The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 572: , began to investigate the poisoning matter

Chapter 572: Start investigating the poisoning matter

 There are so many wealthy people in the capital, and there should not be many who want Jing Shirong's life.

 At first he kept a low profile, and many people did not know that he was working for the emperor.

 Only some military ministers know about it.

However, those military ministers had no conflicts with the Jing family and could not kill him.

If anyone has an enmity with him, it seems that not many of them really have an enmity.

Jing Shirong’s ability to do things before he lost his memory was excellent. Not only was he generous with his actions, but he also knew how to save face for others.

 He was educated by Grandpa Jing. He is very measured in his dealings with others and he also knows how to act.

The only people who don't get along with him may be the princes in the palace.

 In recent years, the emperor intentionally or unintentionally exposed Jing Shirong to the eyes of the princes. So those princes all knew that he was the emperor's right-hand man.

 There were several princes who wanted to bribe Jing Shirong before, but he declined them all.

Perhaps that group of people thought that Jing Shirong didn't know how to promote and was too powerful, which would hinder their way to seize the throne, so they wanted to eliminate him.

However, "Which prince will it be who poisons him?"

 Qi Yuanming touched his chin and thought hard.

“The second prince is cunning and cunning, and his methods are ruthless. I wonder if it could be him?”

Jing Shirong had a vague impression of these princes.

 The prince looked helpless, but he was actually supported by the three princesses.

Moreover, this person is good at pretending and is the best at pretending to be an innocent person. He is also a character.

However, the third princess never broke up with them, and the prince must have known about it, so the prince had no intention of harming him.

 As for the two princes born to the queen, it is very possible.

The queen tried to win over Jing Shirong several times, but he declined politely. She probably held a grudge.

Especially after Sister Ying got married and came to the capital, the Queen also tried to let Sister Ying enter the palace, but the Jing family refused, saying that the young couple had gone out together.

As soon as the queen heard that Jing Shirong was out, she knew that Jing Shirong must have gone to work for the emperor again, so she asked someone to check Jing Shirong secretly.

However, Jing Shirong was highly skilled in martial arts and was being followed. He found out immediately and beat the person immediately and asked the secret guard to go back and "report well!" Don't interfere with his business.

The little secret guard was beaten violently on the first day he was promoted and did his first mission. Naturally, he was obedient and reported the false situation to the queen.

Several times because of wrong information, the queen and the emperor almost had a quarrel, and the couple almost disagreed.

 So the queen also had a grudge against Jing Shirong.

Perhaps she wanted to poison Jing Shirong.

“Ajing, could this be the queen’s idea?”

 After all, the second prince is the queen's favorite, and the queen is eager to kill the prince so that her son can take the throne.

However, he suffered from the fact that the prince was the son of the late queen. If he were to depose the prince rashly, he would definitely not be able to stop Youyou from talking about it, so he could only give up for the time being.

At first, she wanted the second prince to win over Jing Shirong, but Jing Shirong refused, saying that he would not participate in court affairs.

 The second prince felt that he was just quibbling and looked down on him, so he also had a grudge with Jing Shirong.

 So the mother and son are the most suspicious.

 The above are all Qi Yuanming’s bold guesses.

"A Jing, do you think what I said is right? Is this what the Queen asked Zhao Jie to do?"

 Otherwise, Zhao Jie, a newly promoted petty official, would dare to directly poison the emperor's confidants?

 If there is no one behind him to support him, I don’t believe he has the guts.

Jing Shirong didn’t deny it, but he didn’t make it final either.

He asked Qi Yuanming, "Go to the palace to explore the situation first. Be careful not to be discovered."

Qi Yuanming was confident and promised, "Don't worry. I have been away from the palace for so many years, and I promise that they will not see me."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Go ahead and come back early."

Qi Yuanming sighed, and suddenly the news came in the dark. With his skill, he can come and go in the palace freely without being discovered, Jing Shirong can be sure of this.

 As to whether the queen poisoned him, it remains to be determined.

Sister Ying came over to bring them tea. Seeing that he was the only one in the study, she asked, "Where is Brother Qi?"

Jing Shirong lowered his head to read, "Let's go."

Sister Ying put down the tea and muttered, "He should be allowed to have lunch before leaving."

Jing Shirong, however, snorted and said, "If we leave after dinner, we won't be able to investigate the case."

That guy can eat a bowl of white rice in one meal and gain weight after eating it.

If other places are fine, his martial arts can ensure that he will not be discovered.

 But it was different in the palace.

There are many experts in the palace. If he is not very familiar with the alleys in the palace, he will definitely be discovered after eating a full meal and drinking a large bowl of soup.

Sister Ying couldn't help laughing, "Don't say that to him. He is tall and it is normal for him to eat a lot."

Don’t you think she also eats a lot?

Jing Shirong lowered his head and looked at her belly, but there was no one there.

This woman does have a larger appetite than ordinary girls, but she is not fat at all or has a bloated belly. It is really amazing.

Sister Ying sat down and said to him, "I was watering the flowers in the yard just now when I heard footsteps walking outside. I suspect someone is watching us."

This kind of footsteps is different from those of pedestrians passing by. At first glance, it sounds like he is a man of skill.

Jing Shirong raised his eyes and looked outside, "Someone should be here to monitor."

 The news of their return was not kept secret too closely.

 First, I want to reveal it to those who are interested, so that those who want him dead can take the initiative to show up to see whether he is alive or dead.

 This way they can catch turtles in an urn.

 The second is to tell the emperor that they are back and want to see the emperor's reaction.

The emperor had no response in the past two days and did not send anyone over. He must have known what he was investigating and it was rare that he did not interfere.

 As for the people who came over today to take a peek, they were probably other people.

But by the way, "Has your hearing improved?"

Can you actually hear the spies’ footsteps?

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "I have been outside with you for more than a year, and just by listening to your footsteps, I can tell that I have reached the door."

 They are all masters. The sound of their walking and the strength of their feet are different from ordinary people.

Especially the level of martial arts and the aura are also very different, she can already tell the difference.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand to pinch the flesh of her palm and praised, "Not bad, there is progress."

Although he is not good at martial arts, at least his hearing is good.

Sister Ying was praised, she raised her chin and started to smile.

“I’m just not good at boxing and kicking, but my Qinggong is pretty good. Sometimes Brother Seng can’t catch up with me.”

Jing Shirong didn’t believe it, “Then why haven’t I seen you use it before?”

Along the way, she either rode in a carriage, rode a horse, or was carried by him, but never saw her floating on the water with Qinggong.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "With my husband by my side, how can I float on the water with Qinggong?" She just needed someone to carry her, she was too lazy to use Qinggong.

Jing Shirong was really impressed by her and told her, "Don't go out recently. Let the inn bring you whatever you want to eat."

 Since the people in the dark know that they are back, they will definitely take action.

Sister Ying knew, "Don't worry, I won't go out."

“But what if someone robs the food and knocks on the door pretending to be from a delivery inn?”

 (End of this chapter)

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