The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 565: , deliberately attract attention

Chapter 565: Deliberately attracting attention

Jing Shirong saw her speaking, so he walked over proudly and held out his torn cuffs to show her.

Sister Ying pretended not to see it and said, "What? If you have something to say, just say it. Don't keep your mouth shut and act like a mute."

 Although his attitude has become better these days and he is willing to contact her.

But despite his reticent nature, he was still so silent. Sometimes Sister Ying wanted to take a shovel and pry open his mouth.

But Jing Shirong didn't like to talk. He still pursed his lips and put the torn sleeve into Sister Ying's hand.

Sister Ying pretended not to see it, "I don't know what you want to express."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

She just wanted to provoke him on purpose, to get him to talk more and stop keeping his mouth tightly closed all day long, like a river clam that couldn't be pried open.

Jing Shirong frowned slightly when he saw her turning around and leaving, but followed her in stride.

He walked up to her, stretched out his worn sleeves, and then said, "If it's torn, mend it."

Sister Ying raised the corners of her mouth and smiled slyly with her big eyes, "Want to mend your sleeves? Didn't you never wear shabby clothes before?"

 He was very arrogant before.

 Eat and drink the best. Also a bit obsessive-compulsive.

Even if the buns are torn, he won't even eat them, let alone wear shabby clothes.

  It simply brought out the shortcomings of a rich young man to the fullest.

However, during these days, his memory has recovered a little bit. Although he can only remember what happened five or six years ago, his attitude has changed a lot.

Especially during these days, the way he looked at Sister Ying was always a little searching.

Sister Ying didn't know why he kept looking at her, so she asked him, "Why do you always look at me?"

He didn't like to talk to her before, but now he peeks at her from time to time, not knowing what he is looking at?

Jing Shirong was discovered by her. She said nothing and continued to pass her sleeves over.


Sister Ying was really convinced by him, "No need to mend it. Your clothes are too torn. There is a ready-made clothes shop in front of you. I will go over and buy you two good ones in a while."

They walked a long way and their clothes and shoes were worn out, so they just bought two new ones.

After arriving at the street, Sister Ying called to Jing Shirong, "Let's go to the clothing store."

Jing Shirong followed her, glanced down at her slender fingers, and suddenly stopped.

Sister Ying didn't hear the footsteps following him. She turned around and saw him standing motionless, frowning, "What are you doing? Come here."

Jing Shirong did not move, only staring at her fingers.

Sister Ying knew what he meant, but she pretended not to know.

 “If you don’t want to come in, just wait outside.”

 Having said that, he went in first.


Jing Shirong didn't expect that she would leave him and go in alone. He took a deep breath and wanted to leave, but was unwilling to do so, so he could only sulk outside the clothing store.

Sister Ying was picking out clothes and shoes for him inside. She took a moment to peek outside and saw him waiting outside, angry and funny.

 Finally, he relented and went out to call him, "Come in, I'll try on the shoes for you to see if they fit."

Jing Shirong, however, snorted and stood proudly outside, motionless.

Sister Ying can't she still deal with him?

She walked out and took the initiative to hold his hand. Jiao Nong whispered, "Okay. Come in, I'll buy you some shoes."

“Aren’t your shoes worn out? I’ll buy you a new pair.”

Jing Shirong snorted softly, and her big hand was tightly held by her. Unwilling to be manipulated by her, he threw her hand away, turned away, and continued to be angry.

Sister Ying groaned, looked at him, and continued to reach out to hold his big hand.

This time she held on tighter, and Jing Shirong didn't even shake her away after the first swipe.

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "Can you try shaking it again?"

If he dares to let go this time, she won't hold him anymore.


Jing Shirong saw that she was still angry, so he also challenged her.     "Throw it away."

Really shook her hand away.

Sister Ying chuckled, "Okay. I will never hold you back again."

 After that, he went into the store, bought new clothes and shoes for everyone, then packed them up and went back.

Jing Shirong saw that she had really left him and left without coming to coax him, so she hurriedly chased after him.

He followed Sister Ying and saw that she was holding a large bag of clothes that seemed a bit heavy, so he reached out to take it for her.

When Sister Ying saw this, she snorted childishly, but she didn't fight with him.

The two of them went back one after another. Qi Yuanming also came back with Sister Yang after buying snacks, big and small.

Sister Ying asked strangely, "Brother Qi, where did you get the money?"

It is well known that Qi Yuanming is a poor man, but he suddenly spends a lot of money buying things for Sister Yang. Everyone is curious about where he got the money.

Qi Yuanming coughed and turned away with a guilty conscience, "I, I picked it up."

 Everyone was surprised, "Picked it up?"

 Is money so easy to pick up?

Sister Yang also asked him, "Yes. Didn't you have any money before? Why are you suddenly rich now?"

 When he paid the money just now, she thought it was the eldest sister who gave it to him.

  I didn’t expect it, right?

Qi Yuanming was looked at by them all and had no choice but to move.

“Just, when I entered the cellar last time, those bosses dropped their money on the floor. I picked it up when I saw it.”

I didn’t think much about it at the time. I thought it was a piece of evidence, so I kept it there. Today I happened to come to a busy street and saw some delicious food, so I happily took Sister Yang to eat delicious food.

 When I was paying, I remembered I had picked up the money.

As the old saying goes, you can't keep the money you picked up, so he wanted to spend it all.

After hearing this, everyone was speechless and funny.

Sister Yang shook her head funny and told him, "Don't pick up this kind of money in the future. When you return to the capital, you should buy some property and work hard to make money. Spending your own money is the most enjoyable."

Qi Yuanming nodded, took out the rest and distributed them to the beggars on the street.

He was so obedient that Sister Yang smiled helplessly, shook her head, and went with him.

Sister Ying watched from the side and said to Brother Sen, "Do you feel that Sister Yang seems to be getting better and better towards Brother Qi?"

  We didn’t like each other before.

Now that they have gotten along together, the two of them don't seem to quarrel so much anymore. On the contrary, they get along better and better.

 Seng Geer nodded, "That's true."

But they are both like children, three years old and three years old, so they probably have no other ideas.

Sister Ying, who is as eldest as her mother, sighed, "That's it, let them play."

Originally, she didn’t want Sister Yang to fall in love prematurely.

But in ancient times, girls married young, and Sister Yang’s age is not considered premature love nowadays.

 In addition, Qi Yuanming is a good person. If they can succeed, it will be great.

 But it’s too early to say this now.

These two people may be just two naive children, and they may not have any ideas in that regard.

 Let’s observe and observe first.

Jing Shirong saw that she was talking to Brother Sen for a long time without even saying a word to him. She felt that she was being ignored and immediately walked over with a bad face.

 The taller man stood in front of her, which was an eyesore.

Sister Ying.

This guy loves to steal the spotlight lately.

 No matter what she does, it seems like she is deliberately trying to attract his attention, which is very annoying.

 (End of this chapter)

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