Chapter 556, Evil Boss

 “Come here and let me see you.”

Jing Shirong was unmoved when he saw what he said. He walked directly to Sister Yan and sat down without taking Mr. Tan's words seriously.

 Seeing Mr. Tan's face turn dark suddenly, Sister Yan was startled.

 It is true that she is cruel and ruthless.

 But the old man opposite was even more vicious.

She sneered and apologized to Mr. Tan, "Look, it's his first time here and I didn't have time to tell him the rules here. Just wait, I'll take him out for a while and I'll be back soon."

 After saying that, he picked up Jing Shirong and hurriedly went out.

 explained to him in the corner, "The man just now is the owner of this store. He is cruel and ruthless. Don't be stubborn with him. You may die without knowing it."

Jing Shirong asked, "Even you can't deal with him?"

Sister Yan raised her big red lips coldly, "How can I compare to him. That beast, even my master, is not as vicious as him."

As if she was afraid that the walls had ears, Sister Yan did not dare to say anything more and asked Jing Shirong to say, "Anyway, don't disobey him. Just listen to whatever he asks you to do."

 “Here, we are all their people, there is no need to fight against him.”

Jing Shirong looked around and asked, "Are there many of them?"

Sister Yan gestured to him, which meant there were many, and there were about a hundred people.

Jing Shirong was surprised. He didn't expect that there were so many people hiding in this store.

 Just walking up the road, I didn’t see many thugs.

Where are those people hiding?

Sister Yan told him in a low voice, "Have you seen those Mr. Turtle and the slaves? Those are all Mr. Tan's men."

Jing Shirong glanced around the downstairs and saw a group of turtle men walking back and forth in the lobby delivering vegetables and fruits.

That Mr. Tan is also a thief. He has trained all his subordinates to be Turtle Gongs, so that they can work without disturbing the guests.

 “Okay, let’s go in.”

 They couldn't come out for too long before they went in again.

When Mr. Tan saw them coming in, his cold eyes fell on Jing Shirong's head.

He raised the corner of his mouth coldly and asked him, "Who are you, young man?"

 Jing Shirong, "from the south of the Yangtze River."

Mr. Tan looked at him shrewdly, "Oh? Where are you from Jiangnan?"

 Jing Shirong, "from Peach Blossom Village."

He made a random joke. It will take some time for this old thief to go to Jiangnan to check him out.

Mr. Tan looked at him with an unclear look, "You're from Jiangnan, so why are you here?"

Jing Shirong, “I was poisoned. I wanted to go to Yaowang Island to see the island, but I couldn’t find the way.”

Mr. Tan said "Oh?" "What a coincidence, I happen to know some medical skills. Please stretch out your hand and I will feel your pulse."

Jing Shirong glanced at Sister Yan, and when she nodded, she stretched out her hand.

 Gu Gu pressed his pulse and saw that he had strong internal energy, and his eyes locked on him coldly and viciously.

 “The young man has good internal strength. Is he a master?”

Jing Shirong said expressionlessly, "It's okay."

He was neither humble nor arrogant, and Sister Yan did not dare to speak, for fear that the old thief would lose his temper.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere became frighteningly oppressive.

The maid making tea didn't dare to show her anger.

 Only the old **** Jing Shirong was there, sitting expressionless.

Mr. Tan first looked at him with a fierce look, and then laughed to himself.

 “Hahaha, yes, you have quite a personality, kid.” He liked it.

Sister Yan was afraid that this old thing would miss her plaything and wanted to say something, but Mr. Tan made a gesture to shut her up.

"Xiaoyan, you are a good man. I just have a batch of goods to be shipped out these days. You can lend him to me and let me use it for two days."

Sister Yan did not dare to refuse directly and asked cautiously, "Do you want him to see the boat?"

Mr. Tan glanced at her impatiently and said, "Ask less about things you shouldn't ask."

 He said this, and Sister Yan could not refuse, so she could only abandon Jing Shirong to protect herself.

"Since Mr. Tan values ​​you, you should behave well." Jing Shirong did not agree or refuse. He blew on the hot tea and said "Hmm". "knew."

I just happened to go with the boat to see what else this old thief was doing outside.

 At midnight, the guests of the inn began to arrive by boat one after another.

 The steward warmly greeted us at the pier.

“Master Zhang is here, please come in quickly.”

Mr. Turtle and his maid hurriedly came to lead the way.

Several more ships came, carrying gold, silver and jewelry.

Mr. Turtle carried the money-making box in and asked with a smile, "Are you still following the same rules at night?"

The guest said condescendingly, "It's the same as usual."

Sister Ying and Sister Yang were cutting fruits in the kitchen and pouring the medicinal powder into a large wine vat.

At this time, in the lobby, singing and dancing were in full swing, musical instruments were playing, and the dancers were dancing seductively.

 A group of bosses dressed in rich and noble clothes sat together and continued the gambling game that they had not finished last time.

“Boss Zhang, how much are you going to bet this time? Don’t be like last time, where people died halfway through the game, that would be boring.”

 Boss Zhang said confidently, "No. I brought people here by myself this time, and I will definitely be able to play for a long time."

After hearing this, the other bosses looked at each other and smiled shamelessly.

 “The person you brought yourself? That would be interesting. Come up and show us.”

The boss Zhang smiled softly, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Bring the people up."

 The servants quickly brought up an iron cage containing people.

The cage is still covered with a big red cloth.

 When other bosses saw this momentum, they became interested.

“Since today is so lively, let’s add something else.”

 Having said that, he asked someone to bring up a big vicious dog.

  "I will have all your people go to the cage to fight the vicious dogs. Whoever can come out alive will be the winner."

The other bosses laughed evilly when they heard this.

 “This is a good idea, I like it.”

 “Come on, bring everyone up.”

Upon hearing this, Lord Turtle brought up several young girls who had been appointed and assigned numbers to them.

 The servants brought up the vicious dog and its cage, lifted up the black cloth, and deliberately stimulated the vicious dog several times.

The vicious dog had not eaten for several days and was already hungry.

At this moment, the male turtle teased it, which suddenly aroused the temper of the vicious dog.

It bared its sharp fangs fiercely, the hair on its body exploded, and it held its tail in an attack posture.

Rather than being afraid, the bosses in the lobby became excited, "Boss Zhang, who will come first this time?"

 Boss Zhang said mysteriously, "Last time I was first, but lost. This time I want to be last."

Hearing this, the other bosses laughed and said, "That's okay, then I'll let you be at the end."

 After saying that, he looked at the other bosses, "Then shall we press numbers or draw lots?"

 The hungry dogs today are huge, and they don’t want to be the first, so they say, “Let’s draw lots.”

 The Turtle Gong gave them lots to draw.

 After the draw, everyone knew their order, and said coldly to the captured girl, "As soon as you go in, don't let the vicious dogs bite you to death. Otherwise, your family will not survive!"

These girls looked innocent and innocent, but their faces were full of fear.

Especially because the vicious dog looked so ferocious, every one of them turned pale with fear and began to cry.

 When they cry, they immediately arouse the dissatisfaction of the evil bosses.

When the turtle saw this, he immediately whipped him and went over. "Pah!" Hit them.

 Meaning to shut them up.

 (End of this chapter)

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