thinking" makes people think about it, and it is not good at first sight.

Jing Shirong had no expression on his face, swaying the wine in his glass without saying a word, as if the person she was talking about had nothing to do with him.

When Sister Yan saw this, she didn’t believe that he would remain unmoved. She continued to say to the thug, “When we pack the boxes later, let the woman change into beautiful clothes.”

 “Remember, don’t touch her.”

When the thug heard this, an evil smile immediately appeared on his face, "Haha, okay, I'll change it for her."

His eyes were evil and he smiled in a lewd way. Others also laughed, obviously all of them had bad intentions.

Sister Yan sat next to Jing Shirong, looking at the expression on his face with inquiring eyes.

Jing Shirong was furious, and with a cold smile on his face, he said to Sister Yan, "No need to test me. I don't want you to touch her, can you still listen to me?"

Sister Yan sneered, "How can that be possible? She is your woman, how can I keep her?"

Jing Shirong snorted disdainfully, "If that's the case, why bother asking me."

Sister Yan loved his fierceness, so she took a puff of hookah and blew it on his face, "That's right, keep up your fierceness, I like to see it."

 After saying that, he waved to the thugs and motioned them to go upstairs to arrest them.

Jing Shirong lowered his head, his eyes were dark and scary, but when he raised his head again, his face was expressionless, as if he was fine.

The thugs also looked at Jing Shirong as if they were watching a good show, and then went upstairs in a teasing way.

Sister Ying was in the box at this time. When she heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs, she knew that people below were coming up, and there were quite a few people coming.

 (End of this chapter)

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