The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 557: , the vicious game in the building

 Chapter 557, the vicious game in the building

 The girls were whipped so suddenly that they almost cried out of fear.

Mr. Turtle looked over with a cold face, frightening them so much that they did not dare to cry anymore.

Jing Shirong was watching from the third floor. His dark eyes looked coldly around the group of people downstairs, memorizing their faces in order.

He pushed open the corner of the window and secretly looked into the distance to see if Qi Yuanming and the others were coming.

Mr. Tan was watching behind him, wanting to test him, so he came over, set up on the railing with him, looked downstairs, and asked him, "Which one of these chess pieces do you think is the strongest?"

Jing Shirong’s lips raised coldly, “Which one is the toughest has nothing to do with me, and it’s not me who makes the money.”

Mr. Tan didn't believe that he had no other ideas, so he took out a bunch of keys and tested him, "This is the key to my warehouse. If your bet is right, you can choose from all the treasures in the warehouse."

Jing Shirong glanced at the key in his hand and guessed that the key was real.

 He looked downstairs and pointed casually, "Then let's bet on Boss Zhang."

Didn’t that boss Zhang bring someone here specially?

  Must have some strength.

Mr. Tan touched the scar on his face and laughed, "Okay. Let's play a game. I'll bet on Boss Huang."

 The two of them looked downstairs together.

 The bosses downstairs only started placing bets after they finished handing over the "chess pieces".

 They made big bets. Not only money, but also some competing business orders.

If you lose, the business will have to be given up. And there can be no complaints.

However, these people are not of good heart. Even if they lose, they will secretly cheat.

No, the first girl who was put into the vicious dog cage was crying just now, but when the vicious dog pounced on her, she ducked away.

 She is very skilled and does not look like a weak woman.

When the other bosses saw this, they frowned and sneered, "Boss Huang, you are so unkind, you are actually cheating?"

Originally, this kind of gambling would be more interesting if the wine chosen is a weak girl who cannot take care of herself.

 But for the sake of business, these people will do whatever it takes to do anything harmful.

Boss Huang was exposed. He was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he pretended, "I don't understand what Boss Chen said. They are all young girls. How do I know whether she knows martial arts?"

This pretense made several other bosses unhappy, but they didn't say anything.

 Because the chess pieces they picked had all been manipulated.

 Originally, those who danced were young girls who were not concerned with worldly matters.

But thinking that the stakes were relatively high this time, I naturally changed the situation and replaced it with the people I brought.

 But there was a false smile on his face, as if he had never changed.

Boss Zhang didn’t know about them, so he sneered, “Okay, okay, it’s normal for a few little girls to know the Three-Legged Cat Kungfu. Keep placing your bets.”

 He knew that this group of people would not keep to themselves, so he selected good chess pieces in advance.

At this moment, after the first girl entered the cage, she was only scratched a few times by the vicious dog and then was released.

The remaining girl went in and was scratched a few times, and then came out safely.

Several bosses saw this and found it boring, so they said, "That's it. Didn't I say that some new products came in tonight? Let's pick a few from them and compare again."

 Otherwise, if everyone replaces their own people, the winner will be determined.

 When other bosses saw this, they all agreed.

 “Okay. Then let the steward bring the person up.”

The steward came to ask Mr. Tan for instructions. Mr. Tan glanced at Jing Shirong, waved his hand and told the steward, "Bring them all over and let them choose."

The steward did as he was told.

Mr. Turtle brought the girls he had just captured from the wine cellar to the lobby and poured a basin of cold water on them to wake them up.

 The girls were knocked out by the medicine, but now they woke up and saw that the environment was not right, so they immediately screamed here.

 “Where is this?”

The bosses saw that it was new stuff, and the corners of their mouths raised in evil ways.

 “Yes, let’s choose one from here.”

 The girls didn’t know what they wanted to do, and they all shrank their necks in fear.

Especially when the steward moved the vicious dog over, the girls were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

This kind of timidity and innocence that is not concerned about the world made several bosses smile with satisfaction. “Then let’s start picking.”

 They each choose a little girl to be a chess piece.

 Then they started to draw lots, and to see who got it first, they threw the girl into the vicious dog cage and fought with the vicious dogs.

The girl was forcibly pulled over and screamed in fright.

 “No, no, don’t pull me~~”

 But the Turtle Man still dragged her in cold-bloodedly, and then kicked the vicious dog.

The vicious dog's eyes were red with hunger, and after being kicked by him, it became even more angry. It immediately bristled at the girl and exposed its fangs.


After it roared, it immediately rushed over and opened its mouth to bite the girl's neck.

The girl was frightened half to death and fell into a coma.

Due to sudden coma, his body fell forward uncontrollably, and he suddenly fell on the vicious dog, which prevented the vicious dog from biting him.

The other bosses watched with gusto and laughed evilly.

 “Interesting, it seems that I have a better chance of winning this round.”

Because there is a time limit for entering the cage, when the time is up, the girl is dragged out, and the next one is the second one.

 The second girl was obviously not so lucky.

After entering the cage, the vicious dog couldn't wait and pounced on her, biting her arm all at once.


 She screamed in pain and kept shouting "Help!" but no one came to save her.

Jing Shirong’s face was cold, but he didn’t show much expression.

Mr. Tan was observing him from the side and became interested when he saw that he had no reaction.

 “Why don’t you go down and help her?”

Jing Shirong sneered, "Why help?"

 He is so cold-blooded and ruthless, but he has an appetite for Mr. Tan.

 “Very good. No wonder Xiaoyan would like you, you are really interesting.”

 What he wants is this kind of cold-blooded subordinates who can do things for him.

“The bet has just continued, do you still bet Boss Zhang?”

 Jing Shirong, "natural."

He chose not to be inconvenienced, and Old Tan raised his lips sinisterly, "Okay. Then I will be the same as before."

 The two of them looked downstairs together, wanting to see who would win in the end.

 At this time, the upstairs was dripping with blood.

There was a girl who was bitten by a vicious dog and lost too much blood. She fainted.

Sister Ying clenched her fists tightly when she heard the cry for help in the kitchen.

  Just now she could tolerate not hearing any movement in the cellar, but now she could hear the screams with her own ears, and anger had already risen in her heart.

This is the first time she has met such a perverted person in all the time she has been here.

Sure enough, no matter where you go in this world, there are good people and bad people.

Sister Ying took a deep breath and said to Sister Yang, "Take out all your poisons."

Let those sanctimonious beasts taste the convulsions of being poisoned.

Sister Yang nodded equally angrily, "Okay."

  What they just administered was a drug that made the body weak.

 This will be a severe poison.

Although the poison is not fatal, it can cause rashes all over the body, making it itchy to the point where you want to scratch your skin off.

This kind of poison is just right to cure those sanctimonious beasts.

 (End of this chapter)

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