The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 558: , Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen are here

 Chapter 558, Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen are here

The two sisters put poison into the wine together, and also into the food and fruits.

Sister Ying was afraid that they wouldn't eat, so she went to the kitchen herself and made an extra pot of fragrant dishes to go with the wine.

The servants brought the dishes over, and when the guests smelled the spicy smell, they really had an appetite.

 “The food and drinks here today are good and tasty.”

Jing Shirong also smelled the spicy smell upstairs. Her long black eyelashes trembled slightly and she wanted to frown, but held back.

 He knew that these dishes must have been cooked by Sister Ying.

That woman is so impulsive!

 What to do if you are discovered later?

Sister Ying is not stupid. After cooking, she and Sister Yang changed her appearance and pretended to be a woman cleaning the toilet outside the door, so that the person in charge couldn't find anyone.

The two sisters were cleaning the toilet together by the river. While doing so, they looked into the distance, waiting for people from the court to come over quickly.

Qi Yuanming went all the way to find the people from the court.

He took a quick look and saw that the two people sent by the emperor were actually Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen!

It's true that there are enemies on the same road.

But he was not impulsive, he was just observing in secret.

Now is not the time to pay attention to personal grudges. The boys and girls over there are still waiting for first aid. It is important to save people first.

He thought for a while and finally did not show up. Instead, he threw a letter over and told them the layout of the black brothel and the number of thugs.

If Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen want to make meritorious deeds, they will definitely go all out to arrest people.

Sure enough, after Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen saw the letter, they looked around suspiciously.

"What's going on? Why did someone break into the old thief's den first?"

The two of them looked at each other and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that His Majesty also sent someone else here?"

 Zhou Chuwen, “It’s possible.”

 After all, this matter is so big, they alone are definitely not enough. The emperor must have sent someone here in advance.

 The two of them had no doubts and hurried on their way.

 “Let’s go, let’s outflank both sides, don’t let the old thief find out.”

As long as we can catch all those people at night, we will be able to get promoted and make a fortune in the future.

Qi Yuanming saw that they were like villains and ignored them, so he went back to inform Jing Shirong first.

He turned back and saw Sister Yang squatting aside to clean the toilet. He asked in confusion, "Sister Yang? What are you doing?"

 Aren’t you cutting fruits in the kitchen? Why did you come here to clean the toilet?

Sister Yang covered her nose and looked at him with a frown on her face, "How did you recognize me?"

 She didn’t even recognize Brother Seng when he passed by just now.

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "Which of us will follow whom? How can I not tolerate you?"

He didn't know why he recognized her, but he could spot her from a distance, which was amazing.

Sister Yang asked him in a low voice, "How are you doing? Are the people from the court here?"

Qi Yuanming squatted down to clean the toilet with them, and whispered to her, "Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen are bringing people over. We can help in secret for a while, and don't show up for now."

Who knows whether the two villains will chop them down during the war, so it’s better to be careful.

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay, then be careful yourself."

Qi Yuanming was moved when he saw that she rarely cared about him. He raised his hand and rubbed her white-haired head, "I know, you can hide in the woods in a while. There is a cave over there. When the fire is set, you should go and hide there." Get up and I’ll catch you again when the time comes.”

Sister Yang saw that he looked handsome in a serious manner, so she smiled and said, "I know."

After the two of them finished speaking, they separated in a hurry, and he went back to his business.

Sister Ying glanced in the distance and estimated the time.

By the time Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen arrive, the people in the brothel will probably start to get poisoned.

 The biggest problem now is Mr. Tan upstairs.

 I wonder if the other party drank the poisoned wine?

 If not, it will not be easy to catch him soon.

Jing Shirong is also thinking of ways to make Mr. Tan drink poisonous wine or take drugs.     But this man has a suspicious temperament and does not eat anything from the brothel.

 He seemed to be unable to trust anyone and only drank the tea he made, leaving Jing Shirong unable to do anything.

 Finally, Gu showed up and poured some medicine into the sandalwood.

This old thief is also very shrewd. As soon as he smelled something wrong with the smell of sandalwood, he frowned and asked, "Why is the incense different today?"

Others didn't smell any difference, but they also changed the sandalwood.

 But if you replace it with another one, it will still be the same.

 Because in ancient times medicinal powder was added to all sandalwood.

Mr. Tan looked around suspiciously, and when he saw no one, he handed the sandalwood to Jing Shirong, "Come and smell it."

Jing Shirong looked at him and then asked, "Why?"

Mr. Tan raised his lips slyly, "What do you think?"

 It seemed that he suspected that he had tampered with something.

Jing Shirong smiled and said nothing, stretched out his hand, slowly took the sandalwood in his hand, lowered his head, and smelled it.

 Then he asked knowingly, "Is there any difference?"

 Seeing that he was okay after smelling it, Mr. Tan frowned and began to doubt himself.

 “Could it be that I heard it wrong?”

But he was still suspicious and asked the steward, "Bring over all the sandalwood I bought today."

The steward followed the instructions and took out all the sandalwood in the warehouse.

Tan Lao smelled the smell and found that they were all the same.

 He put down the sandalwood, did not smell it anymore, and asked someone to take it down.

Jing Shirong saw that he had almost inhaled the poisonous incense, so he did not let down his guard. Instead, he suggested, "I'm a little thirsty. Can I ask Mr. Tan for a drink?"

This poisonous incense is very effective, but he is not sure whether the old man in front of him has an antidote or anti-toxic pills.

 So it’s better to strengthen the effect of this poisonous incense.

Jing Shirong took the risk and wanted to drink. Gu then put the remaining poison into the wine.

Mr. Tan saw that he was so courageous that he dared to drink with him. He felt very excited and laughed, "Okay, bring me the wine!"

The steward brought the wine and asked the beautiful maid to pour it for them.

Jing Shirong picked up the wine glass and drank it first as a toast.

When Mr. Tan saw this, he lowered his head and swayed the clear wine, but did not drink it.

He didn’t drink, and Jing Shirong didn’t urge him.

 He was swaying his drink and drinking slowly.

Perhaps it was his indifferent attitude that made Mr. Tan slowly relax his suspicions and actually had a drink too.

Jing Shirong didn’t look at him and continued to look downstairs.

 At the foot of the mountain, Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen had already surrounded them.

 The ones they brought were all masters trained by the emperor, and they were all good at martial arts.

 In addition, the two of them also had some brains and knew not to alert the enemy, so they came over quietly.

 It wasn’t until the smell of fireworks from the brothel slowly started to burn that everyone came back to their senses.

 “What’s burnt?”

Since the outside of the store had been doused with kerosene in advance, when Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen found out, they immediately set a fire and planned to burn the people inside.

The smell of fire immediately attracted the attention of the steward, who immediately called for someone to put out the fire.

 Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen were waiting for this critical moment.

 He ordered people to block the door of the brothel and "seal the door!" They were not allowed to come out.

There are all heinous people inside. If they were released, they might not be able to deal with them. Naturally, they would have to be choked to death first.

 (End of this chapter)

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