The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 567: , take Sister Yang back to Qi’s house

Chapter 567, Take Sister Yang back to Qi’s house

 After chatting with Mr. Jing, Sister Ying took Jing Shirong to live in another courtyard.

 Seng Geer and Gu Gu also moved in.

As for Qi Yuanming, he went back to see his parents first, and even took Sister Yang with him.

Sister Yang didn’t want to go at first. After all, she was not familiar with the place. It was a bit embarrassing to suddenly go to someone else’s house.

 But Qi Yuanming said, "That's nothing. My mother is very kind. She is a warm-hearted person just like your mother."

 “And let me tell you, my mother really likes the little girl.”

 Their family has mostly sons and few girls, so Mrs. Qi wanted to have a daughter when she was young, but she couldn't.

 She will definitely be very happy if Sister Yang goes over to see her later.

Sister Yang still felt awkward, "Otherwise, you can go alone. I want to go back to find my sister for dinner."

Qi Yuanming refused and pulled her over the wall together.

“Ouch, why are you so at odds with me? We are like brothers, we still share what is yours and what is mine.”

"I already regard Aunt Liang as my godmother, so you should also regard my mother as your godmother. Come on, come back with me and have a look."

Sister Yang had no choice but to go back with him.

 After arriving at Qi’s house, Qi Yuanming took Sister Yang to stand under the big tree in the courtyard and introduced her to the things in the courtyard.

“Our family is not rich, and everything in the yard is old, so don’t mind.”

Sister Yang looked under the tree and saw that the things in the Qi family courtyard were indeed quite old.

 And there aren’t many things. Apart from a sword stand, there really isn’t anything else.

 There is no rockery, no fish pond, and no back garden.

Qi Yuanming said, "No, there is still a back garden."

But there are no flowers in their back garden. Instead, they are filled with straw targets.

Sister Yang felt ashamed and asked, "Is your back garden used for martial arts training?"

  Not to admire the flowers or appreciate the moon, but to use it all for fighting?

Qi Yuanming scratched his head in embarrassment and chuckled, "What about that? My parents are both martial arts practitioners. They can't compare with elegant people. Don't dislike it if you see it."

 Their family is all trained in martial arts, they have a carefree temperament, and they are really not gentle people.

Sister Yang covered her mouth and smiled, "What do I dislike? There is nothing wrong with practicing martial arts."

 Elegant people have the advantages of being gentle people, and rough people also have advantages of roughness. There is no comparison. Just be happy.

 Qi Yuanming likes her open-mindedness.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you to the backyard to find my mother.”

At this time, his mother must be practicing martial arts in the backyard.

Sister Yang went with him and saw a middle-aged woman practicing martial arts in the bare back garden.

Mrs. Qi has a dashing appearance and is much taller than the average woman. It’s not surprising that Qi Yuanming is so tall. I guess she just follows his mother.

Qi Yuanming saw the opportunity and threw a stone at Mrs. Qi.

Mrs. Qi was suddenly hit with a stone on the back of her head, and she cursed angrily, "Which shameless little thief dares to sneak up on me?"

 Having said that, I looked sharply at the tree beside the yard.

 “Er smash?”

Mrs. Qi's eyes lit up and she became very excited when she saw Qi Yuanming. Just when she was about to call him, she saw Qi Yuanming making a silent gesture towards her and immediately shut up without making a sound.

She coughed and gave Qi Yuanming a look, saying she would see him at the same place.

 Mother and son communicate frequently and understand each other just by looking at each other.

Mrs. Qi waved the servant away and said that she was going to the stable to give the horse a bath, and the servant went down on his own initiative.

 Qi Yuanming took Sister Yang to follow.

After they entered the stable, Mrs. Qi rushed over happily, "Hey! Long time no see."

Qi Yuanming was also very happy, "Mother~"

Mother and son laughed and hugged each other. Just as they were about to say something provocative, Mrs. Qi suddenly noticed Sister Yang next to her.     “Yo, who is this little girl?”

Qi Yuanming hurriedly introduced her, "This is A Jing's sister-in-law, called Sister Yang. She is a sweet little girl."

Mrs. Qi glanced at the two of them with unclear eyes, "Really? Do you like her so much?"

Qi Yuanming admitted openly, "I like it. Our sister Yang has medical skills and is very courageous. Like you, she is a hero among women."

This is the first time Qi Yuanming has praised a girl to his family.

Especially when you praise, your eyes always smile.

Mrs. Qi was very happy. She took Sister Yang's hand enthusiastically and said to her, "Sister Yang, right? You are so handsome, even better-looking than when I was young."

Seeing her playful personality, Sister Yang smiled and said, "No, you look good now too."

Mrs. Qi felt very happy when she was praised, "Hahaha, is that right?"

 The little mouth is so sweet, she likes it.

Qi Yuanming also laughed, but still remembered the business.

"Mom, we came back secretly. We will go to Ajing's other courtyard to live in a while and we won't come back. Please tell dad."

Mrs. Qi understood their difficulties and said, "Don't worry, I will tell your father."

But what I want to say is, “When can you move back in?”

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and thought for a moment, "I'll be back when I find out who poisoned A Jing."

They came back early this time because they wanted to find out the real culprit who poisoned Jing Shirong. They would be busy tomorrow and probably wouldn't have time to come back.

Mrs. Qi nodded to express her understanding.

"Okay, you can leave if you want. But can Sister Yang stay with me?"

Sister Yang was embarrassed and smiled at Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming immediately protected her, pulled her over, and said, "Don't have any ideas about her, she is still young."

 Having said that, hide your back, even your own mother won’t give it to you.

Mrs. Qi saw that he was so stubborn and didn't understand anything, so she waved her hand generously.

"Okay, okay, I know you are stingy and don't want to stay, so get out. You are still wasting my food by staying at home."

 Speaking of wasting food, Qi Yuanming thought of business.

“By the way, mother, is the martial arts gym you said you wanted to give me still there?”

 When he came back this time, he really wanted to start running an industry.

Otherwise, for such a poor person, the money is really not enough.

Mrs. Qi was very pleased to see that he was still motivated. She took a deep look at Sister Yang and felt that this was all the result of Sister Yang, and she liked her even more.

  "Here he is, here he is. My mother has been watching over you all these years, and I will send you the money soon."

Qi Yuanming was delighted, "Do you still have money?"

Although he knew that his parents had purchased a property for him, he had not taken care of it, so he naturally had no idea of ​​the income.

 It is of course a surprise to have money now.

Mrs. Qi generously took out a banknote from her pocket and gave it to him, "Nuo, take it. Save some money and buy something for Sister Yang, but don't spend it."

Qi Yuanming took a look at the number and said discouraged, "It's only one hundred taels?"

 One hundred taels can't buy much in the capital.

Mrs. Qi saw that he was disgusted and hit him on the shoulder, "You brat, do you think martial arts schools are easy to make money?"

Although their martial arts school has many apprentices, the tuition fees are only paid twice. After that it was gone. "

This kind of store itself doesn't make much money, it only occasionally collects souvenirs from students.

Qi Yuanming was discouraged, "Then do I have any other property in my name? The kind that can make money?"

 (End of this chapter)

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