The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 566: , finally arrived in Beijing

Chapter 566, finally arrived in the capital

Sister Ying glared at him angrily, "What are you doing? You're blocking my sunlight!"

Jing Shirong, however, did not leave. His face was smelly and he stood in front of her like a piece of wood.

 Seng Ge'er ran away when he saw this, so he didn't get involved in the couple's affairs.

Gu Gu also went drinking with Seng Geer.

 The couple was left staring at each other.

“I praised you for being sensible just now, but now you are at odds with me?”

Jing Shirong didn’t answer, pouting slightly, with a look of denial on his face.

He does not admit that he is awkward, and Sister Ying has many ways to treat him.

She deliberately took a step back and said provocatively, "You think I can't leave if you block me?"

 If she can't go forward, she will retreat.

 Having said that, take two steps back.

Jing Shirong’s cold face was amused by her.

The handsome man came over with a smile on his face.

When Sister Ying retreats, he will enter.

She retreats again, and he advances again.

The two of them were teasing and laughing.

It was Sister Ying who took the initiative, jumped on him, hung her hands around his neck, and smiled happily.

Jing Shirong followed her and held her waist with his big hands.

The eyes that are usually indifferent are also full of smiles at this time.

Qi Yuanming drove the carriage over and told them, "Stop making trouble and get in the carriage."

 After being away from Beijing for so long, it’s time to go back.

Sister Ying was also afraid that her parents-in-law in the capital would be worried, so she pulled Jing Shirong into the carriage and the group continued on their way.

They took a shortcut through the mountains and walked on a waterway, and it took more than two months to reach the foot of the capital.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the capital, Qi Yuanming breathed a particularly cordial sigh of relief.

 “Good guy, we’ve got it.”

It’s been almost a year since I left, and I’m home.

It was Sister Yang's first time in the capital, and she looked around curiously with her big eyes.

Qi Yuanming introduced her enthusiastically, "Let's go, let's take you for a walk on the street."

 After saying that, he took Sister Yang and ran away.

 Seng Geer also came here for the first time and followed them to look around.

●Gu Gu visited the capital many years ago, and now that he is back, he feels quite emotional.

“When I came to the capital twenty years ago, it was not so prosperous.”

Twenty years have passed since we last saw each other. The capital has been completely renovated and the streets and alleys are very beautiful and clean.

The whole street was bustling with people.

Sister Ying has not been back for a long time, and she feels relieved to be home.

She pulled Jing Shirong out of the carriage and asked him, "Go for a walk on the street? See if you can think of anything?"

Jing Shirong hummed and changed clothes with her, pretending to be a middle-aged couple. They walked and looked at each other and walked slowly back to Jing's house.

 He walked all the way and felt very familiar with the area in the direction of Jingjia.

Sister Ying asked him, "Did you remember anything?"

Jing Shirong nodded and shook his head.

“I remember this place. My mother brought me here to buy roasted chestnuts when I was a child.”

But the shop that sold sugar-roasted chestnuts is gone and is now a tofu shop.

Sister Ying nodded, understanding that he was remembering what happened a few years ago, so she was not in a hurry and let him take his time.

“Let’s go back and see my parents and grandmother first.”

 After being out for so long, Mr. Jing and Mr. Jing were probably worried.

Jing Shirong hummed and returned to Jing's house hand in hand with her.

 When they arrived at Jing's house, they climbed over the wall to prevent the housekeeper from screaming when he saw them.

 Jing will be looking at the account book in the room right now.

Sister Ying took advantage of the maid's absence and knocked quietly on the door. Jingshi said suspiciously, "Who is it?"

Normally a maid will take the initiative to report when she knocks on the door. Why don't you say anything today?

Sister Ying whispered, "Mom, it's me."

Jing thought it was Jing Xin who came back at first, but then she thought about it and realized that the voice was wrong.

Jing Xin has a fiery temperament. If he knocks on the door with her, he will rush in immediately.

 She reacted, "Sister Ying?"

He was so happy that he ran over to see it.

 “Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying smiled and hugged her, "Mom~"

Jing was so happy that she hugged her tightly, "Oh my god, you are back, but you miss me so much."

 After saying that, he looked up and down at Sister Ying and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was fine.

 Then let’s take a look at Jing Shirong.

 “A Jing? Why don’t you speak?”

Qi Yuanming had sent them a letter before, but he didn't tell them about Jing Shirong's poisoning, for fear that they would worry.

Now that people are at home, it’s hard to hide anything, so Sister Ying told her carefully.

“Brother Rong has lost his memory, and it may take some time for him to recover.”

 “What? Amnesia?”

Jing was really worried when he heard this, "What about him? Does he still remember who I am?"

Sister Ying shook her head and looked at Jing Shirong, "This is my mother and your own mother. Remember it carefully and see if you remember it."

Jing Shirong glanced at Jingshi and saw that her eyes were red. He vaguely remembered Jingshi's appearance a few years ago, so he opened his mouth and called out, "Mother."

Jing's tears fell when he heard this.

 “Okay, okay, I hope you can come back safely.”

The mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles. Jing Shirong is in danger when he travels outside, and the Jing family all knows it.

 But when the child gets older, there are always things to do. She doesn’t want to stop him from doing big things, so she tries not to ask too many questions.

But if you see him injured and sick, you will still feel uncomfortable.

Especially since they have been away for so long this time and only sent a few letters back, which shows how difficult it is.

Jing felt distressed. She held her son's hand and looked up and down, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "My son is fine, but his memory is a little fuzzy. He will be fine in the future."

Jing's motherly love for him is real, he can feel it, and he naturally respects her.

Jing was relieved when she saw that there were no other wounds on his body and there was no smell of blood.

"It's fine as long as you're fine. As long as you're fine, you can just slowly recall those past events."

As long as the children can come back safely, they can do anything as parents.

Jing Shirong was moved and patted her shoulder to express comfort.

Jing is also a strong mother. After crying, she sniffed and said optimistically, "Okay, I'm fine. You are tired from the long journey, so go wash up first. I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat."

 Having said that, he ordered his servants to boil water.

Jing Shirong said, "Don't disturb other people first."

 They came in over the wall just to see if there were any other moles in the house.

At that time, I wanted to harm him just for a glass of wine, but I always felt that I was not convincing enough.

Perhaps there is a traitor in this house.

When Jing heard this, he was surprised and said, "You said there is a traitor in the family?"

 But nothing has happened for so many years?

Sister Ying whispered to her, "Brother Rong was probably poisoned a few years ago. But I don't know who poisoned him. It's best to be on guard and find out first."

 When Mrs. Jing heard that her son had been poisoned, she immediately became angry?

“You said A Jing lost his memory because someone poisoned him?”

  This is simply unreasonable!

How dare you harm her son!

Seeing that she was angry, Sister Ying hugged her shoulders and whispered, "We will go back to the other courtyard in a while. We will live there temporarily and will not come back. Don't send anyone to look for us in the other courtyard."

Otherwise it would be bad to alert the spies.

Jing Shi understood and reassured her, "Mom, I understand. I will take care of this matter and won't alert others. Don't worry."

 (End of this chapter)

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