Chapter 564: Can’t get on the stage

Hearing this, Jing Shirong picked up the pill and handed it to Sister Ying's mouth, "Open your mouth."

Sister Ying said "Huh?", puzzled, "Should I eat it? Why?"

She is not poisoned, so why should she eat this?

Jing Shirong opened her mouth and let her eat.

 “Oh, why are you so ugly?”

Sister Ying frowned and tried to struggle, but the pill had already slipped down her throat.

She was helpless and stared at him angrily, "This medicine is for you, why are you giving it to me?"

 Gu Gu touched his goatee and said with a smile, "This medicine is of no use to him. You can just take it."

They are all in good health. Even Sister Yang has a body that is resistant to poison, but Sister Ying does not.

Giving this detoxification pill to Sister Ying can actually make her stronger.

Sister Ying didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Can it still be like this?”

Jing Shirong didn’t say anything else and asked Qi Yuanming, “What did the emperor say in his letter?”

Qi Yuanming took the letter and handed it to him, "Your Majesty asked you to take good care of your illness, and then go back after you are cured."

Jing Shirong didn’t believe it, “He has such good intentions?”

His memory is vague now, but he can vaguely recall some memories of a mission a few years ago.

Although the picture is not that fresh, I can still remember it a little bit.

 In his memory, the emperor was a cunning and cunning man.

 He always only does what is good for him.

 He will not do anything that gives him no way to make money.

The concern for him this time is nothing more than wanting to bribe him, there is nothing sincere about it.

 He didn’t believe it, and neither did Qi Yuanming.

“I think Commander Yuan must have told him what happened this time.”

Otherwise, the emperor would not have sent such an unprecedented letter of concern.

But it’s interesting to think about.

“You don’t know, I told your majesty about Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen secretly stealing the stolen money. Then there will be a good show.”

Don’t the emperor like to favor these two people?

This time Zhao Jie and Zhou Chu Wenming showed off their stolen goods, which was because they were greedy for the emperor's money.

Even if the emperor won't expose them, he will definitely feel uncomfortable in his heart.

 When going out to do business, some officials would be a little corrupt, but these emperors could tolerate it.

 But if the appetite is too big, the emperor cannot bear it.

  Like this meeting.

 After the personal **** told the emperor that Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen had secretly swallowed 200,000 taels, the emperor's expression became ugly.

"Hmph. Two people who can't stand on the table are making things, and a small amount of money will make them happy and confused."

  It was my first time on a far-away mission, and I ate 200,000 taels. I had a really big appetite.

The personal **** said, "Commander Yuan said in the letter. If he hadn't looked at the money in the warehouse, they would still want to swallow it."

The emperor said coldly, "If they were less greedy, I could turn a blind eye."

But these two people obviously couldn't get on the stage, which made the emperor angry for a while.

Qi Yuanming also guessed that the emperor would be angry, and laughed for a long time on the road.

Seeing him laughing all the time, Sister Yang couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Childish."

It's so childish to be able to do this just by making a small report.

Qi Yuanming was not angry at being disliked by her, and was in a very good mood.

“You don’t know that His Majesty has been partial to Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen before.”

“This time, if we let him know that Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen are greedy for his money, His Majesty will definitely be angry to death.”

This kind of thing is like swallowing a fly, making you feel sick and want to vomit. But I have to look good on the surface. After all, the matter has not been revealed, and the matter has to continue, but I am so frustrated.

Sister Yang also laughed when she heard this, "But this time it really opened my eyes."

 When she was in Jiangnan, everything was wonderful. She had never encountered such a disregard for human life.

 Having never met such a vicious person, killing them casually was really an eye-opener for her.

After hearing this, Qi Yuanming felt distressed and touched her head.

 “I should have known better that I wouldn’t let you follow me.”

 She is a little girl who is not concerned about the world, so she should grow up in a clean environment.

Qi Yuanming felt guilty for letting her see such a dark side this time.

Sister Yang is very open-minded.

  “What’s this?”

"My mother said, the world is so big, there are all kinds of surprises. There are good people and bad people, so don't make a fuss. I'm not afraid, but you are afraid of a hammer."

Qi Yuanming didn't expect the little girl to be so open-minded, so he laughed. "Aunt Liang is indeed a capable person and has taught you so well."

If the wife he marries in the future can be like Aunt Liang, it will be a great blessing for his family.

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him and said, "What are you doing in Spring and Autumn Dream? Is it so easy to meet someone like my mother?"

 It's just her father's bad luck that he met a high-class girl like her mother.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Don't complain about dad, be careful to let him know."

Sister Yang laughed and said, "You know it, dad doesn't dare to hit me anyway."

 As long as her mother is here, her father would not dare to beat her.

Sister Ying shook her head, "Yes, you can say it, but I can't say it to you."

Sister Yang laughed, ran over to hug her, and whispered in her ear, "Sister, I found that my brother-in-law's attitude towards you has been much better these days."

  Previously in the state capital, Jing Shirong was cold and cold to Sister Ying.

 Through this experience of catching bad guys, Jing Shirong's attitude has become much better.

Although he is not very enthusiastic, at least he is no longer stubborn in whatever Sister Ying asks him to do. Basically, he will do whatever she asks him to do silently.

However, he also wanted to save face. Sometimes he wanted to say something to Sister Ying, but he would not say anything and deliberately walked around in front of her, forcing Sister Ying to ask him.

"what do you want?"

Jing Shirong pretended to be cold and said, "Beef noodles."

 He has fallen in love with beef noodles recently and wants to eat beef noodles every now and then.

 But beef is rarely sold on the streets and is basically unavailable.

Sister Ying is also a doting person. If she can't buy beef noodles, she buys mutton buns.

 The mutton is sliced ​​and sautéed until fragrant, then wrapped in skin and steamed. When you take a bite, you will be filled with the aroma of mutton juice.

 She bought the mutton buns and handed them to Jing Shirong, but Jing Shirong refused to eat them with a sullen face, as if questioning why there were no beef noodles.

Sister Ying knew that he was awkward, so she opened the mutton bun and put it to his mouth, coaxing him softly, "Okay, I know you want to eat beef noodles. I will buy it for you next time. You can eat this first."

Often after she said this, Jing Shirong would proudly open his mouth and eat the food.

Others are not stupid and know that the reason why Jing Shirong did this was just to feed Sister Ying. It disgusts them to death.

Sister Ying didn't know it, but she also enjoyed it.

Although his memory has not recovered, during these days he is no longer cold and willing to talk to her, but can instead take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate feelings with her.

 The couple is basically one attacking and the other soft.

Jing Shirong is arrogant and determined not to take the initiative in anything. But Sister Ying had to take the initiative, and she had to wander around in front of Sister Ying every day, trying to attract her attention.

Sister Ying sometimes gets tired of it and doesn’t want to talk to him at all.

But if she ignores him, he will keep a cold face and continue to hang around in front of her.

Sometimes she is impatient and can't help but roll her eyes and ask angrily, "What are you doing!"

 (End of this chapter)

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