Chapter 552: Internal strife

Sister Ying and Gu Gu looked at each other and hurriedly ran to bed and pretended to be asleep.

   Gu also lay on the table pretending to be unconscious.

The thugs kicked in the door and came in.

Seeing Gu Gu sleeping on the table, he walked over and kicked him to the ground like a gangster.

   Gu was kicked down, but he still lay on the ground dedicatedly and motionless.

Those thugs are also wicked. Kicked people down and stomped on them twice.

 “Let’s go to the bed and see if that girl is beautiful.”

After saying that, three or five people came to the bedside and saw a face with red pimples.

The pimples were densely packed, the size of peas, and looked very oozing.

“Grandma, what kind of beauty is this?”

Just blushing acne, ugly, be embarrassed to be a beauty?

The other thugs also came over to take a look, "Hey~, did Sister Yan make a mistake this time? There's not even a good spot on her face, and she still calls her a good product?"

  A few people looked at each other, all feeling a little off-putting.

The beauties I usually see, not to mention the beauty of the country and the city, are all shy of the moon. I have never seen such a rash on the face, and the scalp is numb when I look at it.

“Including this figure, the waist is so fat and the chest is so strong, as thick as a boss, there is no beauty at all.”

“That’s it, Sister Yan, you have the nerve to say it’s top grade?”

It seems that Sister Yan’s eyes are getting worse and worse

 Other thugs were also disappointed and said speechlessly, "The man downstairs is pretty good. It's a pity that Sister Yan doesn't sell it, otherwise she could make a lot of money."

The thug sneered and said disdainfully, "Who knows if she wants to use it for two days and then secretly sell it for personal gain."

This kind of thing has never happened.

The remaining thugs frowned and asked, "Then what should we do? I have been told to bring some good goods this time."

 If they can't deliver the goods again, they will be punished.

Hit the boss with a cold voice, his tongue pressed against his cheek, very unhappy, "Go. Ask Sister Yan for someone."

If this **** can't get a good price, she always has to pay for it with that man.

“But Sister Yan won’t listen to us, right?”

Although they are in the same group, they are not convinced by each other. It is not easy to get Sister Yan to listen to them.

The big boss spat in displeasure, "I don't care about his grandma's goods. Anyway, this time the goods must be handed over."

 Otherwise they will still be the ones suffering.

 The thugs looked at each other, "Then what should I tell Sister Yan?"

The gangster at the head of the gang raised his lips and said, "I will tell you beforehand. If she doesn't give it to you, just grab it."

 At night is the delivery deadline.

If they don’t come up with good stuff, they will be the ones to suffer, not even the old woman.

After hearing this, the other big players nodded in agreement, "Okay. Let's do it."

Since there are so many of them, they are not afraid of Sister Yan, an old woman.

 After saying that, the group of people went downstairs together.

Sister Yan saw them coming down empty-handed and said displeasedly, "Where are the people? Didn't I ask you to pack them?"

  The head guy chuckled, "You have the nerve to ask us to hand over that pimple on your face?"

Sister Yan frowned, "A face full of red pimples?" How could that be?

She has clearly observed that this woman's figure and body fragrance are both excellent, so why is her face so red and acne-prone?

 She turned her head and looked at Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong still looked calm, "She wore a curtain hat because she had acne. You didn't ask me."

When Sister Yan heard this, she felt unhappy and asked the thug, "Have you seen the figure?"

The thugs felt that she just wanted to fool them and sneered, "What's the point of that kind of figure? What exactly do you want to say?"

Sister Yan looked upstairs suspiciously and was about to ask Sister Yang, but was interrupted by the thugs.

"I think this man is good. The delivery date is tonight, otherwise we should hand him over. Otherwise, the blame will be blamed on you and me." Sister Yan felt unhappy when she saw that he had set his sights on Jing Shirong. Joy.

 “I said, this is what I like. I won’t pay.”

Why should they hand it over even if they ask for it? She doesn't!

The thug was speechless and said in a bad tone, "Sister Yan, I'm not talking about you. You accepted such a man three years ago, but what happened? Didn't he still abandon you?"

"Let me tell you, don't worry about this man. It's time to deliver the goods. When the money comes down, how many good-looking men do you want to buy?"

 After saying that, he was about to grab Jing Shirong’s arm.

Sister Yan’s cloudy eyes turned cold when she saw that he dared to rob someone in front of her.

 “Did I ask you to move?”

 Do these people all want to rebel?

How dare you rob someone in front of her?

 Do you dare to kill her directly in the future?

Seeing her getting angry, the boss smiled and said, "Sister Yan, as you know, the time for us to take the antidote is coming soon. If you don't make it easy for the brothers, they will have to offend you."

 After saying that, more than twenty people gathered around, obviously wanting to take action.

Seeing that they all wanted to rebel, Sister Yan sneered.

 “I think you have gone too far in the past few years. You dare to attack me.”

The boss said disdainfully, "We are going to fight you. It's obviously you who are going against us."

Upon seeing this, Jing Shirong stood up and took the initiative to walk behind Sister Yan, meaning not to follow them.

The other thugs would certainly not be happy if he stood in line like this.

Hunted to Sister Yan, "Sister Yan. It's just a man. Let us deliver the goods tonight, and we'll find you a new one tomorrow."

 Having said that, he took a step forward with a very strong attitude.

Sister Yan saw them approaching. She didn't want to fight with them, but now she was offended.

"I said. He is mine! If you want the goods, go find them yourself."

“No wonder you can’t even find anything without me? Is it so useless?”

Her tone of voice was contemptuous and her eyes were disdainful, which made the thugs very unhappy.

“Sister Yan, what you said is wrong.”

“We have cooperated for many years. You provide the venue, and we provide the strength. We have not provided the strength to help you with your work. How come we are useless?”

What a stinky bitch.

If you don’t help at all, you will just sit back and enjoy the fruits of your life. Do you really think they are easy to bully?

Seeing that they all gathered around her, Sister Yan exhaled smoke disdainfully and said provocatively, "Okay. Since you want to step on my head, I have to see if you have the ability."

 After saying that, he threw out a smoke egg with one hand.

The choking smell of smoke suddenly filled the inn, causing a group of tall thugs to choke and cough.

 “Ahem, cough, cough. Brothers, be careful.”

The thug reacted first, and immediately took out the black scarf from his waist and tied it up. His eyes were red and angry, "Give it to me!"

 Let this old woman see that they are not easy to bully.

 “Come on!”

The other thugs got the order and came over with their fists raised.

 The floor thumped under their weight.

Sister Yan is also a master. She used a roundhouse kick to kick the thugs in the eyes.

This group of big thugs were not only tall, but also very agile with their fists and feet. They immediately started fighting with Sister Yan.

Sister Yan had the patience to fight with them at first, but later she got fed up and set off a firework signal directly outside the door, asking her people to come over and join them.

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 (End of this chapter)

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